Naturally enough, they are in their own title, with Cyclops, Juggernaut, Magik and Psylocke jumping into battle, with Quentin Quire, Tempus, and The Beast held back flying the ship or running ops…
X-Men #11 by Jed MacKay and Netho Diaz
But you also see them jumping into play over in today's Amazing Spider-Man courtesy of Juggernaut nan[...]
alpha flight Archives
And today, that means X-Men #29, Invincible Iron Man #13, Alpha Flight #5, X-Men Unlimited Infinity #116 and just a little bit of Sentry #1 But first, who's for a snack?
X-Men #29
Okay, down to business.
Invincible Iron Man #13
Iron Man sees Tony Stark preparing the way for an invasion of Earth by the mutants on Arrako[...]
The Alpha Flight #5 is dropping this Wednesday, and let me tell you, it's got more drama than a curling match during a maple syrup shortage "FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT!" they say, as if Alpha Flight's ever had any rights their publisher wasn't looking to strip for an extra dime Here's the scoop:
Seven! And all the print comics are on issue 4… Uncanny Avengers #4, Jean Grey #4, Children Of The Vault #4, Dark X-Men #4, Astonishing Iceman #4, Alpha Flight #4 and then the Marvel Unlimited X-Men Infinity #112 And that doesn't include Immortal Thor #4.
Immortal Thor #4
Al Ewing, who also writes X-Men Red, knows just[...]
Greetings, dear readers, hoping to cope with the mid-week slump, Alpha Flight #4 swoops in on Wednesday, November 15th like a Canadian goose honking in the face of subtlety Canada's mightiest, supposedly saké-worthy team, once again graces the glossy pages, raising the ever-crucial question: when will someone hand these guys a map so they can[...]
Seven main books, Alpha Flight #4, Dark X-Men #3, Jean Grey #3, Uncanny Spider-Man #2, Uncanny Avengers #3, Realm Of X #3, Ms Marvel: New Mutant #3 with appearances from Amazing Spider-Man #36, Immortal Thor #3, Hallows Eve: The Big Night #1 as well Ten titles? Oh yes, here we go.
Uncanny Avengers #3
Captain America is[...]
Get ready for a little taste of Alpha Flight #3 dropping into our laps this Wednesday, October 25th.
WHO IS NEMESIS?! You thought ALPHA FLIGHT #1 packed some surprises? Wait until you get a load of issue #3! As GUARDIAN, PUCK, SNOWBIRD and SHAMAN make a difficult decision about their future, a startling revelation shocks ALPHA[...]
The organisation formed by a team of human scientists and agents from SHIELD, AIM, ARMOR, STRIKE, SWORD, HAMMER, Alpha Flight, Hydra, and more, creating their new Sentinel technology like Nimrod, previously only seen coming from that far future Created in the present day to defend against mutants But founded by Karima Shapandar, their Omega Sentinel[...]
Yes, this Wednesday, Marvel's "Alpha Flight #2" drops on the unsuspecting masses.
The so-called plot is a classic: NORTHSTAR, AURORA, NEMESIS, and FANG, our dearly departed Alpha Flight heroes are now rebels on the run For reasons known only to them and a pack of rabid weasels, they've decided it's a good idea to rile up[...]
I hope you're ready for another thrilling week in the never-ending corporate fan-fiction cycle we call comic book releases because Marvel, in an apparent quest for total genre dominance, is about to launch a brand new Alpha Flight #1 That's right, the Canadian branch of the X-Men universe is back again for the Fall of[...]
The second Fall Of X thing for the day… Ed Brisson and Scott Godlewski's Alpha Flight to follow Children Of The Vault There's at least one more to come as well… and we get another suggestion as to how final for Krakoa this Fall of X will be as Brisson states in the PR, "Having[...]
Especially as some of the titles listed seem rather suspect.
Astonishing Iceman? Uncanny Spider-Man? A title for the Children Of The Vault? The return of Alpha Flight? Invincible Iron Man has been crossing over with X-Men recently, and an Uncanny Avengers was announced for August, but Realm Of X? Might that be a threequel to Way[...]
Credit: Marvel Comics
Whenever you see Henry Peter Gyrich (a character loaded with his own complex history), you should know something terrible is going to happen in the name of the national interest, kind of like a news report with the words "Manchin" or "Sinema." Here, Henry has stepped outside of his patriotic roots and started[...]
X-Factor #93-100, Power Man and Iron Fist #90-107, and X-Men/Alpha Flight #1-2 will be the classic comics making their debut on Marvel Unlimited in November.
