Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: barry allen, entertainment, flashpoint, jay garrick, television, The Flash, Zoom
Five Minutes Of The Flash Finale Could Affect Four Television Shows
It's time to talk about last nights season finale of The Flash… so there will definitely be spoilers.
There is so much to talk about after last night's season finale of The Flash. Even without what happened in the final five minutes, there would be lots to discuss. Those last five though… that's a whole different can of worms.
Let's start off with what happened to Zoom. They set up the ending back with the death of Jay Garrick a few episodes ago. Zoom killed a time remnant. Now the best I can figure out is that a time remnant is when a speedster jumps back in his own time for a moment, creating a second version of himself at the same time, knowing that one of them is likely going to die. It still seems a bit dodgy to me, but I'll go with it. Zoom makes one earlier in the episode to remind us he can do it, so that when Barry does it near the end we understand what it is.
Barry Allen does it to save the multiverse and to attract the time wraiths. Who take Zoom away, but as he is taken, he changes. His skin goes gaunt and starts to decay. His all black uniform changes so the symbol is on white and has a red lightning bolt as does the bolts on his mask. And when we last see him, Zoom looks more like the Black Flash.
Black Flash is a character created by Grant Morrison but used more by Geoff Johns. He is the speedster equivalent of Death. He appears to a speedster before they die, perhaps because Death is too slow to catch them. This could just be an Easter Egg for fans or it could be a set up for an interesting future story line.
So, with Zoom gone, they pop over to Earth-2 and get the man in the iron mask. Then back on Earth-1 Cisco Ramon and Harrison Wells get his mask off to reveal… the real Jay Garrick who is the Earth-3 doppleganger of Henry Allen. Most of the on-line theories had most if not all of this nailed. The Earth-3 part was the twist. Is that where the Justice Society of America lives? Is that where Rex Tyler comes from at the end of Legends of Tomorrow season finale?
Nice to see John Wesley Shipp suited up again. But he wants to get back to Earth-3, but Cisco can only open the door to Earth-2… so Harrison and Jesse Wells offer to go to Earth-2 with him and help him get home. So that means Shipp, Tom Cavanagh and Violett Beane are leaving. So smaller cast next season? Barry needs a few new father figures?
Who the heck knows with what happens in the last five minutes.
Barry decides he needs peace. Even though he had come to terms with his mother's death, his father's death now is too much and he does what he didn't do in season one. He goes back in time and saves his mother. Hello Flashpoint.
Flashpoint was a series of events that took place in the comics and lead to the New 52. It was also adapted in an animated movie called Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. The key moment is that Barry Allen goes back in time and saves his mother. Leaving him in the now with no powers but his memories in tact. He's the only one who knows. It changes the world drastically. There is no Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war… Amazons versus Atlanteans, and Thomas Wayne is Batman after the murder of his wife and son in crime alley. The Flash has to go back and stop himself from saving his mother to put the world right again… the problem is that there are still changes.
So what does that mean for the DCW Universe? Who knows. Will this effect all of the series or will Flash be separate for a while? Will fixing whatever Barry as caused be the big crossover event? And what will change? There is no Batman to help Flash, so maybe it's the Batman equivalent in the DCW Universe, Green Arrow. Maybe Robert Queen is the new Starling City Vigilante. That could be fun.
And will they set it back at some point? If so, what changes will that cause? Will that explain why there is suddenly a Supergirl in the world? How Captain Cold is back to life? Will it bring back Laurel Lance, maybe given her the actual powers Black Siren had? Will Connor Hawke be Oliver's child this time?
This could go in just about any direction now. Five minutes of TV time might have drastically changed four television shows. That's definitely something we haven't seen before.