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Preparing For Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto – Inventory Check
Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto is coming this Saturday, February 20th so it's time to prepare! With this guide, Pokémon trainers can maximize their inventory space. As a warning, this is a guide for trainers who are able to maximize their Item Bag to full capacity. Our advice for those who aren't able to maximize to full capacity is different and can be read at the bottom of this guide. For those who can, now is the time to begin clearing your bag out so that you can use this week to spin PokéStops and open gifts to curate your Item Bag to fit your needs for Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto.
The most important items:
- Balls: This is going to be primarily a catching event. Even if you are playing at an area thick with Stops, you're going to want to start the event with an Item Bag mostly filled with Poké Balls and Ultra Balls. Your mileage may vary based on how you're planning on playing the event, but I recommend 1000 Poké Balls and 200 Ultra Balls. Any number of Great Balls could take place of any of those Poké Balls. The reason that I recommend this as a minimum amount is that this isn't going to be an event where Shiny checking rather than catching makes sense. It will be heavy on Catching Challenges and trading. And besides, you want to take advantage of this chance to earn Candy XL for these Kanto species. Which brings us to…
- Pinap Berries: Besides the premium berries, these are the only kinds that you want to stock up on. These increase the amount of Candy you get from your catches and, in the dawn of Candy XL, pulling in Candy en masse is more important than ever.
- Golden Razz / Silver Pinap Berries: This is a no brainer. As many as you can, bring in. Major raiders should always have over 100 Golden Razz anyway, and we currently have no idea about the Shiny rates of this event. Note, though, that you will likely replenish some of these by raiding Mewtwo and the birds.
- Lucky Eggs & Star Pieces: While the Research may reward some, you want at least enough of these to last for the full 12-hour event.
- Incenses: Same as above.
Consider using/losing:
- TMs: This is going to be controversial, but hey… it is what it is. TMs have become one of the easiest items to earn in large amounts thanks to GO Battle League. PVP players often find themselves in excess of 100 Fast and Charged TMs. You're likely not going to use 100 Fast and Charged TMs. I would cut these down to 50 each at maximum by using them on Pokémon or, I'm sorry all, just straight up deleting.
- Nanab & Razz Berries: Keep a few of these in case you have to use them as part of a task but again… you don't need to go in with 100 each. Delete down to a handful or, better yet, spend the week feeding Gyms so these are turned into Stardust. Bringing a ton of these to Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto, though, is going to leave you constantly returning to your bag to delete items. Nanab Berries stop Pokémon from moving, which is fine for normal gameplay but not essential for the event. Razz Berries make Pokémon easier to catch, which is great. However, you're better off Pinaping standard encounters and using Golden Razz on encounters you want to make sure you get.
- Revives/Potions: Delete down to 65 – 80 each if you're going to be raiding with groups. You will be actively replenishing these through raids.
- Evolution stones: If you're like me, these take up room. I've used all the Metal Coats I'll ever need. I don't need the 50 I currently have. Look at these, assess which you will actually use, and use or toss the rest before the event.
My final note for those who max their Item Bag is to go into Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto with SPACE! You're deleting now so you don't have to spent the whole event doing it. You're curating your stock for what will actually be used during the event. Going in with a good amount of room will help your gameplay immensely.
Now, finally:
Those who don't max their Item Bag:
- To take advantage of the event without a maxed item bag, be sure to be in an area dense with PokéStops.
- Schedule planned checks on your bag to delete non-essential items such as the revives, potions, stones, and Razz/Nanab Berries. This will stop you from issues with battles where you get the "You won't receive rewards because your bag is full" warning.
- Don't open your gifts in a huge spree. If you can't curate your bag, give yourself an out. If you're not by a Stop and you're running low on Poké Balls, then pop open a few Gifts.
Good luck out there, fellow trainers, and stay tuned to Bleeding Cool all week for Pokémon GO Tour: Kanto tips!