Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: cw, entertainment, mon-el, Mr. Mxyzptlk, supergirl, television
Love And Insanity Is In The Air As Mr. Mxyzptlk Visits Supergirl
This article contains spoilers for the Supergirl episode – Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk.
When it was announced that they were bringing the 5th dimension imp, Mr. Mxyzptlk on to Supergirl, I figured we were in store for a fun and crazy episode. That's what has been happening over the last 70-years of him annoying Superman. But this episode never really reached that level of fun. This was more focused on relationships. From J'onn J'onzz sending a message to M'gann M'orzz on Mars to Winn Schott finding an alien girlfriend, this was a Valentine's episode a week late.
The main storyline here is that Mxyzptlk shows up and proposed to Kara just as she and Mon-El were about to kiss. He makes a big deal about being in love with her which of course sets Mon-El off as the jealous boyfriend. Mxy uses his abilities to try and woo Kara, first with flowers and music, then by helping her stop a few thieves and finally bringing back Parasite and then appearing like Superman to save the day. Mon-El eventually confront Mxy with a device that takes away his powers, but Mxy gets the upper hand and is about to kill Mon-El when Kara arrives and agrees to marry him. She ends up tricking Mxy into writing his name backwards in Kryptonian to stop a self-destruction sequence in the Fortress of Solitude, forcing the imp back to the 5th dimension. All the tension built up by Mon-El's reaction is then put aside at the end and the two end kissing… a lot.
The other two stories going are Alex and Maggie trying to find common ground. Maggie hates Valentine's because of how it lead to her being forced out of the closet and being rejected by her parents. Alex has never had a real Valentine's day and wanted to spend it with her first real girlfriend. There is a nice scene at the end where Maggie takes a step forward in the relationship and meets Alex halfway. The other story is that Winn meets an alien from Starhaven named Lyra who saves him from a bar fight. They end up going on a date which leads to a second and a possible relationship. Good for Winn. And for those wonder, Starhaven is a planet from the comics, its the homeworld of Legion of Superheroes characters Dawnstar and Wildstar.
Overall, this was an entertaining episode. For those not familiar with Mxy, this would be a fine Valentine's themed episode. But those who like Mxy are likely to be disappointed as the character is rather restrained, he uses his abilities in rather pedestrian ways… lacking the characters usual zany imagination. This is a very grounded version of Mxy, which works in the Arrowverse… but it feels more like a Mxy on Ritalin.
Looks like next week's episode, Homecoming, will get us back into the Cadmus storyline as Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain) is rescued and brought back to the DEO. But it seems like something isn't quite right with Kara's adopted father.