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Pokémon GO Battle League Season 9: Halloween Cup Meta Oct. 2021
A new spooky cup is active in GO Battle League Season Nine in Pokémon GO. Right now, the Great League is back for a second round but all eyes are on the special, limited offering of the Halloween Cup. Let's take a look at the meta of Halloween Cup, which uses the Great League CP limit of 1,500 per Pokémon. In this Cup, only Poison-, Bug-, Ghost-, Dark-, and Fairy-types are permitted. Prepare to take your buddies into battle with this guide, breaking down the top species to use in Pokémon GO Halloween Cup bouts right now.
The top-ranked Pokémon for the Halloween Cup in Pokémon GO include:
- Mandibuzz: Air Slash, Foul Play, Aerial Ace
- Golbat: Wing Attack, Poison Fang, Shadow Ball
- Azumarill powered up with Candy XL: Bubble, Ice Beam, Play Rough
- Nidoqueen: Poison Jab, Poison Fang, Earth Power
- Shadow Nidoqueen: Poison Jab, Poison Fang, Earth Power
- Shadow Beedrill: Poison Jab, Drill Run, X-Scissor
- Alolan Ninetails: Powder Snow, Ice-type Weather Ball, Dazzling Gleam
- Trash Cloak Wormadam powered up with Candy XL: Confusion, Iron Head, Bug Buzz
- Crustle: Smack Down, X-Scissor, Rock Slide
- Jellicent: Hex, Bubble Beam, Shadow Ball
- Froslass: Powder Snow, Avalanche, Shadow Ball
- Mawile: Fire Fang, Power-up Punch, Play Rough
- Alolan Grimer powered up with Candy XL: Poison Jab, Crunch, Sludge Bomb
- Shadow Golbat: Wing Attack, Poison Fang, Shadow Ball
- Forretress: Bug Bite, Mirror Shot, Earthquake
- Azumarill: Bubble, Ice Beam, Play Rough
- Shadow Scizor: Bullet Punch, Night Slash, Iron Head
- Umbreon: Snarl, Foul Play, Last Resort
- Shadow Skuntank: Poison Jab, Crunch, Flamethrower
- Alolan Muk: Poison Jab, Dark Pulse, Acid Spray
This is a major switch-up since the last time we saw the Halloween Cup in Pokémon GO. This is due in large part to the Candy XL mechanic that didn't exist back during 202o's Halloween Cup.