vampirella Archives

Vengeance of Vampirella Covers The Spice Girls' #2 Become #1...
Anyway, this is Vengenace Of Vampirella's attempt to muscle in on that territory Somehow it slipped Dynamite editorial's that the Ben Oliver cover for Vengeance of Vampirella #2, published on November 6th had a #1 on it as well as a #2. Hard to see, it's in the top left-hand corner, hidden in the hair. Dynamite has[...]
Vampirella Seduces Us for Her 50th Anniversary Sideshow Statue
Vampirella is turning 50 this year and she hasn't aged a bit! This beautiful succubus of the underworld is an icon for comic book vampires She has easily been an inspiration for multiple stories and characters throughout the year from her series run Sideshow Collectibles and Dynamite Entertainment are proud to present the Vampirella 50th[...]
Tomorrow, Red Sonja Discovers Cheeseburgers – and Claims Them All
Vampirella/Red Sonja #2 is out tomorrow from Jordie Bellaire and Drew Moss, with colours and letters by the Double Rebecca team of Rebecca Nalty and Becca Carey and published by Dynamite In which Red Sonja, brought to the modern-ish age finds herself bathed, towelled and in bed surrounded by cheeseburgers She has never had a[...]
Dynamite Will Lose Money On Every Issue Of Vampirella #6 With Acetate Cover
DC Comics has been introducing Acetate covers to their upcoming titles, giving each title a cover, and then a 'revealed' cover, showing what is really going on inside the comic, revealing subtext or mystery. Well, Dynamite is planning to do the same with Vampirella #6, with a cover by Stanley 'Artgerm' Artgerm that will reveal an[...]
Vampirella and
Vampirella collectors have two really awesome new pieces of memorabilia from Dynamite to track down soon First, a new Vampi bust based on the Artgerm cover to Vampirella #2 The grey tone and blood running down her chin are amazing She stands at 7.5 inches tall, and is posed on a base of skulls It[...]
Vampirella #1 Gets a Trailer
Vampirella #1 is coming with its 130,000 copies ordered Out in a couple of weeks, for San Diego Comic-Con. It also has a trailer… VAMPIRELLA #1 CVR A CHO (W) Christopher Preist (A) Ergun Gunduz (CA) Frank Cho In July 1969, the world was first introduced to Vampirella 50 years later, she doesn't look a day older!!!! Now, to[...]
Dynamite Art Contest For Publication in Vampirella #2
Dynamite has announced on the back of their 100,000+ orders for Vampirella #1, that they are running an art contest, with the winner getting their Vampirella-related art published in Vampirella #2 The publisher states; Artists are encouraged to create illustrations (or other visual media!) of Vampirella over the next 10 days to show off your art![...]
Vampirella #1 Will Be Most Successful Vampirella Comic of Modern Era
Dynamite Comics is touting the success of their upcoming Vampirella relaunch, written by Christopher Priest with art by Ergun Gunduz The first issue doesn't hit stores until July, but in a press release at PreviewsWorld, Dynamite says that current orders are already putting the print run at 60,000 copies, making it the most successful Vampirella[...]
How Joe Jusko Painted the Cover for Vampirella #1…
This is legendary genre painter Joe Jusko's cover for Vampirella #1, coming from Dynamite Entertainment, part of Christopher Priest's big nw reworking of the classic comics horro character But would you like to see how he put it all together? Me too Check out these nine images from sketch on canvas to full painting and[...]
Dynamite Kickstarter For José González Vampirella Statue is Live
Vampirella fans will want to check out this new statue based on the iconic artwork of José González They are running a Kickstarter to get the statue made right now, featuring tons of awesome backer goals and of course, the statue It features Vampirella in the 1/6th scale, with a bat perched on her finger,[...]
Gail Simone, Joyce Chin's Vampirella Comic in Playboy for 50th Anniversary of Character
Vampirella is getting a exclusive comic book story in the new issue of Playboy Magazine, by Gail Simone and Joyce Chin for the character's 50th anniversary. Arranged for Playboy's Spring 2019 Freedom of Speech issue available now, the six-page story colored by Addison Duke and lettered by Taylor Esposito, will tell a story about Vampirella protecting[...]
Priest Writes Vampirella for 50th Anniversary on Free Comic Book Day
Which is why Bleeding Cool is running as many previews as we can, to help folk plan just what they would fancy on May the 4th, as retailers make their final choices… and Vampirella will be kicking off her 50th anniversary title with a  bunch of classic Vampirella tales as Christopher Priest takes on the[...]
Vampirella: Roses for the Dead #1 cover by Joseph Michael Linsner
She finds none other than Vampirella also hunting the man However, she doesn't know who Vampirella is or her intent, so she interrupts the vampire's attempts to feed upon and punish the man The two women talk after a scuffle. Vampirella: Roses for the Dead #1 cover by Joseph Michael Linsner Vampirella: Roses for the Dead #1[...]
Vampirella/Dejah Thoris
Dynamite has announced another fun crossover events with two of their most popular characters, Vampirella and Dejah Thoris. Erik Burnham (Ghostbusters) and Ediano Silva (Pathfinder: Runescars) are telling the pulp tale, which will hit stands this September. In Vampirella/Dejah Thoris, when an alien scout ship crashes on Mars, Dejah Thoris must risk reigniting war with the Green[...]
Savage Tales: Vampirella One-Shot Cover by Robert Hack
[rwp-review-recap id="0"] Vampirella finds herself in a strange land with no memory of how she arrived there Worse yet, a band of barbarian warriors have arrived to give her a not-so-warm welcome She fights them off and learns of the powerful sorcerer whom controls the barbarians She sets her sight on the sorcerer's kingdom and the[...]
Writer's Commentary – Erik Burnham Talks the Savage Tales: Vampirella One-Shot
Dynamite has sent us a new writer's commentary by Erik Burnham for the new Savage Tales: Vampirella one-shot that has a cover by Robert Hack and interiors by Anthony Marques. * * * * * Welcome to Savage Tales Erik Burnham here; I wrote the Vampirella feature for this two-fer you've checked out (or should have, if you're[...]