brian bendis Archives

And in today's Checkmate #5 by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev, not only do we encounter a collection of Hall Of Justice interns working for the Justice League and getting a Wonder Tour, we learn about new careers available to DC Comics citizens as a result. Checkmate #5 by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev Advanced Multi-Verse Criminology?[...]
Bendis Pits Justice League Against Legion of Superheroes in January
And there are few creators more synonymous with the 22 Gimmicks than "The Great One" Brian Bendis, who helped define many of them during his time at Marvel Bendis plays for the other team these days, so it's DC Comics that will pit heroes vs heroes in the upcoming six-issue event, Justice League vs the[...]
Jonathan Kent, The New Superman, Out As Bisexual From DC Comics
But with the announcement that Superman — Jonathan Kent, that is — will be coming out as bisexual, Taylor added a new name getting credit for his work: "The Great One" Brian Bendis. The Great One took to Twitter to post: you would not believe the amount of congratulations I have received for the new #Superman news[...]
Brian Bendis Has Been Made A Substack PRO Offer
Joe Grunenwald at Comics Beat asked Brian Bendis, given that he has a Substack newsletter if he had also received a Substack PRO offer He confirmed that he had, saying "Yes, I have an offer from them I usually don't speak of business that I'm in the middle of, right? That always been, maybe how[...]
New Brian Bendis Comics From Dark Horse With Alex Maleev & Jacob Edgar
At the Diamond Retailer Summit this past weekend, Dark Horse VP of Marketing Matt Parkinson talked more widely about the upcoming plans with Brian Bendis, now that he has brought his Jinxworld line of creator-owned comics to Dark Horse for their 35th year As well as the backlist including Torso, Powers, Scarlet and more, and[...]
Brian Bendis Doubles Down On The Toilet Habits Of Green Arrow, Today
Earlier today, in a possibly vaguely amusing fashion, we looked at the appearance of Green Arrow in today's Checkmate #4 by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev as giving us a major revelation for the DC Comics Universe The news that Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, used to come to the Justice League Watchtower satellite orbital[...]
DC Comics Reveals Green Arrow's Biggest Secret, Today (Spoilers)
Today's Checkmate #4 by Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev has a major revelation for the DC Comics Universe And no, we're not talking about Lois Lane's family history, we already talked about that one Something far more important, earth-shattering, and more likely to live on far beyond anything else in this issue The news that[...]
Lois Lane Gains A New Member Of The Family In Checkmate (Spoilers)
Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev already killed off Lois Lane's father, Sam Lane, in a previous Checkmate comic book series Clearly, they were feeling bad and wanted to make up for it. Lois Lane Gains A New Member Of The Family In Checkmate #5 (Spoilers) Leonardo Lane, a previously unknown brother to Lois Lane, and son of[...]
Brian Bendis Teases More Legion Of Superheroes With Alex Garner
Brian Bendis wrote the DC Rebirth reboot of the Legion Of Super Heroes with Ryan Sook, a twelve-issue run that kicked off before the shutdown, was delayed even more than other titles, and saw its final twelfth issue out at the beginning of last year While other books went on a two-month Future State hiatus,[...]
Brian Bendis Auctioned Andre Lima Araujo Comic, Not Going To Marvel
Brian Bendis announced that he was moving his creator-owned line to Dark Horse Comics last week, including the launch of new series Joy Operations with Stephen Byrne On his brand-new Substack newsletter (not a Nick Spencer $600,000 deal though) he talked about his plans going forward, saying "the biggest change we're going to make from[...]
Did X-Men Inferno Begin In Wolverine #13?
But comics folk are still getting older and still celebrating that special date with twelve years for us as well. Brian Bendis, co-creator of Powers, Miles Morales, Jessica Jones and current Justice League writer. Jeffrey Lang, writer of Grendel Tales. David Barbour writer of Gunfighters In Hell and Spring-Heeled Jack Skip Dietz, former Sales Manager at Marvel Comics. Christopher Allen, inker for Antarctic Press Subscribe to our[...]
Brian Bendis' Creator-Owned Comics Move From DC To Dark Horse
No substack for Brian Bendis! A couple of weeks ago, Bleeding Cool told you that Brian Bendis' creator-owned comics under the Jinxworld banner would return with a new publisher And now it turns out that publisher is Dark Horse Comics, with a new series Joy Operations by Bendis and Stephen Byrne, who he worked with[...]
Brian Bendis' Creator-Owned Comics To Return To A New Publisher
In 2017, when Brian Bendis left Marvel Comics for a DC Comics exclusive deal, people wondered about the creator-owned comics that Brian published through Marvel's Icon imprint Powers, Brilliant, Scarlet, Takio and The United States Of Murder, Inc, and the like. Then in November 2017, all the Icon books were pulled off of digital services ComiXology and Amazon's Kindle[...]
