Hot Wheels Unleashed Archives

Hot Wheels Unleashed Announces Looney Tunes Expansion
as they will be bringing the Looney Tunes to Hot Wheels Unleashed We didn't get to actually see any cars, all we got was a 15-second teaser trailer showing off the Acme Corporation as a hint that more was to come What we do know is that the DLC pack will be released on July[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Has Added DC Superhero Cars
Milestone Games and Mattel have released new content into Hot Wheels Unleashed as they've added DC Super Heroes cars to the mix This is one of those items that as tested for the game clear back when it was first launched, and we knew it would eventually come out, but they didn't really give any[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Reveals Gucci Cadillac Seville Collaboration
Milestone Games and Mattel have partnered up with Gucci for a special addition to Hot Wheels Unleashed with the addition of a new car Previously, Gucci revealed the 1:64th scale replica of the legendary "Seville by Gucci" Cadillac car, which basically at this point is completely sold out But that's okay because you'll still be[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Reveals New Batman Expansion
Milestone Games announced over the weekend that we're getting some DC Comics material added to Hot Wheels Unleashed Today they decided to give us a look at one of the two DC-themed packs on the way as we get a good look at the Batman DLC As you can see from the images below, you're[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Shows Off New Customization Trailer
Mattel and Milestone Games released a new trailer this morning for Hot Wheels Unleashed showing off the customizations you can do The trailer goes over how you will be able to personalize the liveries of your favorite vehicles and make the Basement you play in a killer spot to invite friends to race and compete[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Revealed DLC Content After Release
Milestone Games and Mattel revealed some awesome things for Hot Wheels Unleashed as we now have an idea of the cool DLC on the way Some of the big reveals for this that should excite a lot of people is that they'll be doing some content with DC Comics So you'll be seeing some cars[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Reveals Classic & Pop-Culture Cars
Mattel and Milestone revealed something awesome for Hot Wheels Unleashed as we now know all of the specialty cars coming to the game Along with all of the regular cars you would expect to find from the decades of items the company has produced, they are adding a number of cars from the past that[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Releases New Track Builder Trailer
Milestone showed off two more trailers for Hot Wheels Unleashed recently, giving fans a chance to check out the Track Builder A staple of Hot Wheels since the '90s, the familiar orange tracks have come with a variety of add-ons and hazards for people to race the cars on, becoming near-essential pieces of the collection[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Trailer Shows Off College Campus Environment
You can read more about it here as well as the game is set to be released on September 30th, 2021. How well will you do racing around the orange ramps and runways in Hot Wheels Unleashed? Courtesy of Milestone Team. Reminiscent of a typical American university, the College Campus features a complex environment that has three[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Shows Off The Skyscraper In Latest Trailer
Mattel and Milestone Team revealed a brand new trailer for Hot Wheels Unleashed as we get a look at the Skyscraper addition to the game This is essentially one giant construction site filled with orange tracks for you to race around on The Skyscraper will include tracks set on three different floors of the building[...]
Hot Wheels Unleashed Reveals Two New Games Trailers
Milestone Team and Mattel released two new trailers today for Hot Wheels Unleashed, showing off more gameplay and features Along with a brand new gameplay trailer, which we have for you below, the team showed off everything they could about the development of the game in a special gameplay showcase video that went live earlier[...]
Milestone Team Announces Hot Wheels Unleashed
Milestone Team revealed a brand new racing title today with a familiar toy franchise as Hot Wheels Unleashed is coming this year The game is essentially every Hot Wheels fan's dream, as you'll be racing with an array of familiar cars over several generations across the familiar orange tracks You'll compete in regular raceways as[...]