Earlier today – right after Puppy Bowl XXI wrapped up – viewers were treated to a special sneak peek at writer/director James Gunn and DC Studios' David Corenswet, Rachel Brosnahan, and Nicholas Hoult-starring Superman in the form of an up-close-and-personal look at Nathan Fillion's Green Lantern Guy Gardner, who was showing off his snarky attitude and[...]
guy gardner Archives
Guy Gardner has often been portrayed as an act-first-think-second-if-at-all kind of guy He may know no fear, but also has little consideration But in Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum by Jeremy Adams and V Ken Marion out from DC Comics tomorrow, it seems that he is, at least, into doing his own research.
Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum[...]
Alright, you hopeless romantics and comic aficionados, brace yourselves for an influx of love, lycra, and ludicrous storylines! DC is serving up a Valentine's Day hangover cure with DC's How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1, hitting stores on Tuesday faster than Cupid's arrow—or in this case, quicker than Guy Gardner getting[...]
Poor Guy Gardner.
One Punch is a comic book meme that originated from a scene in Justice League International by Keith Giffen, J.M DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire., when Batman punched Guy Gardner in the face and knocked him out, With one punch.
Something that Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, immediately began celebrating[...]
Although Green Lantern has become one of the most iconic superheroes in comic books, many characters have taken on the role, including Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and of course Killowog among others. The upcoming Green Lantern series from HBOMax will include a few of these but will feature one of the most infamous[...]
The jealous meathead ex is a time-honored fictional trope, and there could literally be no better character to place in that role than Guy Gardner Human Target #3 throws that energy right at the titular protagonist at the worst possible time Toxic masculinity meets what's essentially the mind of an expert profiler, and the results[...]
Although Green Lantern has become one of the most iconic superheroes in comic books, many characters have taken on the role, including Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and of course Killowog among others. The upcoming Green Lantern series from HBOMax will include a few of these but will feature one of the most infamous[...]
But Wittrock is also starring in another eagerly-awaited series, Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Seth Grahame-Smith's HBO Max series Green Lantern. Though a "hulking mass of masculinity" and "an embodiment of 1980s hyper-patriotism," Wittrock's Guy Gardner (much like in the comics) still finds a way to be likable even when you don't want to like him[...]
Because of the movie and that experience, there's a strong desire on my part and on Greg's part to get right what had been gotten wrong ten years ago," Guggenheim explained while not mincing any words when it comes to his feelings about the film.
Image: FX Networks/DC Comics
Green Lantern is set to span decades and[...]
Image: DC Comics
Green Lantern is set to span decades and galaxies- beginning on Earth in 1941 with the very first Green Lantern, secretly gay FBI agent Alan Scott (Irvine), and 1984, with cocky alpha male Guy Gardner (Wittrock) and half-alien Bree Jarta Along the way, they will encounter a number of both new and familiar[...]
Late last month, viewers learned American Horror Story star Finn Wittrock was going to from the "Murphyverse" to patrolling the DC universe as Guy Gardner aka Green Lantern in Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Seth Grahame-Smith's upcoming HBO Max series based on the "Green Lantern" universe of DC Comics characters Though described as a hulking[...]
American Horror Story star Finn Wittrock is going from the "Murphyverse" to patrolling the entire universe, with the actor set to portray Guy Gardner aka Green Lantern in Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Seth Grahame-Smith's upcoming HBO Max series based on the "Green Lantern" universe of DC Comics characters Stemming from Berlanti Productions in association with[...]
Jessica Cruz, formerly crippled by anxiety, goes full John McClane against threats that could easily end her. Writer Ernie Altbacker takes Guy Gardner and casts him in an unexpected role as well, one with shades of Benjamin Sisko that was very unexpected.
The visuals presented by the disparate art teams likewise made an impression[...]
Which Corps will she end up joining?" and we see more of, well, why not, let's call it "the Burn" shall we?
Future State: Green Lantern #1
Here's that Ripley look we talked about.
