The X-Men Sabretooth Art Scale 1/10 Statue from Iron Studios will be priced at $169.99 The statue is set to release in December 2020 and pre-orders are already live and can be found here Don't forget to check out some of the other recently announced Marvel statues like Colossus and Pyro.
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sabretooth Archives
Marvel will release Ruins of Ravencroft: Sabretooth #1 next week, the latest tie-in to the Ravencroft event which is itself a tie-in to the previous super-mega-crossover event, Absolute Carnage But this preview also ties into X-Men history, as we see a familiar character lurking about this preview.
Yes, that's the Black Night Or, at least, a[...]
Nevertheless, we find in this preview of War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #3 that Magik is held captive by Sabretooth, who made a deal with formerly deceased Asgardian wolf god Hrimhari so that Hrimhari could be reunited with his baby mama, Wolfsbane But Wolfsbane wants Hrimhari to renege on that deal…
And Hrimhari know the[...]
And its bite will prove most…VENOMOUS.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99
But over in Venom's regular series, the titular symbiote is battling against Malekith… and we know Marvel would never screw up its continuity during a super-mega-crossover event, right?!
In Weapon X #25, Sabretooth is beheaded by the demon Azazel and sent to hell, where he wanted to go as part of Weapon X-Force's mission to take down the newly demonic Rev William Stryker But where he ends up isn't a fiery pit of despair; well, it isn't fiery, at least For Sabretooth, who[...]
Ever since Avengers and X-Men AXIS, we've seen a kinder, gentler Sabretooth And though Sabretooth has done his best to keep the new Weapon X-Force team he's been leading motivated more by profits than morals, he just can't seem to help himself growing as a person And sure, his leadership has thus far caused his[...]
Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, Domino, Mystique, and Omega Red struggle to contain him Deathstrike injects him with nanites to combat Mentallo's control, but it turns out that Wade is working for money willingly That means that Weapon X must take him down the old-fashioned way Maybe Frail can help On top of everything, Mentallo has one[...]
Sabretooth is still the leader, and, in addition to Domino and Lady Deathstrike, he is joined by Omega Red and Mystique Their first mission finds them robbing warriors from Breakworld After this, Victor Creed lays out a plan to rob a gathering of a megachurch's cult-like congregation Sabretooth has intel that says that Monet St[...]
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Sabretooth battles his resurrected son, Graydon Creed Lady Deathstrike duels her own father, Kenji Oyama Meanwhile, Soteira's soldiers continue to run through the town Daken is missing The living dead spread throughout the area A bomb is on its way to cleanse the area, and, if Lady Deathstrike and Sabretooth don't destroy the device[...]
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Warpath is finally trying to take down Sabretooth while the Winter Guard tries to bring down Weapon X and Omega Red Red is more interested in killing his brother, Vassily The Winter Guard won't let that happen, and the fight intensifies as a result Meanwhile, Old Man Logan isn't doing so well in the[...]
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Daken is pinned down by the undead horde, but he finds his way to the warehouse in which Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike are hiding The three know this may be their final stand, but Daken has a suspicion that a glowing green device he spotted is responsible for both he zombies and the mutants'[...]
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Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, and Domino are helping Omega Red take the fight back to S.I.C.K.L.E and Red's brother S.I.C.K.L.E is hunting mutants, and Sabretooth has control of the team in Logan's absence However, Warpath objects, and he is working to bring down the Weapon X team before it goes too far out of Logan's[...]
Seriously, how do you have the greatest writer in the history of comics on the payroll and just not use him for anything?
It's the way X-Men comics were meant to be read! It's the column that can only be known as…
For more about the column, check out the reboot issue here.
Across town, Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike are also ambushed by the undead They fight them off, but Victor is bitten The wound isn't healing, and he is ready to abandon Deathstrike and Daken to escape However, escape isn't a readily available option, and he and Deathstrike must find a place to hide.
Hunt for Wolverine: Claws[...]
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Lady Deathstrike and Domino work to track down Sabretooth and Omega Red Meanwhile, Victor and Red arrive at the latter's intended target, with the tiger cub still in tow The target is a Russian general and mutant advocate currently training a future brigade of Titanium Men Sabretooth wants Omega Red to spare the general,[...]
Sworn to sell comics for Marvel executives who feared and hated the fact that Fox owned their movie rights, The Uncanny X-Men suffered great indignities, but with a corporate merger on the way, the X-Men can finally get back to doing what they do best: being objectively the best franchise in comics.
