Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adventure time, American Legends, Angry Birds/Transformers, Arkham Manor, batman eternal, Bee and Puppycat, Bionic Woman, butterfly, capture creatures, catwoman, Clive Barker's Nightbreed, Comics, dawn of the planet of the apes, dead letters, Dr Spektor, Edward Scissorhands, flash gordon, future's end, gi joe, GI Joe vs. Transformers, godzilla, gotham by midnight, infinity man, judge dredd, memetic, ody-c, Purgatori, red sonja, samurai jack, Shadow Show, sheltered, Steampunk Battlestar Galactica, Steven Universe, superman, The Amazing World of Gumball, tmnt, TMNT/Ghostbusters, transformers, trees, Turok, wayward, wolverine & The x-men, world's end, x-files
45 Thoughts About 45 Of Today's Comics – Gotham By Midnight, Arkham Manor, Trees, ODY-C, Sheltered, Batman Eternal, Superman, Catwoman, Wayward, Infinity Man, Future's End, World's End, Wolverine & The X-Men, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, American Legends x2, Adventure Time, Bee and PuppyCat, Bionic Woman, Butterfly, Capture Creatures, Clive Barker's Nightbreed, Shadow Show, Godzilla, Dead Letters, Dr. Spektor, Flash Gordon, Memetic, Judge Dredd, Purgatori, Red Sonja, Steampunk Battlestar Galactica, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, Turok, Samurai Jack, Transformers x2, GI Joe, GI Joe Vs. Transformers, Angry Birds/Transformers, TMNT, TMNT/Ghostbusters, X-Files, Edward Scissorhands
Catwoman turns hard drug dealer. Just say to yourself, it's all going to work out, it's all going to work out, it's all going to work out.
Though I think she's done well to resist smuggling in catnip.
And that is how Deathstroke dies, in Futures End. Don't worry, he's get resurrected into some kind of Brother Eye mashine in the far far future we saw. So there's still hope.
There does seem to be a lot of death about today in comics, such as this poignant scene from Earth 2: World's End. Oh yes, for those not following, that's Lois Lane in there. Something not even Lois Lane is that happy about in Futures End…
Thankfully Adventure Time: Banana Guard Academy #5 is on the case with some practical advice.
Although in Capture Creatures #1, the new Kaboom original series from Becky Dreistadt and Frank Gibson, the creators behind Tiny Kitten Keeth, there seems someone else who could use that book, if only to check.
Butterfly #3 also takes a rather devil-may-care attitude to the concept. Start 'em young, Junior Assassins TM. Although don't show them that Deathstroke panel from before. Mean shot. Anyone else good at that?
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #35 has a good old fashioned method. Bang on. Of course, you could get even closer.
Yes, Purgatori #3 has that covered. Also she's really good at saying what she sees.
While Batman Eternal shows us that Hush as spent his time off the scene watching Game Of Thrones box sets.
Superman #36 (Or as it really should be called now, Ulysses #36) gives us another reason for Perry White to fire Clark Kent. His HR file must be pretty massive. Also, check for the Secret Wars references here…
Trees #7. Called it.
Sometimes comics like Infinity Man And The Forever People get so meta I just don't know where to look.
Reading books like Arkham Manor, which take place before Batman #36, after Batman #36, just makes things all a bit weirder.
Gotham By Midnight #1 launches and, well, it's Fell. I mean look it at Templesmith, that sepia wash and nuns. All then need is a Nixon mask.
Storm gets around in the final issue of Wolverine & The X-Men. Don't worry though folks, this is only her inverted persona! Honest!
Kids playing in the snow there, in the new Sheltered. Remember, a gun isn't a toy. It's a realy really good toy.
The mother in Wayward! Ha! So there is something up with her. That job that takes up all her time as a seamstress… what is she really knitting together? Hmm?
Amazing World Of Gumball #5 does kind of underline the sporting coach sex scandals that are probably about to hit us in droves. You think Bill Cosby was bad? Wait till you find out what your PE/PT teacher has been doing for the last three decades. Those shower holes don't build themselves..
Undoubtedly weirder things have happened in history than Johnny Appleseed sweet-talking some wild mustangs in American Legends #4 , but none really spring to mind.
And as Top Cow forget the number of weeks in November, they have to publish American Legends #5 as well today. Good to see that "That Awkward Moment When…" is a cultural universality.
Angry Birds/Transformers #1 hits the stands as civilisation falls.
But no more than with your regular Transformers: Drift: Empire of Stone #1 I suppose.
Bee And PuppyCat #6 gives us a fine Fat Bastard impersonation – but didn't he prefer babies to cakes?
Is she ready? Looks like it, we can see that the Bionic Woman's charge light seems to be flashing.
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes #1 same so close to becoming a superhero comic book right there. But, surprisingly or not, SPOILERS! They chose to go in a different direction.
While in ODY-C, they're talking about us! And victim-blaming while they're at it. Bloody cosmic god-like beings… they're even worse than the Greeks it seems.
Edward Scissorhands #2 gives us a rather Swamp Thing: Anatomy Lesson moment, as Edward reads his own origin – and it's not exactly as he once thought it was.
The Flash Gordon Annual 2014 goes for colour coded languages. And while it challenges sexist stereotypes, it does have a fine line in racial ones to make up for it…
While the cast of Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 #4 prefer to go right for the jugular.
Well, what else is a woman to do late at night in a GI Joe bunker? You can't get a wi-fi single, they haven't got a Starbucks, you might as well memorise soles on a long winter's night…
…apart fro killing them. Dead Letters #6 there?
Given the choice? I'd go for the well timed joke. Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #4 gives you the options.
Judge Dredd #25 has an option that I wish certain members of my family would learn. And odds are they would wish the exact same on me.
Well that's easy to remember. Handy considering this is Memetic #2.
Nightbreed #7 demonstrates light chit chat amongst the creations of Clive Barker. What passes for small talk down below. Five seconds in and it's cannibalism.
Shadow Show #1 sees Joe Hill tell a tale of sadness and woe, but also of optimism and bravery. Ray Bradbury might shed a tear. But also, if you find a dinosaur, stay away from it's teeth unless you are…
Red Sonja rides a dragon, folks, in Red Sonja Black Tower #3 Either that or the dragon is also called Sonja, which I don't know, seems a bit of a coincidence.
Yeah? And I bet you can't get a decent signal in the jungle either. Godzilla: Rulers of Earth #18 pays Top Trumps with technology.
Are you pure? Are you pure? Samurai Jack gets his heavy heart weighed…
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #40 points out why nose rings are never a good idea in battle. Also, Batman, keep your ears short! No Simon Bisley stylings allowed!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #2 get over the finer points of their meeting not making any sense. Could New York be a useful getout for any continuity issues as well? "What do you mean there are four Atlantises in continuity?" "Ahhh… New York."
Turok #10 gets in a little slut shaming on a Wednesday morning…
If he could talk to the aliens as well, just imagine it… X-Files Year Zero #5 gets all Rex Harrison.
While Steven Universe #4 could really use his assistance, that is if he does lion as well as dog.
Maybe he could give the Skylanders a hand as well…
…so what did you read this week? Any thoughts to share?
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. With a new exhibition from Sean Phillips starting today, and a signing with Gabriel Hardman and Corinna Bechko (Savage Hulk, Star Wars: Legacy, Planet of the Apes, Deep Gravity) next Wednesday.