Posted in: Collectibles, Games | Tagged: bob orton, cowboy bob orton, howard finkel, mattel, mattel wwe, mattel wwe basics, million dollar man, ravishing rick rude, rick rude, sgt. slaughter, ted dibiase, walmart, walmart exclusive, wwe, wwe flashbacks, wwe mattel, wwe mattel basic
WWE Flashback Mattel Figures Should be Part of Your Collection
WWE Flashback figures are hitting exclusively at Walmarts right now, and they are all kinds of awesome. There are two waves of figures hitting pegs- a four figure Elite wave, and a four figure Basics wave that we will be taking a look at today. The basics wave also features the pieces to build a fifth figure as well.
I love the look of the cardback. The Flashback logo is really cool looking, and Mattel has always done a great job showing off the figures inside the bubble, and these are no different. On the back, you get the wave and which figure comes with what piece to build the Howard Finkel figure. Really good stuff.
Looking at the figures themselves, this wave is pretty spectacular. Each one has great attention to the little details that put them over the top from good to must-buys. Sgt. Slaughter is based on his turncoat years where he decided to turn his back on America. I never thought we would get this figure, so I had high hopes for it. They were exceeded. Right down to his pointy boots, this is my new favorite Slaughter figure. The Cowboy Bob Orton figure comes with his signature cowboy hat, and it even sits high on his head like he wore it for all those years.
This was never my favorite look for the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase but it still looks awesome. I wish he had a cackling face portrait too, he doesn't look quite right with that scowl on his face. If I had to pick my least favorite from the wave it would be this one. The Rick Rude however…this may be my favorite Basic of all-time. A flawless sculpt, perfect attire choice, everything about this figure is great. Even the mullet looks fantastic. A welcome addition to any collection.
Howard Finkel is an awesome build a figure! I am so happy to have the Fink in my collection, between him and the Elite Mean Gene Okerlund Flashback, the suits are well-represented . He comes with an old school WWE microphone for all your figure fed announcing needs. A little weird that he comes with a closed fist hand, but so be it.
This wave needs to be in your collection. All of them have had figures before, but these are better than most of them. Along with the Fink build a figure, this wave will be hard to top for Basics of the year.
These are in Walmart stores now.