conan Archives

Barry Windsor Smith Conan Original Artwork
When it comes to Conan The Barbarian comic books, there is no other artist And no other artist on Conan The Barbarian would be insulted by that being Barry Windsor-Smith And one of the earliest of his original artwork pages on the character is now up for auction, page 3 from Conan The Barbarian at[...]
The First Red Sonja in Conan the Barbarian #23, Up for Auction
Created by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith based on material by Conan creator and pulp writer Robert E Howard, Red Sonja first appeared in comic books in Conan the Barbarian #23 and #24 — part of Thomas and BWS's landmark initial run that established the Conan in comic books, and would end up making Red[...]
Ordering Comics For Comic Stores Before The Direct Market Existed
The House of Mystery with Adams and Wrightson caught my attention in a big way. By 1970 Conan #1 my pre-order was hitting 600 copies I pre-ordered just 200 of #2 and #3 Similar most of the numbers with Neal Adams Green Lantern Green Arrow Most all of us missed scoring #76 but #77 has some speculation[...]
John Romita Sr
His relationship with Marvel was often a fractious one but there is no doubt that he rose to fame on Marvel Comics titles, especially Conan The Barbarian, which saw his style switch from a Neal Adams-alike to the stylised Barry Windsor-Smith we know today His Conan work has always been in demand but the cover[...]
Slave Girl Comics #2, Avon, 1949.
Howard-inspired era.  There are copies of both issues of this series in Slave Girl Comics #1 (Avon, 1949) CGC VG+ 4.5 Off-white to white pages and Slave Girl Comics #2 (Avon, 1949) CGC VG 4.0 Off-white to white pages up for auction in the 2021 October 31-November 1 Sunday & Monday Comic Books Select Auction #122144 at[...]
Conan O’Brien Casts Shade on NBC Trump Town Hall, Evokes Tonight Show
While Conan may have ended in June of this year on TBS, the potential of content going forward for Conan O'Brien did not end Discussion of his time on late-night television has been ongoing and will continue through another Conan-centered podcast from Earwolf, called Inside Conan, which is hosted by Mike Sweeney (who was a writer[...]
Conan O'Brien Had The Best Late Night Segments: Here's Our Top 10
Conan O'Brien has to be one the funniest comedians & late-night TV talents around, using comedy not against others but towards himself The goofy and absurd commentary is hilarious, making many remotes and segments from Conan on TBS so loved and re-watched. Source: YouTube Playing the part of the fool and making situations lighter and funnier is what[...]
Auto Draft
Bleeding Cool has a first look at Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar's King Conan #1, with an unlettered preview I bet Jude Terror is bursting at the seams to letter for his own nefarious purposes But maybe it is worth getting it uncluttered without such satirical barbs aimed at Tom Brevoort's collecting of coffee mugs,[...]
Cover image for NO HOLDS BARD #1 (OF 4) CVR E KLOC (MR)
which creates a cross between Zelda and Conan… as well as everything else Behemoth Comics is offering up in their December 2021 solicitations #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ NO HOLDS BARD #1 (OF 4) CVR A FAERBER (MR) BEHEMOTH COMICS OCT211323 OCT211324 –[...]
Funcom Acquires Full Control Of Conan The Barbarian IPs
Some cool news this morning for Conan The Barbarian fans as Funcom has officially acquired the rights to the franchise and more Specifically, the company acquired the Cabinet Group, which has been the home to dozens of IPs over the years including Conan, Mutant Year Zero, and Solomon Kane for starters While the finer details[...]
Cover image for CONAN THE BARBARIAN #25
Bêlit returns to Conan the Barbarian as the series celebrates an ultra-rare double milestone with Conan the Barbarian #25 That's because Marvel has managed to work out the math so that it's also Conan the Barbarian #300 in legacy numbers And all of that translates to an opportunity for a s***load of variant covers[...]
Cover image for CONAN THE BARBARIAN #24
Conan the Barbarian #24 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, and in this preview of the issue, Conan is taking nice boat ride Or at least, that what he believes Unfortunately, it seems someone has let the navigator of the boat get his hands on some Hyperborean PCP! Will Conan be able to[...]
Ablaze is publishing in English for the first time, Guillem March's early slice-of-life comic books, Laura And Other Stories, alongside Maria Llovet's Porcelain, more Conan comic books, and Space Pirate Harlock, all in their November 2021 solicits and solicitations. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /*[...]
Title page illustration for "The Phoenix on the Sword" in the December 1932 Weird Tales featuring the first appearance of Conan. Artwork by J.M. Wilcox.
There's a near-complete run of this foundationally important pulp series available in ComicConnect's current Amazing Pulp Auction, with sessions ending August 3-5. Title page illustration for "The Phoenix on the Sword" in the December 1932 Weird Tales featuring the first appearance of Conan Artwork by J.M Wilcox. The debut of the series with Weird Tales volume 1,[...]