Each week, armed with the joy, heartbreak, and[...]
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Sabretooth, the acting leader of Weapon X, has been taken by Omega Red and is being dragged through the Siberian tundra as rations Warpath, Lady Deathstrike, and Domino continue to battle the mind-controlled mutant prisoners at the gulag Red just escaped Sabretooth thinks he can get through to Omega Red, who is weakened in[...]
Elsewhere, Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, and Daken come together on the matter of Wolverine's apparent resurrection The three decide that, if Logan is alive once more, they are going to just have to kill him again This path leads them to that small town, now completely empty.
Hunt for Wolverine: The Claws of a Killer #1 cover[...]
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Team Weapon X is now under the control of Sabretooth Old Man Logan is out of commission, and Victor Creed just might be the best man for the job There are protests from Warpath and Domino, but there's no time to second guess Reports are coming out of Russia that a mutant gulag holding[...]
Left with very few options, Sabretooth suggests Weapon X take Nuke's pills to gain the strength and ferocity to take out the soldiers However, there is also the psychological cost Will Weapon X be able to come back from this?
Weapon X #14 cover by David Nakayama
Weapon X #14 shows the series' weak points writ large[...]
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The Sparrow continues her bitter duel with Choshin, as Sabretooth and the Rat of Twelve Plagues maul one another Things begin to look truly grim for K'un-Lun until the Iron Fist returns with more ferocious back-up.
Iron fist #77 cover by Jeff Dekal
With Iron Fist #77, we conclude "Sabretooth: Round Two," and it's a bombastic[...]
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Wolverine and Gabby wake up Daken, Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, and Lady Deathstrike They ready themselves to bring the Orphans of X down, but they discover what the group really is They're not the monsters that Laura feared, and she tries a different approach.
All-New Wolverine #30 cover by Dan Mora and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
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With Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, and Lady Deathstrike possible killed by the Orphans of X, Wolverine, Gabby, and Daken are partaking in a ritual with Muramasa to create a shield and armor that can deflect the creations of the Muramasa Blade being used by the Orphans Unfortunately, this lays the three mutants up for[...]
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Iron Fist and Sabretooth have arrived at K'un-Lun to find the city under siege by Choshin and the forces of Liu-Shi The two dive into the chaos and the new Yu-Ti of K'un-Lun, Sparrow, engages Choshin in fierce battle.
Iron Fist #76 cover by Jeff Dekal
The climax to "Sabretooth: Round Two" begins with this issue,[...]
Lady Deathstrike and Sabretooth wanting nothing to do with the rest of them while still opting to stick around is funny in its own right Warpath's fighting spirit and strong moral compass actually makes him something of a leader in this issue That's surprising simply because one gets used to Logan/Wolverine taking over almost every[...]
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It's mayhem between the three factions of Iron Fist and Sabretooth, Choshin's forces, and the new Serpent Society Sabretooth has his eyes set on the replacement Constrictor, whose predecessor was a close friend and associate of Victor Creed Danny is more concerned with keeping the Book of the Iron Fist out the hands of[...]
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Upon searching his grave, Sabretooth and Iron Fist learn that the Constrictor is indeed still dead This means that the Constrictor that stole the Book of the Iron Fist is someone who took the costume and identity To learn who, the two go to the Bar with No Name, a notorious hideout for lowlifes[...]
Where the other issues of this series have been faster-paced and action-oriented, this issue of Iron Fist is a bit slower for the most part, allowing for more insight into where Danny Rand's mind is at during this point in time.
We also get some morbid humor with Shao Lao the Undying and his…lunch.
The highly-advertised and[...]
Ed Brisson and Mike Perkins will bring Iron Fist into the Marvel Legacy era, and they're bringing Sabretooth along for the ride.
The creative team of Iron Fist is taking the concept of Marvel Legacy seriously When Iron Fist resumes its legacy numbering at #73 this fall, it will come with a special co-star for the[...]
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*Weapon X #4 is part of the Weapons of Mutant Destruction Crossover
You know, I had high hopes for this series.
I like Wolverine, Lady Deathstrike, Sabretooth, and Warpath Domino is…alright I don't dislike her; I've just never held much interest in that character.
Greg Pak, well, he's Greg Pak, Planet Hulk, World War Hulk, Phoenix: Warsong[...]