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'Young Justice: Outsiders' Recap – "True Heroes"…Not So Fast! [SPOILERS]
Welcome back to Bleeding Cool's recap of this week's final four new episodes of the first half of DC Universe's Young Justice: Outsiders, as we take a look at the final episode of the first half of the season, "True Heroes."
Happy Harbor. October 31, 17:42 EDT
We interrupt this awkward Happy Harbor High School Halloween dance prep with a special announcement: everything that happened during this first half of the season has led to this. Vic and Violet astay home, with Jace chaperoning them while everyone else boards the Bio Ship for Greater Bialya.
While the team is away, Violet freaks out about the possibility that Brion might not make it back. Jace attempts to soothe Violet, telling her that she's fine. Her problem is that the motherbox was not built to handle teenaged girl emotions and hormones. Hearing that the motherbox is vulnerable, the fatherbox takes control of Vic. The fatherbox sees Violet as an abomination and plans to kill her.
Violet is powerless with her motherbox abilities clouded by her human emotions. Vic stalks her through the house (M'gann is going to be pissed when she gets home). With Violet finally cornered, Vic fights and regains control from the fatherbox long enough for Violet to get away, but Violet refuses to leave while Vic still needs help. Instead of letting her feelings for others distract her, Violet uses them to focus and gives Vic the biggest blast of purple yet–ridding the fatherbox of all control over him.
With Forager at the Bio Ship's controls, Nightwing lays out the plan. All of the various teams are hitting major metahuman trafficking depots all at once. They have the one in Greater Bialya based on intel that Tara is here. The traffickers take teens under the influence of control disks and have them fight in gladiatorial combat for an audience of willing buyers in order to determine their value at auction.
Tigress, Jeff, and Brion don Court of Owls masks in order to access the auction. There, they watch as Tara fights and loses her match. Once the match ends, the team purchases her at auction. The Bio Ship picks them up and takes off. Brion removes Tara's control disk and the two siblings are reunited.
That's not the end of the mission. With Tara safely away, Conner, Nightwing, Tigress, and Jeff drop back in to bust up the ring. From the Bio Ship. Conner and Forager create a diversion outside while Nightwing, Tigress, and Jeff head inside to free the enslaved teens. Watching from the Bio Ship, Tara tells Brion that she was forced to do terrible things while under the disk's control. Those kids have been and will continue to be subjected to the same if they're not freed. Tara convinces Brion that they need to go help.
Tara and Brion assist Nightwing and Tigress in getting the kids safely aboard the Bio Ship. Once Conner and Jeff are aboard, the group heads back to Happy Harbor with good news. The depots were all destroyed by the various teams. Not only that, Vic has been completely cleansed of the fatherbox's influence. Everybody wins!
Though anyone with knowledge of Tara's history in the DCU–comics and otherwise–saw the last bit of the episode coming from a mile away…
Once everyone in the house is asleep, Tara sends an ominous text to Deathstroke in Santa Prisca: "I'm in."
It seems Young Justice is setting up a "The Judas Contract"-inspired arc for Tara in the back half of the season.
Speaking of the second half of the season…be sure to join us back here in June (yes, June) for the next thirteen new episodes of DC Universe's Young Justice: Outsiders. Until then, let us know what you thought of the first half of the season in the comments below!