DC Pride Archives

DC Pride
DC Comics has announced the return of the DC Pride anthology comic book this June This year, the anthology, rather than a collection of short stories into a singular story arc of interweaving narratives told by Tim Sheridan, Vita Ayala, Josh Trujillo, Skylar Patridge, A.L Kaplan, Max Sarin, and more. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top:[...]
DC Big Books, Omnibus, Deluxe, Absolute, For Early 2025
DC Comics has released details of its upcoming DC Pride collections, including a new collection for 2025 To The Farthest Reach and a slipcase collection of the previous volumes, Love and Justice, The New Generation, and Better Together, both for the 27th of May. DC Pride: To the Farthest Reaches Phil Jimenez, Nicole Maines, Al Ewing, Ngozi[...]
Interior preview page from DC Pride Uncovered #1
This time, they're bringing us DC Pride Uncovered #1, a vibrant homage to PR and the art of inclusivity Hitting stores on Tuesday, June 11th, this art book promises to collect an array of gorgeous variant covers by some of DC's top LGBTQIA+ artists. Let's take a look at the official synopsis: Art by Jen Bartel, Phil[...]
Interior preview page from DC Pride 2024 #1
I'm talking, of course, about DC Pride 2024 #1, hitting shelves on Tuesday, May 28th So let's dive into what DC Comics has decided you absolutely need to purchase to feel like you're supporting a meaningful cause this month Bask in the capitalist glory! DC's Eisner and Ringo award-winning Pride anthology returns in the form of[...]
Al Ewing Joins DC Comics With DC Pride 2024
DC Pride: Uncovered #1, on sale on the 11th of June, is a gallery comic of covers from Jen Bartel, Phil Jimenez, Jim Lee, Joshua "Sway" Swaby, David Talaski, Babs Tarr, Kris Anka, and more DC Pride: Uncovered will have a main cover by Jen Bartel, and will then itself have variant covers by Oscar[...]
Al Ewing Joins DC Comics With DC Pride 2024
So, being the tyke I am, I emailed someone high up at DC suggesting they might want to look into it. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ I have no idea if the two events are connected but now Al Ewing[...]
Al Ewing Joins DC Comics With DC Pride 2024
Now DC Comics is to honour her with her own DC Pride: A Celebration volume timed for Pride month. DC Pride To Celebrate Doom Patrol's Rachel Pollack DC PRIDE: A CELEBRATION OF RACHEL POLLACK #1 In the 1990s, writer Rachel Pollack did the impossible: she raised the bar for surprise and strangeness in her beloved run following Grant[...]
Welcome to another Printwatch run around the comic books being reprinted for the direct market of comic book stores by publishers and pushed out, outside of the usual catalogue process, whether by Diamond, Lunar or PRH, and helping retailers catch up on best-selling titles in the marketplace that they may not have enough copies of[...]
DC Comics Gets Political As Midnighter & Apollo Renew Their Vows
Today sees the publication of DC Pride 2023, ahead of Pride Month starting this Thursday An annual celebration of queer culture, including creators and comic book characters from DC Comics, it has been accused in the past of being rather… placid Even as some online folk damn DC Comics for publishing anything like this at[...]
DC Pride
Phil Jimenez, DC Pride 2023:  "I hope this anthology feels like an invitation to all — to experience life the way queer folk do We want everyone to celebrate joy, to elevate beauty, to embrace frivolity We want everyone to love who they want to love, to believe in justice for all, and fight like hell for it[...]
DC Comics Makes DC Pride 2022 Free-to-Read in Honor of Kevin Conroy
Bone, and lettered by Aditya Bidikar, Finding Batman was originally published in the DC Pride 2022 anthology, and, in fact, the entire anthology is now free-to-read on DC's website in honor of Conroy. DC posted the following message on their website: DC is deeply saddened at the passing of the legendary actor, and the voice of Batman[...]
Kevin Conroy On How Life As A Gay Man Helped Him To Create His Batman
Batman: The Animated Series star Kevin Conroy, J Bone and Aditya Bidikar's story for DC Pride 2022, finding Batman, begins with a warning "DC Pride 2022 is a celebration—but for the LGBTQIA+ community, few celebrations happen without acknowledging the struggles that preceded them The following story, "Finding Batman," is a personal history by the actor[...]
DC Pride 2022, Delayed A Week, Picks Up Jen Bartel Card Cover
This year's DC Pride 2022 anthology was planned to be published on the 31st of May, the day before Pride Month The book went to FOC last weekend but it appears that DC Comics thinks retailers may need another chance to up their orders So DC Pride 2022  has been delayed a week, and another[...]
DC Pride Variants
DC Comics have revealed all their DC Pride variant covers for Pride Month, June 2022, alongside the DC Pride anthology, Harley Quinn, Aquamen and Superman: Son of Kal-El, Wonder Woman, and new series for Poison Ivy, Nubia: Queen of the Amazons, Kid Quick in Multiversity: Teen Justice, a Galaxy: The Prettiest Star graphic novel and[...]
Spider-Man & X-Men Beat Batman & Joker- Bleeding Cool Bestseller List
X-Men #21 was also strong, Geiger also made it in, as did DC Pride, a rarity for an anthology title. Amazing Spider-Man #68 X-Men #21 Joker #4 Detective Comics #1037 Heroes Reborn #6 Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point Third Print #1 Excalibur #21 Geiger #3 DC Pride #1 Batman The Detective #3 Thanks to the following Bleeding Cool Bestseller List retailers… Rodman Comics, of Ankeny, Iowa Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ssalefish[...]
Auto Draft
It got pulled and repositioned for the DC Pride volume out yesterday He was also the writer behind the pitch for JLQ in the DC Comics tournament that couldn't get past being initially put up against the eventual winner, Robins But he did manage to sneak them into his DC Pride story, published yesterday, which[...]
DC Comics has released a preview of DC Pride #1, a ten-dollar one-shot anthology celebrating pride month with nine stories The first of those stories delves into Batwoman's childhood, and we have a preview of that below Check it out! DC PRIDE #1 (ONE SHOT) DC Comics 0421DC008 0421DC009 – DC PRIDE #1 (ONE SHOT) CVR B JEN BARTEL[...]
DC Pride #1: Massive Preview of DC's Pride Month Comic
DC Pride #1's creators came together to feature LGBTQIA+ characters from all corners of DC's ever-expanding Universe, from Aqualad to Batwoman to Catman to Dreamer to Extraño and beyond! Check out all the incredible content that DC Pride #1 has to offer, and scroll down for previews of each story, the debut of Batman #109's Pride variant cover, a first[...]