Posted in: Batman, Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: Batman, batman 313, dc comics, ebay, Lucius Fox, luke fox, tim fox
Batman #313 Rockets On eBay After Joker War Zone Tim Fox Rumours
Eleven days ago, a near mint copy of Batman #313 in decent nick sold for $20 on eBay. Hardly unusual price for a Bronza Age comic of no specific notoriety from 1979. The day before that, a VG copy sold for $5. That was the last time a single copy sold on eBay. But the word in yesterday's Joker War Zone story by John Ridley and Olivier Coipel that we may see a return to continuity of Timothy Fox, the son of Lucius Fox that Luke Fox replaced in the current continuity – and the possibility he may be the new Batman in Ridley's upcoming series rather than Luke – has seen a bit of a run on his first appearance over forty years ago.
Right now a copy is going for $51 on eBay with 15 bids so far. It will sell today. Another copy is listed, unsold, for $73. While a 9.0 CGC copy is listed at $300.
We may not get clarification on the new Batman for some time. Diue for January, that doesn't mean there will be a reveal, we have just been teased that it concerns the Fox family. Meanwhile Batwing #19 is still selling copies on eBay for $150 raw or $375 CGC 9.8. But for how long?
Timothy Fox and Lucius Fox didn't get along because Tim joined Ron Watkins' gang, who worked for Gregorian Falstaff, a business competitor of Bruce Wayne, who fabricated evidence that Bruce was a slumlord. Timothy was taken in by these accusations, and because his father worked for Wayne, had a falling out with his father. When Tim finally learned the truth about Ron Watkins and his thugs, he apologized to his father and he knew that it would take time to heal the wounds caused by his bad judgement. And then the NEw 52 came along, wiped Tim Fox from continuity and replaced him with a different son, Luke Fox, who would become Batwing…
Joker War Zone is out this week. I bought mine from Piranha Comics in Kingston-Upon-Thames. Piranha Comics is a small south London comic store chain with a small south-east store in Kingston-Upon Thames's market centre, which runs Magic The Gathering nights on Fridays, and a larger south-west store in Bromley, which also runs Magic nights and has an extensive back issue collection and online store. If you are in the neighbourhood, check them out.