Posted in: Card Games, Games, Pokémon TCG, Tabletop | Tagged: Arceus, pokemon, pokemon cards, Pokemon TCG, Sword & Shield
Pokémon TCG Will Roll Out Arceus VSTAR Ultra Premium Collection
We are starting to get major news about upcoming Pokémon TCG products well ahead of their release date. These are products that are far enough from the release that we do not have box art or card art to share, but the news regarding the contents is too major that it has to be taken seriously by fans due to the nature of this product. The Pokémon TCG has announced an Arceus VSTAR Ultra Premium Collection, and the last time we saw an Ultra Premium Collection, it was very hard to find and heavily scalped. The Arceus VSTAR Ultra Premium Collection will arrive this winter, but we do not yet know what the contents or price will be. There is, however, a Charizard VSTAR Ultra Premium Collection that will have "Special Arts" which are likely Alternate Arts.
In addition to this news, here is the upcoming slate of Pokémon TCG releases for the second half of 2022:
- Sword & Shield – Lost Origin pre-release events: Featuring Build & Battle Boxes with four booster packs and four available SWSH Black Star Promos, one random selection in each box. Begins August 27th.
- Heavy Hitters Premium Collection: This box features fourteen booster packs along with reprinted cards featuring Lucario V, Tyranitar V, a holo Lucario, and a holo Tyranitar from previous sets. This product does not feature any exclusive SWSH Black Star Promos. Prices have not yet been announced. Releasing September 1st.
- Holiday Calendar Box: This box features eight promo cards, new SWSH fun packs, six booster packs, and more. We do not currently have information on the promo cards. Releasing September 1st.
- Trick or Trade BOOster Packs: This $14.99 bundle will include 40 mini booster packs featuring cards from previous sets stamped with a Pikachu Pumpkin. This is intended as a means to give children low-cost packs on Halloween. Releasing September 1st.
- Sword & Shield – Lost Origin Set Drop: Featuring booster packs, booster boxes, booster bundles, Elite Trainer Boxes, three-pack blisters, and single-pack blisters. Releasing September 9th.
- Infernape V box: Retailing for $19.99, this will be a normal V box with a card, its jumbo version, and four packs. Infernape V is a SWSH Black Star Promo exclusive to this box. Releasing September 9th.
- Origin Forme Dialga Premium Collection & Origin Forme Palkia Premium Collection: These $39.99 boxes will feature a Full Art V and VSTAR Origin Forme Dialga and Palkia, respectively. Each of these are brand new SWSH Black Star Promos. These will each have six booster packs. Releasing October 7th.
- Zeraora VMAX & VSTAR Battle Box: This will include four booster packs three SWSH Black Star Promos: Zeraora V, Zeraora VMAX, and Zeraora VSTAR. It will be released on October 14th, 2022, for $29.99.
- Deoxys VMAX & VSTAR Battle Box: This will include four booster packs three SWSH Black Star Promos: Deoxys V, Deoxys VMAX, and Deoxys VSTAR. It will be released on October 14th, 2022, for $29.99.
- Virizion V box: Retailing for $19.99, this will be a normal V box with a Virizion V, its jumbo version, and four packs. It also includes a reprint of Keldeo from Astral Radiance with no changes to the art. Releasing October 14th.
- October 2022 V Battle Decks: Two will be released for $14.99 each, respectively, featuring the same Vs. from the Deoxys & Zeraora Battle Box products. Releasing October 14th.
- An as-of-yet untitled Ultra-Premium Collection: Retailing for approximately $120, this collection will feature three "etched foil special art cards" as a V, VMAX, and VSTAR. It will also include sixteen booster packs, a coin, sleeves, and more. The last time we saw an Ultra-Premium Collection was the highly coveted Celebrations UPC, which ended up going for exorbitantly high prices in the secondary market. Before that, the only other times we saw Ultra Premium Collections were for SWSH Zacian and Zamazenta Gold Ultra-Premium Collection, as well as the Shiny Rayquaza-themed UPC for the special set Hidden Fates. Releasing October 2022.
- Hisuian Electrode V box: Retailing for $19.99, this will be a normal V box with a card, its jumbo version, and four packs. Hisuian Electrode V is a SWSH Black Star Promo exclusive to this box. Releasing November 4th.
- Giratina V, Rotom V, and Gallade V Tins: These $24.99 tins will feature five booster packs and one Pokémon-V exclusive to the tin featuring either Origin Forme Giratina, Rotom, or Gallade. Each of these are brand new SWSH Black Star Promos. Releasing Fall 2022.
- Sword & Shield – Silver Tempest pre-release events: Featuring Build & Battle Boxes with four booster packs and four available SWSH Black Star Promos, one random selection in each box. Begins on October 29th.
- Sword & Shield – Silver Tempest Set Drop: Featuring booster packs, booster boxes, booster bundles, Elite Trainer Boxes, three-pack blisters, and single-pack blisters. Releasing November 11th.