Hello BC readers, it’s been a while. I’ve been off working on comics (The Freeze Vol 1 trade from Image Comics/Top Cow is in stores now…) but after
Posted in: DC Universe, Movies, TV | Tagged: Alexander Siddig, bruce wayne, david mazouz, entertainment, fox, gotham, Ra's al Ghul, television
Alexander Siddig Talks About Playing Ra's al Ghul
This new behind-the-scenes video for Gotham gives us our first good look at Alexander Siddig as Ra's al Ghul and it looks like we meet him standing by the Lazarus Pit. Siddig gives us an idea of how he is approaching the character and that Ra's is looking to make Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) his heir… which looks like it will be a big part of season four.
And is it just me, or does the Lazarus Pit look more like a jacuzzi that needs to have it's water changed?
The Gotham 2-hour season finale airs Monday at 8 PM on Fox.

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