comic shop Archives

135 Comic Shops With Added Guests And Sales For Free Comic Book Day
 ALL BIN BACK ISSUES at 50% OFF Fat Moose Comics– New Jersey's oldest brick & mortar comic shop (est 4/1/1982) will be participating in the FCBD glory/madness/reasontodrink. Final Boss Comics & Games, 30 Gordon Avenue, Lawrenceville. New Mexico Age of Comics, 3700 Osuna Rd NE, Ste 513, Albuquerque, with Mark Fenton and FCBD Turtles artist Andy Kuhn. New York ru All Star Comics[...]
Brian Keene & Mary SanGiovanni Open Vortex Comics Shop In Columbia
Everything you'd find at a comic shop – Golden Age up to this week's new releases, and everything you'd find at a bookstore – vintage pulps up to the latest paperback release from Stephen King Our focus is solely on speculative fiction – horror, science-fiction, fantasy, etc." "We opened for business on Super Bowl Sunday, and[...]
Goodbye To Earth-2 Comic Store Of Sherman Oaks, California
Parents experiencing their kid's first visit to a comic shop Wonderful, talented creators enchanting their fans The collector smiling when they find the comic they've been seeking for years And most of all, we're grateful to our awesome shop staff– the more than 100 superheroes who have worked for Earth-2 I especially can't thank Heather[...]
Seattle comic book store broken into
It's a comic shop, for goodness sake. Dreamstrands Comics is a comic book store in Seattle, rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau and nominated for best comic store in Seattle on King 5's "Best of Western Washington", But it seems they have been attracting a different kind of crowd. Dreamstrands Comics on Google Maps Dreamstrands Comics[...]
Image Comics Launch A New Retailer Award At ComicsPRO Summit
And so it seems that Image Comics and Lunar Distribution will be doing something similar instead. The Image Select Retailer Award, announced to coincide with the ComicsPRO Summit (though Image Comics isn't attending), is intended to reward comic shops that go "above and beyond to serve their customers, expand readership, and grow a healthier marketplace." The[...]
Comic Book Retailers Say The Funniest Things: Glenn O'Leary Special
Comic book store owner Glenn O'Leary, who owns The Comic Book Palace comic shop in Haverhill, Massachusetts, joined the list of our Comic Book Retailers Say The Funniest Things articles A clip from the The Comic Book Palace Reborn podcast went viral online, as Glenn opined that modern comic book writers don't love the characters[...]
comic shop
The Mystery Retailer writes; Comic shop in New York, Creative Commons CC0. "It's important to know that comic books are not dying That narrative is completely false Are the majority of direct market stores facing challenges or worse? Yes absolutely I think it will shock you to know that while that is the case and many stores[...]
Comic Book Thefts in The Daily LITG, 25th November 2023
Joe: A Real American Hero Sells Over 100,000 at Skybound So Far A few other comics stories you might prefer Chip Zdarsky Dancing Between The Acid Rain Drops In Joker Year One Talking to Rick Veitch About Boy Maximortal, Turtles & Swamp Thing Jared Sam's Space Negro in 1First Comics February 2024 Solicits Gannibal Gets Free Comic Book Focus in[...]
What The Comic Shop In Extraordinary Means
What if Islam had never come into the world? The sword of Islam spread, beginning in the seventh century, from the Holy Land east deep into India, and west as far as Spain before it was repulsed by Christians" Regan Clem of Summit Comics While Regan Clem, comic shop owner of Summit Comics & Games, in Michigan[...]
71 Comic Shops Doing Black Friday Sales For 2023
The old idea of Wednesday Warriors going into comic shops every week is dying out, literally Comic shops are going to have to evolve, as the entire print media industry evolves into a more digitally based one It's not the number of titles, frankly because there's room for every single title on the stands Comic[...]
Another Comic Shop Gets Hist By A Car
Every now and then someone drives a car into a comic book shop, with predictable results. The latest happened around 4pm on Thursday, the 21st of September, as a car drove into The Comic Shop, in Oswego, New York Everyone but the driver was uninjured, and he regained consciousness as the emergency services arrived. The store closed,[...]