The Dark Room is an original graphic novel by X-Men writer Gerry Duggan, Buffy and Angel artist Scott Buoncristiano, and colorist to the stars Tamra Bonvillain, from Image Comics To be published on the 24th of June 2022, it is described thus;
The hunt for a camera containing an undeveloped photo of the face of true[...]
Gerry Duggan Archives
Today sees the publication of two big Krakoan X-Men comic books, Jonathan Hickman's final Xbook (for now) Inferno #4 with Valerio Schiti, and Gerry Duggan's continuance on X-Men #6 with Pepe Larraz When it comes to the X-books right now, you don't get better than this week.
In X-Men #6, we catch up with Kelvin Heng,[...]
In September, Gerry Duggan, Emilo Laiso, and Rachelle Rosenberg took over from Jonathan Hickman and Declan Shalvey on Marvel Comics' X-Men weekly digital comic X-Men Unlimited Infinity on the Marvel Unlimited app with the X-Men: Green storyline It featured Nature Girl, after murdering humans, on the road with her dog and fellow mutant Curse, taking on polluters while hunted by Wolverine[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
Su, Erika Lewis, Extrafabulous Comics, Fernando Fuentes, Frank Cvetkovic, Garth Ennis, Gavin Aung Than, Geoff Senior, George Kambadais, George Mann, Geraldo Borges, Gerry Duggan, Glenn Fabry, Goodbadcomics, Goran Gligovic, Greg Lockard, Guillermo Ortego, Hannah Hillam, Harry Venning, Hector Trunnec, Helen Buckland, Expert, Hugh Warwick, Isabella Tree and Sir Charlie Burrell, Jamie Woolley, Jeff Lemire, Jenny[...]
This week saw James Tynion IV, Mark Millar, and Gerry Duggan newsletters address Twitter and beyond Batman writer and Substack exodus leader James Tynion IV writes about his anxiety;
"For years, I stopped feeling present in my day to day interactions Social Media made that feeling a thousand times worse, with the artificial responsibility to be on[...]
And Cyclops also in some of the dark until now.
While over in New Mutants, they are having their own Martian issues.
Best leave them to it, eh? More Hellfire Gala to come.
(W) Gerry Duggan, Chris Claremont (A) Matteo Lolli, John Bolton (CA) Russell Dauterman
WELCOME TO THE HELLFIRE GALA! The Hellfire Trading Company has put[...]
You'll believe Gerry Duggan is Jonathan Hickman in Planet-Size X-Men #1, out today, drawn – or rather carved into existence – by the incredible Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia, and in the process utterly rewriting the status of the Marvel Universe Again I mean, House Of X already did that, and the reality of Krakoa[...]
Marvel Comics' solicitation for the Planet-Sized X-Men one-shot by Gerry Duggan and Pepe Larraz seem to set up the new X-Men #1 from the creators, as well as tie in with the Hellfire Gala The solicits read thus:
(W) Gerry Duggan (A/CA) Pepe Larraz
The HELLFIRE GALA rages on, but bigger[...]
And he's now the artist on the new X-Men #1, relaunching from Marvel Comics in July, written by Gerry Duggan And we have a first look at some of his uncoloured, unlettered pages from X-Men #1… with rogue fighting a tentacled xenomorph of sorts… and taking in the local architecture.
Gerry Duggan and Pepe Larraz
A look[...]
The new X-Men #1 launch in July 2021 from Marvel Comics, by Gerry Duggan and Pepe Larraz, will have lots of covers You probably guessed that Including this jam-artist homage cover to the Jim Lee X-Men #1 cover from thirty years ago.
But as for details as to where the comic is going, they are few[...]
Mutants, morality, and Magneto - welcome to this week in Krakoa. With X-Force #19, SWORD #5, Way Of X #1, and a visit or three to the Women Of Marvel #1
Marvel Comics has revealed the new members of the new X-Men team, to relaunch from Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia in July.
Laura Kinney is the Wolverine of the New X-Men
And they are Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Sunfire, Rogue, Wolverine, Synch, and Polaris And the Wolverine in question is Laura Kinney The character was created[...]
And after this summer's event, The Hellfire Gala, we will get some relaunches and new series from some familiar Krakoan names.
A New X-Men #1 In July From Marvel Comics
This will include a brand new X-Men #1 by Gerry Duggan and House Of X artist Pepe Larraz in July.
A new unnamed series by Leah Williams and[...]
Looks like Dead Eyes from Gerry Duggan and John McCrea is back After legal issues, the formerly-titled crime drama Dead Rabbit from Image Comics was renamed and republished last year in late 2019, just before the pandemic and lockdown hit, which saw subsequently solicited issues cancelled.
Well, courtesy of Amazon comes the listing for a second[...]
But one solution is to bring other artists in to help out with the workload, which is why Bleeding Cool likes to run Marvel Ch-Ch-Changes to keep up with such things.
Deadpool Nerdy #30 #1 was solicited as written by Fabian Nicieza, Skottie Young, Kelly Thompson, Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Daniel Way, and Joe Kelly –[...]
Empyre: X-Men #2 writers Gerry Duggan, Ben Percy, and Leah Williams craft the story with this issue, which shows Magik and the Hordeculture fighting back against the forces of evil while constantly bickering The dialogue, especially compared to the first issue, felt off, with characters bending over backward to deliver poorly written quips.
Magik is a great character[...]
We already know about Marvel's next Earth-shattering super-mega-crossover event, Empyre With a Y, but what about the super-mega-crossover after that super-mega-crossover event? It looks like it's going to be X-Men-centric, according to the solicit for Marvel's offering for Free Comic Book Day 2020.
Marvel Comics
This year's Marvel title centers around the X-Men and will lead into[...]
Joining Waid on the panel were Donny Cates, Gerry Duggan, Joelle Jones, and Tim Sale.
Mark Waid not realizing how close Bleeding Cool is
Waid came out a little before the panel started and asked if anyone had any questions He only had to ask me once to throw a question his way I asked what he[...]
The Gerry Duggan of comics, Gerry Duggan, will write with art by Mike Deodato Jr., and the first issue has a cover by David Finch, which you can see below Here's what Duggan had to say:
This is an unsanctioned team of heroes It has to be something that visually makes sense to you, and I[...]
Infinity Wars roars onward as Loki tries to talk Gamora into helping him, and Gamora creates the Infinity Warps. Is it a good read?
It shows the Titan briefly pondering his own meaning, resolving to wage war as he always has, discovering the Infinity Stones/Gems have returned, and being killed by Requiem.
Beyond that, there are a couple of guest appearances that seem like advertisement for Cosmic Ghost Rider and Infinity Wars.
The back-up story by Gerry Duggan, Cory Smith, and[...]
It takes place while he was still a Herald of Galactus years ago.
Thanos Legacy #1 cover by Geoff Shaw
Thanos Legacy #1
Donny Cates, Gerry Duggan, Brian Level, and Cory Smith come together to tell what occurred when Thanos first returned from the future and before Infinity Wars: Prime.
Invader Zim #34 cover by Fred C Stresing and[...]
Hoping to catch a glimpse of Gerry Duggan and John McCrea's new Image Comics series, Dead Rabbit, before Duggan takes off on his international rock star book signing tour? You're in luck, superfan! Using the latest in royalty-free trip-hop music and photo slideshow technology, Image has put together a trailer for the book, which you[...]
Are you ready to rock?! We said are you ready?! Well, you'd better get ready, because superstar writer Gerry Duggan could be coming to a city near you on a limited world signing tour to support his two Image Comics series, Analog and Dead Rabbit But don't take our word for it Here's the press[...]