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Magic: The Gathering Ikoria Limited Top Ten Picks For Green
Over here at Bleeding Cool, we have been writing down our top ten picks for cards in Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Limited, by color. About two weeks ago, we did writeups for white and for blue, and this week, so far we have written about black and red. Today, we will be going over green common and uncommon cards in Ikoria Limited.
Overall, green feels like it's once again one of the stronger colors in the Limited environment. In Ikoria Limited, the larger a creature is, the better it will be at survival, so given that green tends to have the largest creatures, green is a great color to be running if you can help it. Let's begin!
#10. Essence Symbiote
While we just made the point that larger creatures are of utmost importance in this Limited environment, it's also vital to recognize that the game has to start somewhere. And generally speaking, that somewhere is with one-to-two mana creatures like Essence Symbiote. This creature is very much equipped to support your mutating creatures, something fairly of note in green.
#9. Titanoth Rex
Titanoth Rex is a creature on a very opposite side of the spectrum from Essence Symbiote. It's absolutely massive and doesn't care much about the Mutate mechanic at all. What it does care about is cycling and ability counters (in its case, trample counters). Having a creature that can grant a permanent-basis trample ability and draw you a card at instant-speed without fear of a counter? That's great! Remember, cycling means a card is hardly ever actually a dead one.
#8. Glowstone Recluse
If you're particularly worried about flying creatures like Dreamtail Heron or – goodness forbid! – Vadrok, Apex of Thunder, then mutating creatures into or from a Glowstone Recluse is your best bet of staying alive. Having a creature with Reach is one thing, but having one that grows repeatedly is another. And thankfully, Glowstone Recluse is just one of three amazing green Mutate creatures on this list – you're unlikely to have a shortage of them!
#7. Almighty Brushwagg
All memes aside, Almighty Brushwagg is actually a fantastic creature. It's better than Rootwalla in almost every way, and it is a great card to mutate over if you're in need of a trampler. Plus, just look at that swagger! Even if it's your only 1-drop, it's worth it to run this card in a green Limited deck.
#6. Exuberant Wolfbear
Exuberant Wolfbear is basically Syr Faren, the Hengehammer's steed in many ways, not the least of which is aesthetic. But the Wolfbear does a lot to act similarly to Syr Faren himself. The creature is capable of making Humans much more formidable in combat by changing their base power and toughness to match its own, which is a strong ability for Limited play, especially if you're in colors that have a lot of Humans.
#5. Greater Sandwurm
Sometimes a card is reprinted that makes the Limited environment for its colors so much better than it already is. It's clear to us that Greater Sandwurm is one of those cards. As a 7-drop 7/7 with an interesting mode of evasion, it's likely to be able to do some damage, either to your opponents or their board states, before it goes. As a 2-mana cycling creature, it clearly is not a dead card where you need something better, either.
#4. Charge of the Forever-Beast
Charge of the Forever-Beast is a fantastic card that acts as a preemptive sort of Rabid Bite. If you need a creature or planeswalker to be taken care of in a bad way, simply reveal a copy of your biggest creature-based bomb and kill it! That feels like a heck of a good time in Limited play.
#3. Migratory Greathorn
When we discussed Glowstone Recluse, we mentioned that it was one of three creatures with Mutate on this list. Since then, we went on without discussing any of them, and that means they must be quite strong. Migratory Greathorn is the second of the three, and it does a fantastic job of ramping your mana on mutation. It also provides a hardy body with which to mutate underneath, if need be.
#2. Ram Through
Ram Through is very much like red's Flame Spill, only the trampling effectively needs to come from a creature that already has Trample. It's also green's most easily-accessible piece of creature removal, and at the same time, it can be player removal as well. We foresee a lot of Limited (and even Standard!) games ending by way of Ram Through.
#1. Auspicious Starrix
Our number one spot on this top ten ranking for Ikoria Limited in green has to go to Auspicious Starrix, the third and best monogreen mutate creature on this list. This card is a massive bomb in uncommon and it will wreck faces quite often. Not only does it provide a huge 6/6 body, but it also provides at least one other piece of permanent value when it mutates. That's hugely important for the numbers game, especially if it's a creature that you get from it.
Wrapping up this Top Ten for Ikoria Limited
What do you think of our choices? Are they on the mark, or do they falter in some places? Are you looking forward to playing Ikoria Limited on paper when it releases near you? Let us know!