Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: gyarados, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
Mega Gyarados Arrives In Lunar New Year Event In Pokémon GO
Niantic has announced the details for their upcoming Lunar New Year event in Pokémon GO, which will spotlight red Pokémon in the wild and debut a new Mega Raid… and it's a big one. Mega Gyarados is on the way.
The full details for the Lunar New Year event in Pokémon GO include:
- When: Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 at 10 AM until Sunday, February 14th, 2021 at 1 PM local time.
- Red Pokémon will be boosted in the wild, including Krabby, Goldeen, Magmar, Magikarp, Miltank, Meditite, Tepig, and more. Gyarados will also feature as a rare wild spawn and can be encountered in its Shiny form.
- Field Research found at PokéStops will yield encounters with Meowth, Alolan Meowth, Galarian Meowth, Meditite, and Miltank.
- Hatching from 5 km Eggs will be Pokémon themed to the Lunar New Year including Rattata, Ekans, Mankey, Ponyta, Mareep, Houndour, Miltank, Torchic, Bagon, Buneary, Tepig, and Litleo.
- The raid rotation will include Meditite, Carvanha, Duskull, Skorupi, and Darumaka in one-star raids; Miltank, Octillery, Blaziken, Camerupt, and Absol in three-star raids; Latios and Latias in five-star raids; andMega Pidgeot, Mega Gyarados, and Mega Ampharos in Mega Raids from Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 10 AM to Saturday, February 20, 2021, at 9:00 AM local time.
- Tauros, which can be Shiny, will be featured in Timed Research celebrating the Year of the Ox.
Gyarados is already an elite Water-type Pokémon. Now, with its Mega coming, it will likely become an even better species to use in raids. Stay tuned to Bleeding Cool for our complete Mega Gyarados Raid Guide to help you prepare for its arrival.
Niantic also announced the following bonuses for the upcoming event:
Gifts will contain more Poké Balls, so be sure to send lots of Gifts to your friends. You're more likely to become Lucky Friends with your friends, so be sure to swap Gifts, battle in raids, and trade with them! When you trade a Pokémon, it'll be more likely to become a Lucky Pokémon. Trading range will be temporarily increased to 40 km from Monday, February 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. to Monday, February 15, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. PST (GMT −8).