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'Supernatural' Preview: Will 300th Episode "Lebanon" Be Winchesters' Final Family Reunion? [VIDEO, IMAGES]
Fair warning, SPN Family! I am going to legit ugly cry throughout the CW's 300th episode of Supernatural.
Now with that out of the way… wish-fulfilling "Lebanon" gives us the Winchester family reunion we've been eagerly anticipating for twelve years. Chuck-willing, this show will outlast the energizer bunny and make all of our wishes come true before the series end.
Consider this your 7-Eleven (minus the Slurpee) for all SPN 300 scoopage. Sneak peeks, images, soundbites – we have it all right here for your viewing convenience. So buckle into Baby and get ready to weep…in a good way.
Supernatural s14e13 "Lebanon": JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN RETURNS FOR THE 300TH EPISODE – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) look to occult lore for a solution to their latest problem, but instead of a resolution, they find much more than either of them had anticipated. Jeffrey Dean Morgan (John Winchester) guest stars. The episode was directed by Robert Singer and written by Andrew Dabb & Meredith Glynn.
Dean (Jensen Ackles) is still cool and a wanted man (love the throwback headshot!), whereas Sam (Jared Padalecki) is now "internet famous." In a Kim Kardashian-like way or like a cute kitten video? I have a feeling Dean would be more excited over option one, so he must be known for something silly.
The boys find an ancient pearl that fulfills your heart's desire. Awwww. Dean thinks all he wants is to get Michael out of his head, but we all know what always weighed heavy on his heart…
Excuse me while I grab a box of Kleenex for the next clip….
Our friends at Entertainment Weekly gifted us first with John and Mary's reunion – squee!!!
This instantly became one of my all-time favorite scenes from the series. SPN 300 hasn't even aired yet and I already don't want it to end! Mary (Samantha Smith) and John (Jeffery Dean Morgan) still got that loving feeling. The way Sam taps Dean out to give their parents some privacy is absolutely adorable. It has always been sweet to see how attached Dean is to their parents. He never left their sides and was always the dutiful son. Even after acknowledging John's shortcomings over the years, he still forgives their dad.
The boys understood why they were raised into the hunting life and I am so glad John mentions it again here. This show has been about their family from the very beginning. Everything started by going after the thing that killed Mary.
Smith shared her insights on John's return with EW:
What does this moment, getting to see John again, mean for Mary?
I feel like Mary's been searching ever since she came back and she's been a little rudderless. Her boys are the only thing that she has left from her old life and they're not the same either. So this moment is going to set her back is my guess. I have a feeling she's going to take a hit from this.
The last time we saw you and Jeffrey Dean Morgan together was the pilot. How do you feel Mary's changed since then?
All of Mary's appearances, Amy Gumenick's portrayals aside because that was a whole different thing, were canonized, perfect, ghostly. I call her Nightgown Mary. Except for the one appearance where she was hallucinations where she could be mean and when she was Eve. But Mary was always this particular thing. And when she came back, she was a whole person with flaws and opinions and that was an adjustment but even since she's come back, she continues to change and evolve rather quickly. I love where she's come. I love Mary, all of her, even her foibles. It's tremendous fun trying to keep up with her.
Do you feel like you're getting to play a different version of her in the 300th?
Yes, happier Mary, because all the Winchesters always have so much weight on them and particularly in this moment, everything's right in the world for this bubble of time. And John only knows Mary from before so she gets to be that in that moment.
I have to admit, I've been surprised by Mary's behavior since her return. It wasn't the happy family reunion I anticipated and my heart breaks for Sam and Dean because she needed space from them. Maybe she's been at odds because she came back and John didn't. I just hope he doesn't find out about Ketch (David Haydn-Jones) and Alt Bobby (Jim Beaver).
We know Mary is sticking around, but TPTB make it clear that this time with John is temporary. Morgan has been waiting for the perfect storyline and he found it in episode 300. EW has the details:
EW: Fans have asked you about returning many times over the years, and you've always said…
JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN: "Every time a fan asked, I always said the same thing: 'I'm totally open to returning. It's about the story.' Because I'm very good friends with Jensen [Ackles] and Jared [Padalecki], and we've talked about it and it was always, 'Before the show goes off the air, I hope to get on.' Jensen called and said, 'Hey would you be interested in doing our 300th?' I wasn't going to be working at this time so absolutely, sure.
So I got on the phone with [co-showrunner] Andrew [Dabb] and I said, 'It's about story.' It's kind of important if you're going to bring this guy back, there's gotta be an endgame. The relationships between these three men were so open, so if I was going to come back, it would be nice to have some closure, especially with Sammy. So it went from there, and we worked it out to where we think it's a good story and a really good way for John to come back into the fold."
What does it mean for John to get to see his boys and his wife again?
"I think it means the world to John certainly. And also for me, the actor that plays John, I think it means almost equally as much. There's always been a need for closure with these characters and their father, especially with Jared's character. Kid's a disaster because of his father apparently. [Laughs] My thing was always, if I come back, I gotta fix that. There's gotta be an opportunity to mend that relationship and I think that that's hopefully what the audience is anticipating.
But it always bugged me that the John that I played is different than the John that has been portrayed since I haven't been around. I really wanted the opportunity to be able to come back and make amends in a way and try to fix the sullied name of this character. But more than that, it's three friends, life lived. It feels like we've been friends for a lifetime now, getting to reunite in a place that we love and that we met and do what we do and I think that is super cool. So not only does John win in getting to come back and see his boys and Mary again and hopefully make some amends, it's just as cool for me, the actor, to be able to come back and see everybody."
The look on John's face when she calls for the boys and Dean's expression when he sees his parents together are priceless. We've never had the chance to see the Winchesters all together. They've always had a tragically fractured family dynamic. I completely understand why Morgan would want to provide some much-needed closer with his return. John fell off that pedestal years ago, but he did try to do his best for the boys under the circumstances.
Supernatural writer/producer Andrew Dabb reveal more teasers to EW :
Our guys are put in a position where they essentially can have a wish granted," Dabb says. "They're actually expecting something else, but [John's return] comes from a place of want by Dean. The need for closure is really what brings John back into their lives." But John isn't the only person who comes back into their lives. As with any altered reality, not everything changes for the good. Without getting too specific, whatever brings John back also causes the return of Zachariah (Kurt Fuller), the no-BS angel who saw Sam and Dean as nothing more than thorns in his side. (Like Kripke said, angels are dicks!) Speaking of angels, this reality also affects Castiel in… certain ways. This time the boys are dealing with a different (though not entirely unfamiliar) version of their friend"
I'm a little afraid keeping John means losing Castiel, which is so sad. I love Cas and Dean's friendship… nay, brotherhood. He's part of the family now – as is Jack. Hmmm… I wonder if this means Bobby and Rufus didn't die either. One little Twist of Fate (…or Free Will?) can change so many lives.
That is a lesson Supernatural teaches us time and time again.
I can't even contain my excitement for "Lebanon." This episode will definitely go down in television history: very few dramas make it to the 300 milestone and still maintain such a passionate (and growing) fanbase for so long.
Cheers to SPN 300!
Supernatural's 300th episode, "Lebanon" airs this Thursday, February 7 at 8 p.m. EST on the CW.