G.O.D.S. Archives

Marvel Comics
This week saw the launches of G.O.D.S.#2 and Thanos #1 from Marvel Comics And there are some unexpected similarities Remember how I called G.O.D.S #1 a bit like Books Of Magic in the way it gave a tour of the magickal Marvel Universe Well issue 2 takes that further introduces a Tim Hunter figure[...]
Wyn Almost Had A Kilt
As for how long Schiti will be with G.O.D.S., he said "I'll do the first 8 books for sure Some of them will have a few extra pages." G.O.D.S #1 Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Art by VALERIO SCHITI Colors by MARTE GRACIA Cover by MATEUS MANHANINI The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end[...]
that is, now they have been loosed on the Marvel Universe? Becauee we are not done, there is most powerful place of all, of course. The bar on Earth named after Executive Marvel Editor, and editor of G.O.D.S., Tom Brevoort. And now rearranged into chronological order… for Wyn and Aiko Maki, his former wife. As it turns out[...]
G.O.D.S. Isn't Sandman Or Saga, It's Books Of Magic Meets New Gods
And G.O.D.S.seems to be a Jonathan Hickman take on Jack Kirby's New Gods, at least in origin. The New Gods were created by Jack Kirby as part of his Fourth World series for DC Comics in 1971, and came from his work on Thor, after wanting Ragnarok to kill off the Asgardian pantheon[...]
Marvel Comics is putting a lot of promotion into G.O.D.S.… will it pay off? I think I may need to try and track down an advance copy… G.O.D.S #1 Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Art by VALERIO SCHITI Colors by MARTE GRACIA Cover by MATEUS MANHANINI The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end[...]
A staple signature in Jonathan Hickman's comics and now made famous to the point of parody, Ultimate Invasion has a few maps and logos filling up the page count, but I am told for G.O.D.S., there is none of that Not in the first issue, anyway Instead, it seems the diagrams are being saved for[...]
You won't find this in the comics themselves, for reasons I may be able to delve into later today or tomorrow… What Everything Means In Jonathan Hickman & Valerio Schiti G.O.D.S.   THE-POWERS-THAT-BE:  The entity in charge of everything perfectly magical and weird One of the primal forces behind all things unexplained in the universe. THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS: The entity in charge of[...]
Marvel Comics Definitely Going To Make G.O.D.S. Happen
Marvel Comics continues to push the launch of Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti's new comic book series, G.O.D.S., launching in October but being set up in pretty much every Marvel comic book series going And also releasing new pages and character previews for Wyn and Aiko, members of The-Powers-That-Be and The-Natural-Order-of-Things, opposing factions that serve the[...]
PLUS: A bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman – WHO ARE THE G.O.D.S.? Rated T+In Shops: Aug 23, 2023 SRP: $6.99 VENOM #24 MARVEL COMICS JUN231012 (W) Al Ewing, Jonathan Hickman (A) Sergio Davila (CA) Bryan Hitch PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM! Doctor Doom is the most notorious and ambitious super villain in the Marvel Universe – but he's got something[...]
Marvel Comics
PLUS: A bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman – WHO ARE THE G.O.D.S.? Rated TIn Shops: Aug 16, 2023 SRP: $4.99 GODS #1 MARVEL COMICS AUG230613 (W) Jonathan Hickman (A) Valerio Schiti (CA) Mateus Manhanini JONATHAN HICKMAN RE-INVENTS THE COSMOLOGY OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE-POWERS-THAT-BE MEET THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS? The infinite détente between THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS and THE-POWERS-THAT-BE nears an end[...]
Marvel Comics
And attributing it to the former tenants… How many other Marvel secrets and technologies will be attributed to the G.O.D.S.? And what does it stand for anyway? But it's not just tech Doctor Strange spends his issue doing one of those extra-dimensional battles where time travels differently (just as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are wont[...]
A Special Jonathan Hickman Cameo in Hellfire Gala Tomorrow (Spoilers)
are the G.O.D.S. Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 Created by House Of X architect Jonathan Hickman with Schiti, we have seen a preview for Free Comic Book Day, with Doctor Strange, and the launch issue planned for September It was previously teased that "some of the cast of G.O.D.S will attend mutantkind's biggest night and witness the beginning[...]
VARIANT COVER BY JAN BAZALDUA   Who are the G.O.D.S.? This fall, readers will find out in a revolutionary series by Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti Announced back in March, G.O.D.S. will see two of the industry's greatest modern visionaries dramatically redefine Marvel's pantheon of cosmic beings and masterfully deconstruct the forces behind reality[...]
And they reveal that Jonathan Hickman will be writing one-page stories, appearing in a brace of comic book titles, asking "Who Are The G.O.D.S.?" ahead of his upcoming series with Valerio Schiti, which was recently teased for Free Comic Book Day You'll find them in Immortal Thor #1, Uncanny Avengers #1, Moon Knight #26, Venom #24,[...]