Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: mega evolution, mega raids, pokemon, pokemon go, Venusaur
Mega Venusaur Raid Spotlight: Leaving Pokémon GO This Friday
Venusaur is a Grass/Poison-type Pokémon from the Kanto region that can currently be battled in Mega Raids in Pokémon GO. Introduced with the other Generation One starter evolutions, Blastoise and Charizard, in the first round of Mega Raids, Venusaur will be the first of the originals to leave. Mega Venusaur exits this Friday, October 23rd at 6 PM Pacific, replaced by Gengar. This Raid Spotlight will give trainers everything they need to know about this Pokémon, including its Shiny rate and 100% IVs.
Like all Megas, Venusaur reverts to its standard form when defeated in Mega Raids. Completing these raids gives Pokémon GO trainers Mega Venusaur Energy so they can Mega Evolve their own Venusaur, but one of the most alluring aspects of this new kind of raid is in the bonus challenge: Pokémon featured in Mega Raids have a one in sixty chance of being Shiny according to Silph researchers. Not only are these Mega Venusaur raids a good shot at hunting the Shiny if you missed out on Bulbasaur Community Day, but collecting the Mega Energy for Venusaur is a solid investment. When Mega Evolved, Venusaur becomes a top counter against Legendary Pokémon such as Kyogre.
It isn't easy to take down Mega Venusaur, though. We broke down the top counters to take this beast on in Pokémon GO in our Mega Raid Guide, but it is important to note that this raid cannot be completed by solo players. Two trainers can do it, but this is not recommended. Going in with four trainers with the top counters is the best bet. Fire-type Pokémon, as well as Psychic-types, will do well against Mega Venusaur. Going in with a Mega Evolved Charizard, a powered-up Reshiram, and some Shadow Pokémon with Frustration TMed away is also a good bet.
When looking for a 100% IV Pokémon, Venusaur's top CP in raids is 1,554 in normal conditions and 1,943 in boosted conditions.