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Can We Get Watchmen DC Multiverse Figures Already, Todd McFarlane?

Hey Todd McFarlane: Why haven't you made any Watchmen figures in your DC Multiverse line? Any versions would be fine.

Article Summary

  • Question to Todd McFarlane on absent Watchmen figures in DC Multiverse line
  • Highlight of the sparse but valued collectibles from Watchmen's adaptations
  • Suggestions for Watchmen figure waves: comic, movie, and exclusive editions
  • Idea for a five-figure wave including a Dr. Manhattan build-a-figure

Watchmen has plenty of collectibles, especially as a property with a feature film, a TV show, and now an animated film. That includes some action figures, though the offerings have been slim over the years. Todd McFarlane has had the DC license to make toys for about four years now, and his McFarlane DC Multiverse line has had its ups and downs but has been on fire as of late. While the lack of female figures, especially top-tier characters that haven't had figures in ages or ever, has been a headscratcher, his penchant for making obscure characters some of the most desired of the line has me wondering: why no Watchmen Todd?

Watchmen DC Multiverse Figures When, Todd McFarlane?
Watchmen Still. Credit Warner Bros/Discovery

I Would Buy Watchmen Figures

Now, I am not going to pretend to know if Watchmen is even something Todd can make. Maybe he can't. Perhaps if he made them, they would have to be under the Doomsday Clock moniker for reasons above my pay grade. Maybe he does have access to them and thinks they won't sell. Maybe he can't decide if he should make comic versions or versions from the film. If the latter is true, I say: make both.

He is not shy at all about getting the most from his molds and getting us to part without money. he could make two separate waves, one comic, one movie. He could make one wave, make them all movie editions, and do Platinum Editions for each as comic versions and make everyone pull their hair out. He could release them one at a time at Walmart or Target as exclusive Gold Label editions. Heck, he could even make a wave exclusive to his shop and make us buy them right from him like he did the Crisis on Infinite Earths wave.

But Watchmen figures feel like a no-brainer. He usually does four-figure waves, but let's make this one five. Do Rorschach, Ozymandias, The Comedian, Nite Owl, and Silk Spectre, with a Dr. Manhattan, build a figure. Like I said, this feels like a lay-up. Watch him announce them at SDCC next week. I will only take some credit if he does.

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Jeremy KonradAbout Jeremy Konrad

Jeremy Konrad has written about collectibles and film for almost ten years. He has a deep and vast knowledge of both. He resides in Ohio with his family.
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