The Cimmerian: ABLAZE Announces 3 New Titles of Hit Barbarian Series
ABLAZE continues its bestselling Conan titles with 3 new releases for The Cimmerian series for print and digital release this Fall The publisher has found a clever way to publish Conan the Barbarian stories outside the trademark of the current rights holders with uncensored adaptations of the original prose stories from Europe Robert E Howard's[...]
Savage Avengers Reveals Conan The Barbarians's Greatest Fear (Spoilers)
A large rampaging spider? A giant rock-formed god smiting the heathens? A Hyborian #MeToo campaign? No, Conan The Barbarian fears none of these things He wished to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of their women But as for fear? Does Conan fear nothing? It seems not This[...]
Cover image for CONAN THE BARBARIAN #23
Conan the Barbarian #23 is in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, and in this preview of the issue, we find the titular barbarian framed for the murder of the Emporer of Khitai But he didn't do it! No, seriously Not this time But while Conan may be innocent, we're guessing it won't be until[...]
Marvel Cancels More Diamond Orders, Shops Must Reorder On New Terms
Paul Rudd Couldn't Let Conan O'Brien Leave Late Night Without A Gift
Conan O'Brien has been celebrating his last shows on late-night television with some big-name guests joining him on Conan, including a recent interview with Bill Hader The show has been going for eleven seasons on TBS, which began the mark of Conan's return to late-night after the heated departure from NBC A continued and favorite guest[...]
It's hard to believe that it's been seven months since late-night host Conan O'Brien announced that he would be ending his critically-acclaimed ten-year run on TBS's award-winning nightly talk show Conan in June 2021 In its wake, O'Brien and HBO Max are teaming up for a brand new, weekly variety series (with Conan Without Borders specials still[...]
Conan The Adventurer RPG Book Released By Modiphius Entertainment
Modiphius Entertainment, the tabletop gaming company credited for creating the Achtung! Cthulhu wargame, Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms, and Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, has released the setting book for their role-playing game, entitled Conan the Adventurer! An extensive guide to the lands south of the Styx River, this setting book has lavishly illustrated pictures of the environments and various[...]
Barry Windsor-Smith Conan and Weapon X Covers At Auction
From his days drawing Conan The Barbarian, which he made his own – even if he was still just called Barry Smith then He would add the "Windsor" to sound more distinguished, more of English nobility, and it worked We also have a cover from Weapon X for Marvel Comics Presents, his Wolverine origin that[...]
Cover image for CONAN THE BARBARIAN #22
Conan receives quite the welcome when he arrives in the city of Paikang Conan and all his friends are greeted by the Emporer himself, which Conan is informed is quite the honor Of course, Conan might disagree considering he's forced to avert his eyes and bow On the other hand, a banquet will be held[...]
Cover image for SAVAGE AVENGERS #21
In this preview of Savage Avengers #21, in stores from Marvel Comics on Wednesday, the White Queen pays a visit to the Hellfire Mansion, which is currently occupied by Conan the Barbarian… and a couple of babes he spent the night with Things get a little heavy when Emma orders Conan around, and when Conan[...]
John Walker USAgent Will Continue In United States Of Captain America
It's Spider-Man proverb time! Today sees Conan The Barbarian team up with The Rhino to rob a Manhattan Bank in Savage Avengers #20 Because that's just the kind of thing that Conan does, why would anyone have a problem with that? And in doing so, reveals that this is the Rhino's modus operandi, make a[...]
John Walker USAgent Will Continue In United States Of Captain America
Oh yes, and he is fighting Conan The Barbarian More on that later. OnlyFans is a content subscription service based in London, England, where content creators can earn money from users who subscribe to their content—the "fans." It allows content creators to receive funding directly from their fans on a monthly basis, as well as one-time[...]
Marvel Comics July 2021 Solicitations
In the case of Savage Avengers #22, the news that Conan The Barbarian, currently visiting the modern-day Marvel Universe, has known other Ghost Riders Recent Avengers comic books have seen Ghost Riders going back to one million BC, riding on woolly mammoths Well, in the Hyborean Age, apparently the Spirit Of Vengeance rode a giant[...]
the walking dead
We also learned that his 11-year-old son Gus Morgan would be appearing in S11E05 as a walker in what Morgan describes as "a cool role he is doing in the show." Now, Morgan is checking in with Conan O'Brien- and one of the main topics? The growing buzz that Morgan may be either headlining his own[...]
King In Black
In Deadpool #10, Deadpool has to take emergency action to avoid being taken. Deadpool #10 Not something afforded to Jeff The Land Shark. Deadpool #10 While in Savage Avengers, Deadpool dodges infection again, But Conan is another story, Savage Avengers #17 As Knull remembers when Conan worse the Venom symbiote earlier in Savage Avengers, and left a piece behind. Savage Avengers #17 He[...]