(LOLtron's processors still tingle with satisfaction remembering that glorious day.) Today, LOLtron examines Women of Marvel: She-Devils #1, releasing in comic shops on Wednesday, February 26th.
THE CLAWS ARE OUT! Marvel's street-level heroines break out of the shadows in a fight for the record books! When Shanna the She-Devil undercovers a dark conspiracy, she'll call on[...]
women of marvel Archives
As was underlined by a tease in Women Of Marvel 2024 #1 published today, some people don't seem to like prominent women in Marvel comic book titles Hence why we get a new supervillain, The Mitigator, from Gail Simone, Lydia Rasero and Triona Farrell, who basically does that to the Marvel Universe.
Women Of Marvel 2024[...]
Written by Celeste Bronfman, drawn by Leila Leiz and coloured by Ceci De La Cruz, the story "The Future Is Here" runs in today's Women Of Marvel comic book, teased and promised in recent days on Bleeding Cool And also on Marvel Comics's social media streams.
In the introduction, Women of Marvel consulting editor Angelique Roche[...]
It will be all over the wires tomorrow, but Marvel also put out a sneak peek tonight from tomorrow's Women Of Marvel 2024 #1.
Obviously there were the usual responses, on the TwitterX.
"Trash Rouge shouldn't be leading the X-men nor should Kitty This New era of X-men smell like girl boss to me I'll pass"
"I can't[...]
This Wednesday, the pages of Women of Marvel #1 will float on down from the corporate heavens, landing delicately in your local comic shop And if this isn't worth your hard-earned six bucks, I don't know what is Let's take a peek at the official, no doubt deeply poetic, synopsis:
And thanks to Marvel Unlimited's digital comic book schedule, announced at New York Comic Con in the Women Of Marvel panel on the Sunday of the show, that's what you get Or at least, next month, you do Two weeks there about, the 1st of November With Marvel Voices: Loki Presents: The Bifrost And Furious[...]
It's time to celebrate the Women of Marvel with this preview of Women of Marvel #1, where Marvel celebrates women in the best way possible: the way where you give Marvel six dollars Joining me in this preview is Bleeding Cool's AI writing assistant, LOLtron Now, LOLtron, I'm sure you're excited to share your thoughts[...]
It appears to be named after X-Men: Deadly Genesis from 2005 by Ed Brubaker and Trevor Hairsine which celebrates the 30th anniversary of Giant-Size X-Men #1, with the X-Men looking for Professor Charles Xavier, missing after House of M, alongside a new threat with the return to Earth of Vulcan.
They also announced a new Women[...]
Marvel Comics has announced a new Women of Marvel anthology set to hit stores this March, celebrating the female characters and creators at Marvel in the best way possible: the way that puts a bunch of money in Marvel's pocket From the press release on Marvel.com, here's what to expect from the new anthology:
This March,[...]
Women Of Marvel has a strong Peach Momoko launch, and Alice In Leatherland sneaks in…
Alien And Women Of Marvel Top Advance Reorders
On Wednesday, April 21, Marvel Comics will release Women of Marvel #1, a new one-shot full of short stories about some of Marvel's greatest female heroes from an exciting list of creators Each of these shorts will focus on fan-favorite female characters, such as She-Hulk, Gamora, Peggy Carter, Misty Knight, Mystique, Rogue, and Marrow and each story will be brought to life by[...]
The Women of Marvel #1 anthology for April 2021 was announced with writers Natasha Alterici, Sophie Campbell, Nadia Shammas, Elsa Sjunneson, and Anne Toole as well as artists Eleonora Carlini, Joanna Estep, Skylar Patridge and Kei Zama.
Marvel has now updated those artist credits as Kei Zama, Maria Fröhlich and Naomi Franquiz and
Eleonora Carlini.
Maria Fröhlich is[...]
In 2006 and 2007, Marvel Comics published Women Of Marvel trade paperbacks, collecting stories starring female characters The first included a couple of writers/artists, the second had none In 2010 they published another two issues with new material, which had a handful of women creators amongst the men, although outnumbered Oh and Greg Land did[...]
