Posted in: Batman, Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Superman | Tagged: absolute, Susan Kirby
Ten More Bleeding Cool Scoops Of 2024
Okay, so Bleeding Cool had a few scoops this year. Here's a look at ten more of them that stood out to me over 2024.
Article Summary
- James Gunn co-writes a Peacemaker/Vigilante comic, confirmed by DC at NYCC 2024.
- Susan Kirby, Jack Kirby's daughter, revealed as a 60s pop star in Britain.
- Ignition Press launches with top comic talent for 2025.
- Absolute Universe comics redefine classic DC characters and storylines.
The other day, I ran ten scoops of 2024 for Bleeding Cool. But I have been reminded there were quite a few more that might be worth noting through the past year. Let's see how many I can quickly jot down.
1. James Gunn Writing A DC Comic
I first got the gossip from Baltimore Comic Con that DC Studios boss James Gunn would be writing a DC comic book to be published in 2025. Then that this will be a Peacemaker/Vigilante comic book, co-written by James Gunn with Tim Seeley, creator of Hack/Slash and owner of original comics art dealer Panel Punk, and drawn by Batman and JSA artist Mitch Gerads. James Gunn then denied on Threads that he was writing a Superman comic drawn by Jim Lee, but I didn't report that he was; he was replying to another site's misreport of our original report. And then DC Comics confirmed it all at NYCC. Not everyone comes out of a James Gunn social media denial smelling of roses, but Bleeding Cool did.
2. Jack Kirby's Daughter, Susan Kirby, Was A London Sixties Pop Star
Okay, we originally got the observation from British comic book retailer Wil Morgan who found a note in an old sixties UK pop magazine, but Bleeding Cool joined up all the dots. That Susan Kirby was the rhythm guitarist in London/Canadian band She Trinity, writing one of their recorded hits, before she left the group. The British press believed that she, like others in the group, were Canadian. And no one, looking at acres of Jack Kirby coverage we've had over the decades, seems to have pointed out that this Sue Kirby, and the Susan Kirby who Jack Kirby named Sue Storm of the Fantastic Four, after, were the same person. But this is also why in 1983, Jack Kirby had Susan Kirby write a birthday song for a character, Tracy Coleman, in Silver Star #1.
3. Absolute Martha Wayne
There were lots of plot scoops that ran on Bleeding Cool through the year. But this little note for the launch of Absolute Batman #1, I am told, added another 50,000 orders the weekend that the story appeared on Bleeding Cool. That in the Absolute universe, it was Thomas Wayne who was shot and killed by Joe Chill, but Martha Wayne was not and brought up Bruce Wayne as a single mother in Gotham… which set the scene for big changes in the Absolute Universe.
4. Ignition Press from Rich, Sablik & Haun
I first scooped that IDW's Editor-in-Chief Jamie S. Rich had abruptly stepped down. Then two weeks later, I also scooped that longtime Boom Studios' President of Publishing and Marketing Filip Sablik had handed in his notice – and would be setting up something new with Jamie S Rich. Then THR confirmed Bleeding Cool's scoop, first posited at the end of June and all but confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con, that Sablik and Rich have indeed teamed up for something new. A brand new comic and graphic novel publisher with comics creator Jeremy Haun and movie producer Eric Gitter. Bleeding Cool then named the publisher as Ignition Press. Which, yes, makes the initials IP. And ran its logo…
5. Zod Being A Big Thing In 2025
Back in February 2024, Bleeding Cool ran the news that 2025 would bring a major Superman event with Zod, spilling out from the Kneel Before Zod mini-series, later curtailed. This may have been confirmed by a detail in the recent Lois Lane: Superwoman one-shot.
6. Star Trek: Lore War In 2025
Some people were repeatedly running the fake news that IDW had lost the Star Trek license for 2025. It was Bleeding Cool in September that scooped the news of the IDW Star Trek event Lore War which scotched that particular nonsense… for now, at least.
7. Absolute Super Class System
It wasn't just Absolute Batman. In October, Bleeding Cool ran the news that Absolute Superman would be focusing on the concept of caste and class, both in Krypton and on Earth. As on Krypton, "independent scientific research is illegal… and Lara and Jor are forbidden from engaging in it. This Krypton has a serious class system imposed upon it from the scientific elite over the unskilled labourers. Instead, they are farmers and part-time mechanics. But what technological expertise ordinary Kryptoniana have, it is dwarfed by climate change. And geography change. And geology change. Rain costs, the tech isn't what it once was, and something is clearly up. Both politically, as Lana sees it, and environmentally, as Jor-El does. And both have been exiled to the commonest of castes as a result." As well as "the S shield is not the House Of El in Absolute Superman. It is the caste symbol of the lowest of the low. The labourers, the workers, the people of steel. So no wonder that their son, the Absolute Superman, is keen for the same not to occur on Earth. While the Lazarus Corporation make a practical workers class all of their own." And also adding "there are Omega Men" which we have yet to see…
8. Marvel Bowdlerised The Predator Omnibus
Marvel Comics made the Predator: The Original Years Omnibus Vol 2 published in March, returnable to all retailers, after removing solicited content and making it smaller than advertised. The volumes, reprinting the Dark Horse Comics Predator stories over the years, saw the removal of Predator: Hell Come A-Walkin' #1 and #2 from 1998, and a short story from Dark Horse Presents #137 from 1986. This reduced the page count from 1048 to 992. The removed stories by renowned horror writer Nancy Collins and Black Hammer artist Dean Ormston set in 1863 in the American Civil War, a time of racial strife, and by Ron Marz and Claudio Castellini, with Nazis.
9. Absolute Wonder Witch
Oh, and yes, there was the third of the trilogy as well, Absolute Wonder Woman that she "is less of a superhero and more of a super witch. As rather than paradise, she was raised on the desolate charred Isle Of Hell. And she is the last of the… Amazons." But that "no one says the word Amazon, by command of Apollo, who is behind the exiling of Wonder Woman as a baby on the Isle Of Hell. His father, Zeus, is behind the exiling of the Amazons, and Wonder Woman can never be reunited with them." While also "Circe is the de facto mother of Absolute Wonder Woman, who raised her on the island, alone save for visiting monsters, after she was banished there for reasons unknown. This Wonder Woman is one who was raised by Circe and who may have a very different view of the world as a result."
10. A Trinity Of Trinities in 2025
But it wasn't the only big Wonder Woman scoop of the year. Back in August, I ran the scoop that Tom King would be writing a Trinity series starring not only the daughter of Wonder Woman but three of her, the toddler, the middle-grader, and the older teenager previously seen in Trinity's stories, but all existing together and working together at the same time. That series has yet to be scheduled, but DC Comics has confirmed it is coming.
Okay so that's another ten… any more for any more?