Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: go beyond, Niantic, Niantic Labs, pokemon, pokemon go
"GO BEYOND" Initiative Brings Major Changes To Pokémon GO
In a major press briefing, Niantic announced game-changing updates coming to Pokémon GO with the "GO Beyond" initiative. Today, Bleeding Cool will break out all of these updates into dedicated articles with the full details, but first, here is an overview of how GO Beyond, which Niantic Product Marketing Manager Veronica Saron said would be the "first branded updated to Pokémon GO" and the "biggest content update to date," will impact the game and its players.
Generation Six is coming to Pokémon GO in two weeks
You read that right. Even with some Unova species left unreleased, the much anticipated Kalos region will be introduced to Pokémon GO on December 2nd with the following species in the first wave:
● Chespin ● Quilladin ● Chesnaught ● Fennekin ● Braixen ● Delphox ● Froakie ● Frogadier ● Greninja ● Bunnelby ● Diggersby ● Fletchling ● Fletchinder ● Talonflame ● Litleo ● Pyroar ● Klefki (Please note that Klefki will be appearing only in France.)
When asked if the release of the rest of the region would come in waves like the Unova unveiling in 2019 – 2020, Niantic reps had no further comment. However, earlier in the presentation, it was said that new species would be rolled out as a part of future "seasons" of Pokémon GO. More on that in a bit.
Levels 41 – 50 rolling out November 30th with new Level Requirements
Earlier this year, Niantic confirmed that XP would no longer be the only way to level up. Now, we have a bit more details on that. Levels 41 – 50 will be introduced to Pokémon GO on November 30th along with a new Level Requirements section that tasks players with hitting certain goals, including:
- Complete 100 Field Research tasks
- Evolve Eevee into every one of its evolutions
- Hatch 30 Eggs
- Complete 20 raids
And so on. These quests will be in addition to an XP grind, rather than in place of it. Niantic confirmed that XP earned before this would count toward it, but that tasks completed (for example, the Eevee evolution) would, as with previous Research Tasks, not count.
Trainers who have reached Level 40 before the end of 2020 will receive a Legacy Level 40 badge and their own Special Research.
Upcoming Events
- Lake Legends
- 12 Days of Friendship, which will allow trainers to level up faster. This will start today and then run concurrently with both the Pokémon HOME and Lake Legends events. It will also begin double catch XP which will last the entire rest of 2020 to help trainers get to Level 40.
- Kalos-themed event
Seasons will change out-of-event spawns and more in Pokémon GO
Three-month "Seasons" will be introduced to Pokémon GO. These will change the spawns seen out-of-event so that the game can avoid species in the wild getting boring. For example, Rattata may be common for players in one Season but rare in the next, while Sentret is rare in one and then common the next season. Weather and biomes will still play a role in spawns. Events and GO Battle League will also tie into the Seasons. This begins on December first with the Season of Celebration.
New GO Battle League ranks coming
The PVP mechanic will be reorganized with new ranks, including Ace, Veteran, Expert, and Legend. Seasons will last three months and will cycle through Great, Ultra, Master, and all twice.
XL Candy will power Pokémon past Level 40
Finally, for those looking to level Pokémon up past Level 40, a new item called XL Candy will be introduced. These can be converted from Rare Candy or earned from catching Pokémon.
This is the overall shape of things to come, but there is much more information to break down. Read more details on the "GO BEYOND" Initiative with dedicated posts that will roll out throughout the day here:
- Level Cap Increase in Pokémon GO: Niantic Confirms Level 41 – 50
- Kalos Region Debuts Early December 2020 in Pokémon GO
- XL Candy Will Allow Species To Surpass Max Level in Pokémon GO
- New Ranks Coming to GO Battle League in Pokémon GO
- New "Seasons" Will Change Out-of-Event Spawns in Pokémon GO
As these posts go live, will update them in this main post.