Scott Snyder gave the Comic Watchers YouTube podcast a massive run down about his plans for the Absolute Universe and more. We got lots of Absolute Batman plans, some sales figures and hints as to what else was coming, but there was much more besides, including an Absolute Event for the end of 2025. "We're planning, without giving too […]
Absolute Wonder Woman #5 tops Ultimate Spider-Man #14 by the thinnest of possible margins in the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List for the 2nd of March, 2025, and both almost double sales of X-Men and Justice League Unlimited, also level pegging. DC takes three, Marvel takes six, IDW takes one with the Turtles… Top Ten […]
This week sees the fourth issue of Justice League Unlimited, by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, published by DC Comics. With the league up against the new big bad, and possibly the big bad of everyone, known as Inferno. But during their trials, a germ of an idea seems to have been planted. A seed […]
Bleeding Cool has the full May 2025 solicits and solicitations from DC Comics. And we are sharing the good news with you… including a new Supergirl #1 launching in May, as well as more H2sh, Absolute and DC All In all round. Okay, folks, time to start squinting… DC Comics is one of the largest […]
The first DC All In crossover, We Are Yesterday, that begins in April, will continue in May from DC Comics with the Justice League up against the new Legion of Doom. With Batman/Superman: World's Finest #39 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora, and Justice League Unlimited #7 by Mark Waid and Travis Moore. Batman/Superman: World's […]
Free Comic Book Day is owned and run by Diamond Comic Distributors. The company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and has seen a number of publishers pull out of Diamond completely as a result. With tariffs threatened on comics published in Canada – which is most of the Free Comic Book Day titles […]
Absolute Superman #4 tops the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List for the 8th of February, 2025, beating out The Ultimates and Batman. Marvel and DC Comics take five each, with a strong launch for the new Legacy Of Vader series, and continued strong performances from Phoenix, Batgirl, JSA and Poison Ivy. Top Ten Bleeding Cool […]
In this week's comic books, DC Comics lists the ten titles that Justice League Unlimited readers might want to pick up after the end of Absolute Power to get the whole story of the DC Universe. But there is one out today that is not on that list but seems pretty essential. And no, I […]
As Bleeding Cool has noted, every DC Comics title of late has seemed to find a reason to mention or refer to the new Justice League base, the Watchtower satellite, from which the Justice League Unlimited look down upon all humanity like gods. But some titles, it seems, are more Justice League-y than others. As […]
DC Comics launched the Summer Of Superman in their April 2025 solicits and solicitations as well as more Hush 2 by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee… SUMMER OF SUPERMAN SPECIAL #1 Written by DAN SLOTT, JOSHUA WILLIAMSON, and MARK WAID Art and cover by JORGE JIMÉNEZ Variant covers by ALEXANDER LOZANO, JOHN GIANG, MAHMUD ASRAR, […]
Mark Waid leads the new DC All In crossover event of 2025, We Are Yesterday, with Batman/Superman: World's Finest #38, Justice League Unlimited #6, and Batman/Superman: World's Finest 2025 Annual in April 2025, which will reveal the identity of the Inferno cosmic terrorist group, the future knowledge of Grodd and the secret origin of the […]
Recently, Bleeding Cool has reported on a number of comic book creators who have lost their homes in the Los Angeles and related wildfires, including Steven T Seagle, Jeff Dixon, Mark Verheiden, James C Robinson and David M Booher. And as seems horribly common, the events of the week seem to be reflected in the […]
This week, DC Comics will unveil the new look for DC All In for 2025. But Bleeding Cool has had an early look for you. This kind of double-page splash usually gives a glimpse of the characters who may have a greater focus in the year, including the likelihood of a solo series or mini-series. […]
We got a look at DC Comics' plans for Free Comic Book Day 2025 earlier, now DC Comics have revealed the rest, both in print and for digital. And also what Jeff Lemire was hinting at last week… DC All In/Absolute Universe 2025 FCBD Special Edition The core-line DC Universe soars into Superman action with […]
The Titans have left the Justice League Watchtower for their own Titans Tunnels. And in this week's Titans #19 by John Layman and Serg Acuna, not everyone is taking living so far underground quite so well. That's not going to be good, is it? But Vic Stone is not the only Cyborg causing trouble in […]
A rare thing just happened in my store: a kid bought his first-ever comic books from us. His parents were thrilled and took a picture of him with his new comics, which we posted on our Facebook page. I was thrilled; one of the goals at Rodman Comics is to get new people into comic […]
Two issues into the new series, comic book writer and artist Jeff Lemire has told his Substack readers about his upcoming DC Comics plans for the Justice Society Of America. "Our current big opening storyline RAGNAROK was designed to feel like a "classic" JSA comic. I was really trying to capture the feeling of Geoff […]
Mark Verheiden, creator of The American and Timecop, writer on Aliens, Predator, Action Comics, Phantom, Stalkers, Evil Dead comics, and writer/producer on Constantine, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Swamp Thing, Daredevil and Smallville TV series, has also been hit. Concrete creator Paul Chadwick posted, "Very upsetting news. According to this map, Mark Verheiden's house burned. I haven't […]
Comic book stores are getting all sorts of delays from all sorts of distributors right now. Well, next week, DC Comics will join that game. There has been a little shuffling of the scheduled dates for a few upcoming DC Comics titles that some might want to know about. Nothing major, just so you aren't […]
One of the many scoops that Bleeding Cool ran this year was that the superpowers of the DC Comics Universe were about to get thrown up in the air, as a result of the Absolute Power comic book series. And so it came to pass. Lois Lane has got General Zod's powers; Fire and Ice […]