Future State: Green Lantern #1
But there is more than one Corps in play.
Future State: Green Lantern #1
We also said "Guy Gardner, without a ring,[...]
It's Green Lantern future time. In January and February, DC Comics will be running a two-month event, Future State, looking at potential and possible
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Green Lanterns Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Jessica Cruz, Kyle Rayner, and Kilowog deliver the people of Penelo to a new world suited for the people Guy believes that Simon is a traitor, and Hal is unsure Of course, Jessica is unwilling to accept this On Earth, Simon Baz believes he is freeing Superman from[...]
General Zod is straining under this restriction, but even Guy Gardner and Arkillo are beginning to question John's orders Hal's turning the tide of his battle, but he will have to take a major gambit if he's to save the day.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #50 cover by Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and[...]
Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Simon Baz, Jessica Cruz, and Kilowog are surrounded and outgunned by the criminal organization, which is incongruous with what Hal Jordan reported about the Ravagers years ago Guy Gardner has a plan, but Simon Baz bizarrely runs counter to it and dives into the Ravager capital ship.
Back on Oa, the Guardians[...]
John Stewart enacts his plan against the Darkstars, and the Green Lantern Corps fly in to close the trap. Can the Corps win? Is it a good read?
A Guardian has died in the Green Lanterns' own home base, and Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, nor the other Guardians of the Universe know how this could have happened Worse yet, Guy and Kilowog brought back a badly wounded John Stewart, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps These Lanterns soon[...]
Darkstar issue we've been waiting for with all-out war between the Green Lantern Corps and their erstwhile allies against the Darkstars.
The comic primarily focuses on the battle at Oa and Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, Arkillo, Zod, and Orion fighting the Darkstars at their home planet John Stewart is actually unseen after the first few pages,[...]
Guy Gardner and Kilowog make a similarly startling discovery on another distress call The remaining Guardians of the Universe sense something dangerous on the horizon Green Lanterns Simon Baz, Jessica Cruz, and Kyle Rayner return to Mogo to find their headquarters amid a destructive storm During all of this, the Green Lantern rings begin to[...]
On Earth, Guy Gardner, armed with a Darkstar mantle, is facing down Arkillo If Guy gets through the Yellow Lantern, he will kill his own father Kyle Rayner and Space Cabbie are still imprisoned by the New Gods, but Orion is up to something.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #47 cover by Barry Kitson[...]
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Guy Gardner, now armed with a Darkstar mantle, pays his abusive father, Roland Gardner, a visit Hal Jordan begins to realize that he has no grasp of what Hector Hammond wants or can do John Stewart tries to get the help he needs from General Zod Kyle Rayner and Space Cabby sit in a[...]
In a bar elsewhere, Guy Gardner and Arkillo discuss the odds of uniting the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps to fight off the Darkstars.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #45 cover by Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, and Wil Quintana
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #45 does little to greatly advance the[...]
Guy Gardner has met up with Arkillo Kyle Rayner is calling in Orion's debt.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #44 cover by Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, and Tomeu Morey
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #44 is a promising build-up issue for the oncoming war with the Darkstars While this installment is slow and[...]
This contingent of Lanterns includes Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Rayner However, on the way to the Controller's world, the Darkstars exhibit their phase jumping ability and begin teleporting away with Green Lanterns They take all back to Mogo except one: Hal Jordan.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #43 cover by Ethan van[...]
The Darkstars have returned thanks to the Controllers' latest plan for domination. They plan to dispense lethal justice. Can Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps stop them? Is it a good read?
Hal Jordan has his Ring again, and that means it's time for the greatest Green Lantern to go toe-to-toe with General Zod. Does it make for a good read?
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Corps Leader John Stewart is brought before the Guardians of the Universe over the contingent of Green Lanterns that left to save Hal Jordan from the Zod family on Jekuul.
On Jekuul, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, Kilowog, and the other Green Lanterns attack General Zod, Ursa, Lor, and their Jekuul followers.
Hal Jordan and the Green[...]