Posted in: Collectibles, NECA | Tagged: bill skarsgard, IT, NECA, Pennywise
NECA Shows Us The Many Faces Of Pennywise The Dancing Clown
Pennywise, the Bill Skarsgård version from IT Parts 1 and 2, has had no shortage of action figures in the last few years, and that includes NECA. The company has had a ball making some outrageous versions of the iconic clown, all chock full of accessories, and looks out the wazoo. But it always felt like you could never get THE definitive version; there was just no way to get all of his looks into one release. Well, they figured it out. Hitting stores shortly is The Many Faces of Pennywise figure set, and it is truly epic. NECA sent us one to take a look at, so let's take a peep at one of the cooler horror figure releases of the year.
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
NECA Releases The Definitive Version Of Pennywise
I love the packaging here. The lenticular Pennywise portrait is chilling; his eyes will follow you when you walk by it and made many members of my household uneasy. Open the flap and get a look at the ten headsculpts included in this set, all the accessories, and the Dancing Clown himself. Awesome, awesome job. Peep that background as well. If you know, you know.
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
- NECA Many Faces of PW
This set is all about the faces, and man, I have never opened an action figure with more. These also all have the digital printing on the faces, so they look dead on. Thankfully, this is the same Pennywise body we have gotten in the past, though this one has the whiter gloves on the hands. All of the parts are easy to swap out, though I do have a couple of tips for you. Make sure you use the right neck poof (I don't know what that is actually called) with the proper head, or it won't fit. Don't force it. The same goes for the fire poker through his head; you have to insert that yourself. GO SLOW. DO NOT FORCE IT. It will snap in half very easily. That being said, that is by far the coolest head here; it looks amazing and gross at the same time. I also love the big teeth smiling grin, one with the blank eyes, and the side part head. I do wish it had the closed-mouth serious head (found in the original Ultimate release) and the painted lady head, the mouth full of arms head, and the Dead Lights head (found in the Dancing Clown Ultimate releases), but I can forgive them for that. The ones included are the ones most would want. The figure itself is just as good as it has been in previous releases: amazing detail, easy to maneuver, and Pennywise looks like he was just shrunk down from the screen and placed into the box.
With all the included heads, stellar accessories that mean you can recreate pretty much any scene you want, and the already great figure, this really is the definitive Pennywise release. I say it is worth the upgrade, even if you already purchased one of the others. So many display options are possible; it would be worth it to have more than one figure as well.
You can order as many Pennywise figures to fit each head right here.