Here's a look at the highlights:
Farewell, Jodie Whittaker in "Doctor Who", BBC
Whittaker on Breaking the Mold When It Comes to Doctors: "It was a noisy few [people] Rage is always really loud — compliments are much quieter But also, that show doesn't have a comparison It's part of all our vocabularies — the Tardis, Daleks,[...]
jodie whittaker Archives
Again. Doctor Who now has two different generations of fans: the ones who love the original version that ran from 1963 to 1989 and the ones who loved the revival that began in 2005, whose era could be said to have ended in 2022 with Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor. Now those fans are complaining that the series has become[...]
Every version of the Master has been the result of the writers retconning to add more layers to the character, yet keeping him or her consistently recognisable as a villainous counterpart to The Doctor.
Dhawan has his own Big Finish audio series coming up, and it's only a matter of time before he faces off against[...]
What does that mean? Keep reading.
"Doctor Who", Jodie Whittaker in Shutdown, BBC
Former Doctor Who Actors Get to Continue Playing Their Doctors
In the old days, before the internet and especially before social media, former Doctor Who stars would regenerate out of the show (or, in the final two instances of the classic era, get fired and[...]
Now that Jodie Whittaker and Jo Martin have signed up to star in their own Doctor Who audio drama serials for Big Finish, the field is set for them to produce more team-up stories featuring both of them banding together Both Doctors are already quite popular and many fans feel they never got their due[...]
A little less than a week ago, we learned that Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor and Mandip Gill's Yasmin "Yaz" Khan would be returning for a series of 12 new, hour-long, full-cast audio drama adventures in time and space – with Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures being released beginning in July 2025 For many, the[...]
Most recently, it added Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor to the attractions.
"Whovians, prepare yourselves…" declared the official Madame Tussaud website "The Fifteenth Doctor arrives at Madame Tussauds London this Summer! Come face to face with Ncuti Gatwa as the Time Lord and step into the Whoniverse with a specially created set featuring the TARDIS."
The wait is[...]
He made one final appearance as Ian Chesterton in "The Power of the Doctor" in 2022, Jodie Whittaker's final story.
William Russell's available episodes of the classic series of Doctor Who can be streamed on the BBC iPlayer in the UK and Britbox and – for free – Tubi in the US.
William Russell, who played[...]
Running from the 5th of October to the 20th of December, Jodie Whittaker is to star in a revival of The Duchess at the Trafalgar Theatre in London's West End, and I will probably cycle past it twice a week wondering how I can grab cheap seats Adapted and directed by Zinnie Harris from John[...]
There's the usual confrontation and war of wills between The Doctor and The Master that's always about finding a new layer to their relationship, or The Master (Sacha Dawan) revealing the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) is The Timeless Child from which all Time Lords took the ability to regenerate, which granted them the immortality needed to[...]
Elsbeth is the new quirky detective procedural series that spins off from The Good Fight, which was a spinoff of The Good Wife, and if you look at it just close enough, feels like an alternate universe version of Jodie Whittaker's Doctor Who You might think this was another clickbait article that wants to "Doctor Who"[...]
That would include the Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker)! So what would Whittaker be doing now, freed from the burdens of saving the universeall the time? Why, live her best life and join The Great Celebrity Bake-Off 2024, of course!
Doctor Who no more? Jodie Whittaker in "The Great Celebrity Bake-Off 2024": Channel Four
Yeah, yeah, The Great[...]
The Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) got an odd, rounded, asymmetrical design with crystals all over and a console that looked even more steampunk and cobbled-together that was rumoured to be a nightmare for the camera crew because it was extremely hard to light for and get a good angle for the actors The newest TARDIS[...]
And poor Jodie Whittaker got saddled with how mediocre the New Year's Day Specials were Chibnall channeled the worst, most outdated of 1970s screenwriting dynamics in just doing a plot with no thematic or emotional weight The Daleks were once again mediocre baddies Steven Moffat made it a point to find a new layer of[...]
BBC America, which co-financed the series from Series Five (Matt Smith and Steven Moffat's first season) to Series Thirteen (Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall's final season), would live-broadcast the show on the same day but in the evening in the US, hours after the UK premiere before going to streaming Disney+ co-financing and licensing the[...]
