Posted in: Pop Culture, Sports, WWE | Tagged: david arquette, wcw, wrasslin, wrestling, wwe
Former WCW Champion Will Finally Return to the Ring
As the slow march of time continues ever-onward, the pro wrestling industry has entered an era where few of the legends of yesteryear are able to still go in the ring. Sure, The Undertaker may make the occasional short appearance and Chris Jericho's body is preserved indefinitely by a combination of a deal with the devil he made through his rock band, Fozzy, and DDP Yoga, but for the most part, superstars from the '80s and '90s are dead, retired, exiled from WWE following a racist rant captured on video while filming a secret cuckold porn film with the wife of a radio shock jock, or some combination of the three. However, one gladiator from the WCW era who has stayed fresh over the decades is set to make a return to the ring. Maybe, dare we say, the greatest WCW champion?
That's right, we're talking about David Arquette, who announced on the Wendy Williams Show that he's returning to the sport of pro wrestling for one more run under a new gimmick.
"I'd like to announce my return to professional wrestling," Arquette told Williams as the crowd roared with approval. "This is a gimmick I'm trying out. David 'Magic Man' Arquette." Arquette recounted his history, winning the WCW 18 years ago. "For 18 years, I've been trolled on the internet, and people have attacked me," he continued. "And I just want to bring some respect back to my name! They sort of blamed me for ruining WCW which is no longer around. And maybe I did have something to do with it."
Arquette is training with martial arts, boxing, and wrestling coaches to get his 46-year-old body in shape. Check out the clip below: