Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics, NYCC | Tagged: C.B. Cebulski, chris claremont, marvel, x-men
Slippery Cebulski Says We'll See More Claremont in 2020… But Not How Much
Chris Claremont sat down with Marvel Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski for the Marvel Fanfare panel at New York Comic Con. Bleeding Cool had ace reporter Jemal Flores on the scene, ready to strike with the most important in the history of comic book journalism: will Marvel let Chris Claremont write an ongoing series?
It's a question we've been looking for the answer to for a long time. Marvel retains Claremont as a Marvel exclusive writer, but since the 2014 Nightcrawler series, he has only written one-shots or short stories in anthologies. Why would Marvel keep the most important writer in the history of the X-Men and comics in general on retainer, and despite his openly stating he has more stories to tell, not giving him a regular outlet to tell those stories aside from far-to-infrequent one-offs? It's a complete mystery, and one that Marvel has been avoiding talking about for far too long.
Yesterday, during a live stream interview, Claremont teased the possibility of working with Salvador Larroca again, his creative partner during the X-Treme X-Men days in the early 2000s. He said we could learn more at the panel. We determined to do exactly that, or die trying.
So after nearly an hour of back-and-forth between Cebulski and Claremont, they finally opened the floor for questions. Would our man Jemal get a chance to strike?!
He did, asking about the Larroca project. But Cebulski dodged the question as he does, saying we'll "be seeing more of Claremont's writing next year" and that talks were ongoing about the Larroca project. Damn you, Cebulski! That could mean a couple of one-shots and a page in the Marvel X-Mas special! That's not good enough, Marvel.
Let Chris Claremont write an ongoing series, you cowards!
Claremont did get to chime in once again on House of X and Powers of X, noting that he won't read them or any other X-Men comics unless he's coming back. And good for him! Maybe it's time his fans start doing the same and hitting Marvel where it hurts until they give him an ongoing series? Claremont also noted that he's written dozens of characters that could star in a series. The ball is in your court, Marvel.
Unless of course we do get that ongoing series. Then…