The Thirteenth Doctor's (Jodie Whittaker) sonic is the most criticized and least liked amongst hardcore fans though kids still like it since she's their Doctor.
Still: BBC
Interestingly, there are currently dozens of sellers offering the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor's sonics at affordable prices on eBay, many in China and Asia, some in the US, all seemingly[...]
BBC's Time, the critically-acclaimed prison drama, is returning for a second series, this time set in a women's prison and starring Jodie Whittaker and Bella Ramsey in their first major roles since the end of Whittaker's run on Doctor Who and Ramsay becoming a star on the first season of HBO's The Last of Us[...]
Chibnall depicts the dissolution of The Doctor's (Jodie Whittaker) fam as as family drifting apart, though Chibnall seems to be closest to a 1970s TV writer and seems most embarrassed by emotion, going so far as to keep the Doctor's romance with Yaz (Mandip Gil) as reluctant and chaste as possible Moffat is the one[...]
Cleo is especially put out because she's the only one who remembers meeting the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker at the time), and they're at best patronizing her about it, at worst gaslighting her that it didn't happen.
Charlie Craggs and Freddie Carter in "Doctor Who: Redacted": BBC
The podcasters announce they have a new investigation Abby and Shauna[...]
That's Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whittaker – and back to Tennent again You might think this was just another showy set of clips of the show's biggest gimmick, but they reveal something much deeper about the show, something spiritual and beautiful that makes it all worthwhile.
Image: BBC Screencaps
Regeneration was a[...]
In Doctor Who: Lost in Time, she shows up on space station Cal-Q-L0n and meets the Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker's cartoon avatar here) and K-9, and is tasked with helping them fend off space pirates Doom immediately works out that this is not the Doctor but an imposter And lo and behold, it turns out[...]
But to get to all of this, we needed to say a heartfelt goodbye to our Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whittaker And that's exactly what viewers had a chance to do in 2022's "The Power of the Doctor," which ended with Whittaker's question-raising regeneration into Tennant's Fourteenth And it was that exact moment that took top[...]
Jodie Whittaker's run on Doctor Who might be the most underrated because she was a perfectly good Doctor hampered by some unimpressive stories But she was also the most overtly LGBTQ of all the Doctors, and in ways nobody has talked about The Thirteenth Doctor was nonbinary Ace, or "asexual," the most underrepresented and misunderstood[...]
Note: I'm a big fan] will be – there are also many who found Chibnall and Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker's run as one that pushed the show toward a larger embracing of the show's global audience – setting the stage for RTD to build upon those open doors Based on the social media reaction we've[...]
The BBC released a compilation video of Series Twelve of Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker & Chris Chibnall's season, and it's interesting to consider it in retrospect That series was a season full of potential and promise, but Chibnall just couldn't stick the landing The problem being that he didn't really come up with anything new,[...]
Manning has since returned to television to guest star as Jo again on The Sarah Jane Adventures, short films promoting the remastered Blu-ray boxsets featuring her episodes, and even the final scene in Jodie Whittaker's final story as the Thirteenth Doctor, "The Power of the Doctor." Jo Grant will almost certainly have an entry in[...]
Jodie Whittaker pushed for "Thasmin" when she saw what fans were 'shipping on social media, and while some fans were disappointed that the Thirteenth Doctor never kissed Yaz (Mandip Gil), their romance was possibly the first asexual romance depicted on television Whittaker was playing a nonbinary, asexual character who loved a woman as the lead[...]
The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) confronting her abusive adopted mother should have been a more emotionally-charged exchange about abusive parents but was just a boring exposition dump about the plot.
The worst part of Doctor Who: Flux was how Chibnall's scripts had characters stand around explaining the plot to each other while it was happening The Doctor[...]
The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) turning into a Weeping Angel is about her worst fears of becoming the monsters she fights.
Doctor Who and people turning into monsters are like pizza with cheese The show really is not enough fun without it.
Doctor Who may have started out with the intention to educate kids about History, but[...]
Akinola created a spy movie pastiche for "Spyfall" where the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) infiltrates an evil tech billionaire's (Sir Lenny Henry) casino party Gold once again created a classical choral score for "The Rings of Akhaten" that's very English and reminds us that the series has been used as a gateway to introduce children to[...]