Defeat Articuno in Tier Five Raids during the season of Might & Mastery in Pokémon GO using these top Pokémon, attacks, and tips.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: 2021 Holiday Event, Glaceon, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Event Review: 2021 Holiday Event Part One
Pokémon GO 2021 Holiday Event has wrapped up Part One and has moved to the Bergmite and Galarian Darumaka-focused Part Two. Let's look back at Part One to see how this event measured up to the high expectations.
What worked for this Pokémon GO event
- New costumes: Personally, I love Costumed Pokémon. They create a way for Niantic to offer something cute and new to players while prolonging the life of the game by spacing out full species drops and Shiny releases. The costumes this time were exceptional, with Glaceon and Spheal both matching their Pokémon Center plushies.
- New Shiny release with Spheal: Shiny Spheal in costume is a perfect new release. With Spheal Community Day happening in January 2022, this was a chance to offer up an exclusive teaser for what's to come.
- High Shiny rate for Glaceon in raids: Glaceon was observed to have a high Shiny rate in raids, which made this festive Eeveelution quite worthy of the raid pass.
- Solid spawn rate: Costumes galore and Ice-types all over! I couldn't have asked for a better situation with wild spawns.
- Shiny Kyurem in raids: Last year's 2020 Holiday Event was infamously dragged down by a five-week-long Kyurem raid rotation that offered no new moves and no Shiny chance. Now, Pokémon GO redeems this highly anticipated event by giving us a chance at catching Shiny Kyurem and delivering terrific spawns.
What didn't work for this Pokémon GO event
- December 2021 Recap Community Day Weekend interrupted it for two days: Hey, Niantic. Quick question… why? It's all good, but why? You know? Why, do you think, that happened? Why, right? Why would that happen?
Overall, the first part of the 2021 Holiday Event was a great success with only one drawback that is just so, so par for the course with Niantic. Still, while that was such a weird choice, the event was overall a huge improvement over 2020's equivalent offering and gave us all a fun week of Pokémon GO gameplay. I remain excited for Part Two, which begins today.

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