HRL Archives

brian cronin candy crush
Brian Cronin is best known in the industry for his CBR column Comic Book Legends Revealed, as well as writing widely for the site. He has also written a number of spinoff books and writes for, the Los Angeles Times, and more. But he could probably accomplish even more if he wasn't playing Candy Crush Saga.
Lying in the Gutters for Easter Sunday 2018
DC's new Swamp Thing design resembles Alan Moore, Fantastic Four returns this summer, how Gotham has jumped the shark and rocked it, and more geeky news from the past week!
pigeons from hell
Robert E. Howard's estate has applied to register a trademark for Pigeons From Hell. Howard is best known for his Conan the Barbarian and related writing and is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery genre. But one story forgotten by many is Pigeons From Hell.
little island comics
Little Island Comics of Toronto, which closed in late 2016 when its parent shop The Beguiling moved locations, has reopened next to The Beguiling's new spot.
According to Mark Henry, Hulk Hogan hasn't done enough to earn a return to WWE after he was fired over a leaked racist rant in 2015. But one former WWE Superstar does want Hogan to return: Ryback.
Modern Myths comic stores
New York comic book store Modern Myths posted a message to customers on their Facebook page this week saying that they will be closing both their stores later this year -- Northampton at the end of May and Mamaroneck at the end of June.
gerard jones
In January of last year, comic book writer Gerard Jones was arrested on suspicion of possessing more than 600 child pornography files and uploading graphic videos to YouTube. When charges were laid, he entered a plea of not guilty — but will now change his plea to guilty.