John Constantine Literally Rewrites the Plot of Justice League #63
Apparently, the pen is mightier than the wand. by Ram V and Xermanico – and John Constantine. Meanwhile, in the main feature of the comic book, does anyone get the notion that Brian Bendis is missing writing Avengers Assemble? Brian Bendis and David Marquez I guess there are only so many synonyms to choose from in the thesaurus. JUSTICE LEAGUE[...]
Re-Cap Pages, Batman's Duck Tales And More In Justice League #61
And when Brian Bendis came from Marvel to DC Comics, he brought recap pages with him, disguised as desktops, notebooks and the like But with Dan DiDio fired from DC Comics, and Brian Bendis' taking over Justice League #60 and #61, the recap page now seems to be a permanent thing, for that title at[...]
DC Comics July 2021 Full Solicits And Solicitations
Even if a few scabs need pulling off first. Brian Bendis Introduces The United – The Daily LITG, 28th April 2021 DC Comics Launches New Galactic Superhero Team, The United Action Comics #1030 Full Of Foreshadowing For The Death Of Superman WandaVision Pulled Off What The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Couldn't So This Is Why #Colossus Is Trending On[...]
DC Comics July 2021 Full Solicits And Solicitations
But in Justice League #64 and #65, out in July, Brian Bendis is creating a new version of… the Legion Of Superheroes Yes, his first series was cancelled but he's keeping it going, with the first superhero team for the United Planets – that will one day be the Legion And they are called The[...]
Shazadam appears in Justice League #59, but now he is called Black Adam. When will DC make up its mind?!
Johnston was ridiculed at the time for his report, but we ask you, who's laughing now? Don't answer that. Instead, see this quote from "The Great One" Brian Bendis in a DC Comics press release promoting the release of Justice League #59. "Just so we're very clear, at no time ever, in the history of the planning of[...]
Black Adam, Adam, Shazadam? Justice League #69 Tomorrow (Spoilers)
In tomorrow's Justice League #59 by Brian Bendis and David Marquez, it's all about Black Adam, joining the Justice League And probably Naomi too And it's all part of Green Arrow and Black Canary's drive for diversity. Justice League #59 New voices, new thoughts, new ideas, new justices to be served Disruption and dissent Defund the Justice[...]
Brian Bendis & Alex Maleev's Checkmate Now in June - Who Is Mr King?
Event Leviathan: Checkmate was a planned sequel to Event Leviathan by the same creative team, Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev for last year Then a certain pandemic hit In June 2020, retailers were informed that the sequel series has been indefinitely postponed and that it will be "will be rescheduled to align with upcoming DC[...]
Brian Bendis' Creator Owned Comics Pulled Off ComiXology/Kindle Again
In 2017, when Brian Bendis left Marvel Comics for a DC Comics exclusive deal, people wondered around the creator-owned comics that Brian published through Marvel's Icon imprint Powers, Brilliant, Scarlet, Takio and The United States Of Murder, Inc, and the like Then in November 2017, all the Icon books were pulled off of digital services ComiXology and Amazon's[...]
So Why Did We Think DC Comics Was Calling Black Adam Shazadam Anyway?
Upcoming Justice League writer Brian Bendis, who will be using the character in the series, posted the following subtweet. Twitter screencap Which didn't actually state that the rumour was false Just that it was dumb This is known in the trade as Brevoorting Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort famously countered a story by Bleeding Cool that they[...]
Brian Bendis No Longer Exclusive At DC Comics
One of those names was Brian Bendis, who came to DC from Marvel in the same fashion as Jack Kirby An exclusive deal arranged by former DC President, Diane Nelson, almost on her way out of the publisher. Brian Bendis No Longer Exclusive At DC Comics I understand that this is no longer the case that Brian[...]
The Old Guard Gets An Anthology Series Too With Brian Bendis And More
The six-issue chapter begins on the heels of the Netflix adaptation's success and will launch from Image Comics this April. The Old Guard Gets An Anthology Series Too With Brian Bendis And More The star-studded anthology event will include new stories from series co-creators Rucka and Fernández, joined by such contributors as: Vita Ayala, Brian Michael Bendis,[...]
Gleb Melnikov's Exact Same Face In Today's Jinny Hex Specia
you have 20 pages of superhero comic – you don't wanna waste 3 of them on the exact same face over and over again." So of course, today sees the publication of the Jinny Hex Special written by Magdalene Visaggio, drawn by Gleb Melnikov, and published by DC Comics under the auspices of Brian Bendis' Wonder[...]