Meanwhile, Mega Raids sees the debut of Mega Gallade and the return of Mega Lopunny and Mega Medicham Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team to take down Mega Lopunny, who will have a stint as the Mega Raid Boss Let's get into it.
Mega Lopunny in Pokémon GO[...]
Lopunny Archives
The main draw is Lugia in Tier Five Raids, as well as the return of Mega Lopunny to Mega Raids There are some solid options available in Tiers One and Three as well, including Costumed Pokémon Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team to take down Mega Lopunny so[...]
Leading up raids are the Ice-type Titan of Hoenn Regice with, quite appropriately, Mega Lopunny in raids For today's Lunar New Year 2023 event raid guide for Pokémon GO players, let's learn how to take down Mega Lopunny.
Mega Lopunny in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Top Mega Lopunny Counters
Pokebattler, which calculates all possible combinations of Pokémon and moves,[...]
Just in time for Fashion Week 2022 in Pokémon GO, Mega Lopunny returns to Mega Raids It will be available to encounter in its Shiny form after it un-Mega Evolves for the catch screen With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on and defeat Mega Lopunny, perfect your catching strategy, and[...]
Mega Lopunny returns to Mega Raids tomorrow as a herald for spring, and you will be able to battle this dual Normal/Fighting-type soon With this Raid Guide, you can prepare a team to take on Mega Lopunny, earn your own Mega Lopunny Energy, and potentially even catch a Shiny Lopunny.
Mega Lopunny in Pokémon GO[...]
Lopunny hops back into Mega Raids in Pokémon GO, and — you know what, apologies, I'm already regretting that morning show radio host-style opening line I'll make it up to you with a killer raid guide helping trainers build a team of viable counters to take down Mega Lopunny in Pokémon GO to earn Mega Energy and[...]
In honor of this week's release of Mega Lopunny in Pokémon GO, let's take a look back at some of the most iconic Lopunny cards from the Pokémon TCG We're covering modern and vintage here, and we'd love to hear from you as well Let us know your four favorite Lopunny cards in the comments[...]
In honor of the newly released Mega Lopunny, let's take a deep dive into Lopunny's lore.
Lopunny official artwork Credit: Pokémon Company International
Dex entry number 428, Lopunny is a pure Normal-type species from the Sinnoh Region, introduced into the world of Pokémon with Generation Four This Pokémon, despite its Apple Bottom jeans and boots with the[...]
Pokémon GO is celebrating Easter this year with the release of the obvious Mega Pokémon: Mega Lopunny, which will debut in raids Sunday, April 4th, 2021 at 10 AM It will remain in raids for the rest of the month Let's take a look at the top counters to help trainers take down Mega Lopunny,[...]
It's for sure going to be Mega Lopunny." Well, it looks as if we're the Niantic Nostradamus (Or, as a great man may have once said, the Quasimodo of Pokémon GO.) Mega Lopunny has now been confirmed as the newest Mega Raid coming to Pokémon GO.
Mega Lopunny official artwork[...]
Niantic has announced the details of the upcoming Spring 2021 event which will bring Shiny Bunnelby, Mega Lopunny, and more to Pokémon GO Let's dive into the details of this Spring- and Easter-themed event.
Buneary in Pokémon GO Credit: Niantic
Here are the full details of the upcoming Spring 2021 event in Pokémon GO:
Date and time: Sunday, April[...]