Posted in: Collectibles, Toys | Tagged: baroness, cobra island, detolf, display, gi joe 2, gi joe classified, IKEA, NECA, neca tmnt, Super7, tmnt, toy display, toys
Toys Collectors: How Do You Display Your Collections?
Ahh, toy collecting. Lately, it is an exercise in futility. Figure preorders sell out in seconds, noting is on the shelf to buy anymore, and companies cannot keep up with demand. Let's say you do walk in and find that GI Joe Classified Cobra Island Baroness Target Exclusive, r the latest NECA TMNT Animated Line release. You get it home, rip it open, and marvel at it for ten seconds. Well, then what? The age-old question: how do YOU display your toys and figures? We all know that buying the toys themselves is pretty expensive, but what about the display? How much money do you put into it?
- Toys On Display 1
- Toys On Display 2
Displaying Toys Is An Art
Personally, I would love to have my entire collection in Ikea Detolf cases. These glass cabinets offer plenty of space, shelves big enough for risers, and frankly just look great. As you can see above, this is my TMNT cabinet in my home. The Detolf fits in perfectly next to my Arcade1Up TMNT cabinet, and my TMNT toys look great and visible on the glass shelves. I added in some puck lights that run on battery for now off Amazon, and they turn on by remote. I want to add fancy lighting that does not run on batteries eventually, but for now, this will suffice.
Displaying your toys can cost more than the toys themselves, but you have put in the money and effort to get these, you should display them properly. Most go with basic bookcases like you can find at Walmart or on Amazon, and risers are also great if you just use spice racks or go the acrylic route. Go on our social channels and post pics of your toy displays for us to see. You never know, you may get some new ideas on how to display yours.