Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: capcom, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 5, DMC5, hideaki itsuno
More Devil May Cry 5 Leaks: This Time with Domain Names
It's been a good weekend for Devil May Cry fans. First, a retailer leaks a possible release date, and now an unkown company has registered as a domain name. Rumors of Devil May Cry 5 started early this year, as designer Hideaki Itsuno apologized to fans for not releasing a game in 2017. Itsuno is known for directing Devil My Cry 2, 3, and 4, so his apology immediately led to rumors of a fifth game in the series (not counting the 2013 reboot DmC).
Now that the domain name for the fifth game has been registered by an unknown company, and not an individual, the case for DMC5 has gotten a bit stronger.
As PCGamer reports:
As unearthed by the DMC Discord (via Resetera), Japanese internet company Onamae tied itself to the domain on May 17, 2018. And while this doesn't confirm anything officially, it's worth noting that Capcom has used the same registrar to file and respectively in the past.
As reported by Gematsu, it appears DevilMayCry6, 8 and 9 are also registered under Onamae—and the domain name was updated on April 22, 2018. Capcom has owned the latter since the game's release in 1997, but this might reflect its much-anticipated remake.
While the domain registry is good news, it isn't exactly a smoking gun as far as game leaks go. Domain name registrations can often just be for IP control purposes. After all, Capcom has a very vested interest in not letting just anyone own a url connected to one of their big franchises.
Combined with the earlier retailer leak, however, and its just possible we'll see Devil May Cry 5 at E3 next week.