X-Factor #93-100 picks up right after the Fatal Attractions crossover event and culminates in the (supposed) death of Jamie Madrox, a theme that would recur throughout the years These issues feature[...]
Alpha Flight returns to Marvel Comics on Monday with Alpha Flight: True North #1, an All-Canadian one-shot featuring creators including Jim Zub, Jed MacKay, Ed Brisson, Max Dunbar, Djibril Morissette-Phan, and Scott Hepburn We've got a short preview below.
In which we find the titular Cannucks enjoying the sunny Arctic Circle (look, blame climate change)…
And even[...]
Alpha Flight makes its superhero landing with a new six-pack figure set that has just been revealed With recent announcements from FanExpo this week it is no surprise to see some Canadian heroes get some shine This pack puts all six characters together for the great Marvel Legends series with Marvel comics-inspired designs Included inside[...]
Marvel has released an unlettered preview of Alpha Flight: True North, the upcoming one-shot comic starring Canada's favorite superhero team But what's all this aboot "blame Canada," eh? Well, that's because the creative teams involved are all Canadians.
Written by Jim Zub, Jed MacKay, and Ed Brisson with art by Max Dunbar, Djibril Morissette-Phan, and Scott[...]
Marvel has announced another 80th-anniversary one-shot, this time starring Canada's greatest (and only) superhero team: Alpha Flight! Rather than bringing back classic Alpha Flight creators (because then Marvel might be in danger of actually using Chris Claremont more than once every six months), however, Marvel will celebrate the team's Canadian heritage with an all-Canadian creative[...]
Place a preorder here and check out all of the figures below!
Marvel Legends X-Men Wendigo BAF Wave
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The X-Force, X-Men, and Alpha Flight are making their triumphant return to the Marvel Legends Series 6-Inch line![...]
The Immortal Hulk battles against Sasquatch in a smashdown across the hospital that held Walter Langkowski. Is it a good read?
They nailed the blue pigment of her skin — it looks incredible.
Since they are in Canada, two reveals to get that crowd pumped were next, with Alpha Flight's Guardian in all his chrome glory joins the BAF Sasquatch soon Could we get an entire Alpha Flight by the end of 2019? A Weapon X version[...]
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Reporter Jacqueline McGee meets with Walter Langkowski, aka Sasquatch of Alpha Flight, at an airport in South Dakota They investigate a recent Hulk siting while Walter explains his history with Bruce Banner to Jacqueline During the search, Walter is stabbed while trying to break up a bar fight Jacqueline takes him to a hospital[...]
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The Champions and Alpha Flight are at odds The Master, a known villain, is using his advanced technology to repair the polar ice caps up north Alpha Flight, led by Captain Marvel, believe that this is a ploy, and even the Master admits this is for the benefit of his later plans for world[...]
The X-Men: Gold team closes in on Alpha in the hopes of stopping his bioweapon before it is launched at Earth while saving Colossus. Is it a good read?
Captain Marvel and Lord Starkill have run have been captured by the villainous Dr. Eve, who claims to know the location of Bean. Is it a good read?
Captain Marvel and Lord Starkill are left by their crews to face the justice of Thanos. Can Carol escape this topsy-turvy universe and find Bean? Is it a good read?
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The Widower (inverted Black Widow), Captain Marvel, and her Zeta Flight (Alpha Flight) crew learn that they need to steal their loot from Lord Starkill (Star-Lord) and his Ravagers (Guardians of the Galaxy) This somehow will lead Carol to saving Bean, but this topsy-turvy galaxy may have some more surprises for Captain Marvel.
Captain Marvel[...]
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The NASA shuttle containing Captain Marvel's Alpha Flight crew just disappeared before her, leaving no trace She finds a mysterious station with the Alpha Flight insignia, but, upon going inside, she finds a slightly different Puck, Sasquatch, and Wendy They also call their crew Zeta Flight They soon find themselves under attack.
On a distant[...]
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With the fall of Alpha Flight, Captain Marvel and her crew must decide what to do next Earth still needs defending, but no one is willing to pay for another full-fledged space station at the moment.
Meanwhile, a shape-shifter is seen entering Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S Is it that shape-shifter?
Bean visits Carol once again, and something has[...]
Alpha Flight is no more The space station was destroyed The Ultimates have done their job and freed Eternity Quasar is gone Carol Danvers must decide what to do with her life now.
To help her, she enlists the help of two of her closest friends: Jessica Drew, aka Spider Woman, and the legendary PI, Jessica[...]