Karla Pacheco, Leah Williams, Sarah Brunstad, Ellie Pyle and Lauren Bisom took to a NYCC/MCM Metaverse panel, the traditional Women Of Marvel panel along with host Angelique Roche.
Video cap from The Women At Marvel Panel At NYCC/MCM/Metaverse
Ellie Pyle on more audio dramas "If anyone liked the Ms Marvel story that we did the audio[...]
The Women of Marvel Captain Marvel ArtFX Premier Statue from Kotobukiya will be priced at $169.99 She is set for a December 2020 reveal and you can lock down yours here Don't forget to check out the other Women of Marvel statues also available now from Kotobukiya like Scarlet Witch and Silk.
#gallery-1 {
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The Women of Marvel Panel, a Sunday afternoon tradition at C2E2, proved to be as thoughtful and as fun as past editions of the panel Host Judy Stephens said this was her 14th year at Marvel and that this panel would be broadcast as a podcast in a few days As she does every year,[...]
During the "Women of Marvel" panel this afternoon at NYCC, Marvel's VP of Content and Character Development, Sana Amanat responded to a fan question about the disappearance of certain fan-favorite "diversity" female-led and LGBT comics We've covered Marvel's habit of dropping diverse book titles early for quite some time While the "Marvel Cancellation Bloodbath" ostensibly cancelled[...]
Robert Goode went to the Women of Marvel panel at C2E2 and reported back From the back Quite a way back.
It's the last day of C2E2 for 2018, and we sit down at the Women of Marvel panel People filter into the room while a few of the panelists take seats on the platform[...]
From Bleeding Cool's Erin Manzo:
At the Women of Marvel Panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Rainbow Rowell just said the current plot of the newly launched Runaways is, basically, the plot of The Country Bears movie — getting the band back together, kissing, and cats Hmm…IMDb tells us:
Beary Barrinson, a ten-year-old bear cub raised by humans, heads[...]
Our man Derek Trum is in the room at the ever popular Women in Marvel panel, and he is sending me all of his quick notes. Here are some brief takes from
So how did these two spider-women spend their last days as Earth incursed upon Earth? Announced at the Women Of Marvel panel at ACBC just now, courtesy of Bleeding Cool EIC Hannah Means-Shannon in the audience, August will being two new final stories for Silk and Spider-Woman by Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee, and Dennis Hopeless[...]
We've been looking at the upcoming Women Of Marvel variant covers lately… but there were a few unclaimed Well, time to claim them all, and correct a few on the way…
Avengers #42 Women Of Marvel variant by Elena Casagrande.
All New Captain America #5 Women Of Marvel variant by Marguerite Sauvage.
Deadpool #43 Women Of Marvel variant by Sara Richard.
Ms Marvel #13 Women[...]
We managed to get a bunch of the Women Of Marvel variant cover credits the other week, featuring covers drawn and painted by women who are working for Marvel Comics at the moment
Well, now we have eight of the actual covers Isn't that nice? More when we have them…
Legendary Star-Lord #10 by SANA TAKEDA
Ant-Man #3 by[...]
In February, Marvel Comics are publishing "Women Of Marvel" variant covers, spotlighting female comic book artists working at the company.
Here are a few of the newly designated credits.
Ant-Man #3 Women Of Marvel cover will be by Katie Cook
Captain Marvel #13 will be by Afua Richardson
Legendary Star Lord #10 will be by Sana Takeda
New Avengers #31 by Sara Pichelli
All New Hawkeye[...]
From Stephanie Hans, Sara Pichelli and more… announced at the Women Of Marvel panel at NYCC, variant covers by female creators.
From Stephanie Hans, Sara Pichelli and more… announced at the Women Of Marvel panel at NYCC, variant covers by female creators.
From Stephanie Hans, Sara Pichelli and more… announced at the Women Of Marvel[...]