al ewing Archives

Marvel Plans to Make Readers Vomit with Immortal Hulk #33
Bleeding Cool Ace Reporter and shoe-in for next year's journalism Eisner David Pierce was on hand at the panel to send us breaking news, and he provided us this juice quote from Al Ewing: "Hulk #33 will be the issue where they succeed with the long-standing goal of making a reader vomit while reading the issue." IMMORTAL[...]
But in today's Immortal Hulk #31 from Al Ewing and Joe Bennett, there may be another solution – at least for the Marvel Universe version of the UK With a science researcher, happy to work for any side who pays her, working on the Marvel narcotic Mutant Growth Hormone, paid for by the Kingpin. Who was[...]
Wednesday Comics
Today sees the release of Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 from Al Ewing, Juann Cabal and Federico Blee And with Al Ewing having been the lead writer on Incoming and also co-writing the upcoming Empyre, it is natural that we may look to see what may be set up for April today And with a[...]
Top 100 Power List of Comics, 2019 Edition
And ComiXology's creation and promotion of such titles has changed the rules by which people can successfully publish. Al Ewing (New Entry) The writer who would be king, an encyclopaedic knowledge of comics – and that which he doesn't know, he will devour, he took a comic with very little anticipation The Immortal Hulk and, with[...]
Incoming #1
And Nova remembers what others do not… And is the Senator is worried about child superheroes on Earth… What will he do when he finds out about Billy, Hulking… Not just a soldier… Not just a warrior… But a full-blown King, combining armies, races, species… Against Earth? We've seen Empyre be set up – probably with Al Ewing – and the title[...]
Immortal Hulk
At least that's what they thought… Hulk incoming… IMMORTAL HULK #27 (W) Al Ewing (A) Joe Bennett (CA) Alex Ross • Some monsters are born from gamma… other monsters worship a different kind of green. •  In his war on the human world, the Immortal Hulk is taking the fight to its lords and masters – the Roxxon Corporation. •  But when you mess[...]
Al Ewing and Juann Cabal Launch New Guardians of the Galaxy Team in January
One out of three ain't bad. So yes, as announced at Marvel's Next Big Thing panel at New York Comic Con, Al Ewing and Juann Cabal are the creative team behind a new Guardians of the Galaxy series in 2020, replacing the series that Dinny Cates began with Geoff Shaw. Which Guardians will be in the series is[...]
The Sneakiest of Peeks Ahead at Marvel Comics #1001
The sequel to Marvel Comics #1000, it continues the same overarching idea of an ongoing story by Al Ewing threaded through a litany one one page stories by the good and the great from Marvel Comics' history. Currently that includes writers Al Ewing, Audrey Loeb, Jimmy Palmiotti, Declan Shalvey, Vita Ayala, Howard Chaykin, Kaare Andrews, Frank[...]
Marvel is Making a List, Checking It Twice, Gonna Find Out Who's Naughty or Nice
You ever get the feeling that somebody is watching you? If you've ever said anything about Marvel Comics, it might not just be paranoia… maybe they really are out to get you! Earlier today, the New York Times confirmed Bleeding Cool's scoop that the teasers Marvel has been dropping all week for Al Ewing and Friends[...]
100-Foot-Tall Al Ewing Rampages Through Downtown London After Marvel Teasers
London – British comic book writer Al Ewing transformed into legendary British science fiction monster Gorgo and promptly began destroying the city Friday following news that Ewing would write 12 stories in Marvel's upcoming Marvel Comics #1000 anthology Authorities assured worried Londoners that everything was under control even as BBC News footage showed Ewing swatting[...]
Auto Draft
Because as anyone could tell from a cursory glance of the teasers, there was a very obvious pattern, something clearly not as well-represented as it should be. Of course, we're talking about stories written by Al Ewing. For a long time, Marvel has had a severe lack of Al Ewing comics, only publishing 2 or 3 per[...]
The Immortal Hulk #1 cover by Alex Ross
Writer Al Ewing is creating a modern horror classic that is echoing the great Swamp Thing run of Alan Moore, and bringing so much of the Hulk's often times forgotten or ignored character history to do it Throw in pencils from a Joe Bennett that is elevating his game to new heights and covers by[...]
The Immortal Hulk #2 cover by Alex Ross
That is, of course, when things don't go green. Immortal Hulk #2 shows a remarkable storytelling acumen from the talented Al Ewing He's impressed me before with Mighty Avengers and Ultimates, but Immortal Hulk may be his finest work yet The plot is tight, the theme is consistent, and Bennet, Ruy Jose, and Mounts keep things[...]