Posted in: Collectibles, Hasbro | Tagged: boba fett, boba fett helmet, chewbacca, dagobah luke, darth vader, han solo, hasbro boba fett helmet, hasbro star wars, hyperreal figure, Luke Skywalker, sail barge, sdcc, SDCC 2019, sdcc hasbro, sdcc hasbro star wars, star wars, star wars galaxy of adventures, Star Wars HyperReal, triple force friday
SDCC 2019: Hasbro Star Wars Panel Reveals Boba Fett Helmet…and That's Pretty Much It
Star Wars fans packed into Room 7AB this afternoon for the big Hasbro panel, hoping to hear about tons of new figures and such in anticipation of the new film The Rise of Skywalker, the new show on Disney+ The Mandolorian, The new game Jedi Fallen Order and Clone Wars returning.
While we know that they will have a Triple Force Friday to celebrate, the very first thing they said is that they had nothing to show us and nothing to talk about from these Star Wars properties. WHOMP WHOMP. It is understandable, but not surprising given how this panel has gone these last few years in the new Star Wars era.
After that, they talked about their con exclusives here at the show- the 40th anniversary six inch Boba Fett, the Luke Skywalker three pack, and the newly announced Sith Trooper. After that: they showed us a short and new taller figures from Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures figures that will be taller and feature actions like a Force Slash. Vader, Chewy, Ham, and 3PO were shown, with more coming they said.
They announced what we already knew: the Retro series 3 3/4 inch figures will be coming to more retailers, including Entertainment Earth this Tuesday. No other 3 3/4 inch figures were revealed except to say that the Vintage Collection will continue.
For Black Series, all that was shown was the figure prototype for Dagobah Luke, who won the fan vote for Empire Strikes Back earlier this year. I thought we might get a few non- ROS reveals here, but nope. Instead, we got a reveal of the second Star Wars HyperReal figure- Luke Skywalker in his Bespin fatigues to pari with the Vader shipping next month.
The they spent a really long time talking through the design process of their SDCC booth dioramas. These are really cool, and incorporate all the various pieces they have produced to compliment Jabba's Sail Barge. Rancors in six -inch scale (but not coming soon), and Sarlacc Pits abound, and Star Wars fans have been loving em all week.
The final, and really only big reveal of the panel is that we are finally getting an amazing Boba Fett helmet. It is stunningly accurate, as they took it right from the scan of the original helmet. It has the most paint aps they have done on a single piece besides the Sail Barge, and features a working range finder as well. It will be available to order on Hasbro Pulse tomorrow, and it is gonna sell out folks.
And that was it. Kinda disappointing, but what are you gonna do. I guess Star Wars fans will have to wait for Force Friday in stores to see everything new in September, unless they announce some more stuff at any of the above cons they will also be at this year.