howard chaykin Archives

SCOOP: The Full List Of Free Comic Book Day Comics For 2025
For Free Comic Book Day 2025, Fantagraphics will be publishing the following licensed title from Marvel Comics, Lost Marvels, previewing their new line of titles that Marvel might not be as interested in reprinting but Fantagraphics really are! With Howard Chaykin, Neal Adams and Barry Windsor Smith in their first two volumes. Lost Lost Marvels #gallery-1 { margin:[...]
Howard Chaykin's Black Kiss Omnibus From Image Comics in 2025
Image Comics is collecting the entirety of Howard Chaykin's Black Kiss in the Black Kiss Omnibus, to be published on the 1st of April 2025 But this is no April Fool, and is listed as part of Image Comics' January 2025 solicits and solicitations. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px[...]
black kiss
When we checked out what Zack Snyder had to share with The Hollywood Reporter in a profile interview in support of his upcoming Netflix film Rebel Moon, we didn't expect to end up posting an update on a possible adaptation of Howard Chaykin's 1988 Vortex Comics series Black Kiss (and possibly its follow-up series, 2012's[...]
The Savage Sword Of Conan Returns In 2024
Howard's Conan the Barbarian without the Comics Code Authority with work from Roy Thomas, Neal Adams, Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema, Walter Simonson and more. Now launching in comic shops in 2024 during the 50-year anniversary of the character, The Savage Sword of Conan magazine will be written and drawn by John Arcudi, Frank Tieri, Patch Zircher,[...]
Howard Chaykins Lets Us Know What He Thinks About Hamilton
From yesterday's delicious Hey Kids! Comics! Vol 3 Shlock Of The New #1 published by Image Comics, written and drawn by Howard Chaykin, and diving into comic book industry culture in the thirties' and the seventies, with comic creators and fandom mixing between the time periods, and the impact of one decision felt heavily across[...]
Too Dead To Die
Yesterday, the Hollywood Reporter and The Wrap picked up the story that Too Dead To Die, the Marc Guggenheim and Howard Chaykin graphic novel from Image Comics, was picked up to be a movie from Universal Studios Unfortunately, they both reported that the graphic novel was "upcoming" or "forthcoming" when it's actually been out for[...]
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser Omnibus Paperback – June 27, 2023
Return to the hulking barbarian and the diminutive rogue as they battle swordsmen, necromancers, and flagons of strong drink! The comics adaptation of Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser returns to print in an omnibus format from Dark Horse Books, containing the series Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser and Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser:[...]
Marc Guggenheim & Howard Chaykin, Too Dead To Die, In Time For Xmas
Arrowverse creator Marc Guggenheim and Black Kiss's Howard Chaykin are reuniting to collaborate on a new original graphic novel from Image Comics, Too Dead To Die, that promises classic spy novel suspense, and out for Christmas. In the 1980s, Simon Cross was America's top super-spy In Too Dead To Die, he faces down today's very different[...]
Bill Sienkiewicz New Cover for Comics For Ukraine: Sunflower Seeds
In addition, Jusko will be providing artwork for the title page, while Hildebrant will be adding new artwork to help round out the book. In addition to exclusive new stories by so many creators as we covered last week: Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson (doing a new Astro City story), John Layman and Rob Guillory (doing a[...]
Ukraine Refugee Comic With Groo, Chew, Grendel, Astro City & More
At press time, stories will be created by a virtual who's who of writers and artists, including Brent Anderson, Sergio Aragones, June Brigman, Kurt Busiek, Howard Chaykin, Joshua Dysart, Mark Evanier, Emil Ferris, Dave Gibbons, Rob Guillory, John Layman, Gabriel Rodriguez, Stan Sakai, Louise Simonson, Walter Simonson, Chris Sprouse, Jill Thompson, Matt Wagner, Mark Waid,[...]
MCM, LFCC, Bristol, The Lakes & Thought Bubble Comic Cons In 2022
Guests Confirmed: Howard Chaykin, Brian Stelfreeze, Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, Elena Casagrande, Sean Phillips, Jock, Jorge Fornes, Carlos Pacheco, Martin Simmonds, Rob Williams, Laurence Campbell, Cavan Scott, Lysa Hawkins Saturday £18.50 Sunday £16.50 Early Bird Weekend £22.50 VIP £55 Student Saturday £12.50  Student Sunday price: £10 Family Ticket Saturday £40 Family Ticket Sunday £40 Family Ticket Weekend £50 The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, to[...]
The History Of DC Original Artwork At Auction - Kirby, Kane, Kubert +
Craig Russell, Jim Starlin, Jim Aparo, and Frank Thorne, Bill Sienkiewicz, Matt Wagner, Howard Chaykin, and Brian Bolland. History Of DC Comics Original Artwork This art was initially created for use as part of a deluxe, hardcover-version of the History of the DC Universe published by DC When Graphitti Designs, headed by Bob Chapman, was given the opportunity[...]
J Scott Campbell's Rogue/Psyclock Tops $15K For Hero Charity Auction
Scott Campbell/David Nakayama art featuring Rogue and Psylocke of the X-Men has just hit $15,100 after 42 bids. Hero Initiative Charity Auction While the Matt Wagner/Tim Sale Spider-Man/Green Goblin jam original art is doing pretty well at $3,839.89 after 39 bids. Hero Initiative Charity Auction There's a lot of love for the Mike McKone/Tom Raney Green Lantern/Sinestro watercolour pieces[...]
Put An Original Grant Morrison Doom Patrol Page On Your Wall For $50?
Currently listed at $52. Howard Chaykin The Shadow #2 Story Page 3 Original Art (DC, 1986) Lamont Cranston is joined by his sons as he retells his origin as The Shadow to Harry Vincent and his daughter Mavis From the miniseries by Howard Chaykin to revamp the character into a modern, more graphic setting Rendered at twice-up scale[...]
Jim Mahfood Draws Sorcerers For New Publisher, Neotext
Byrne, Ashley Christine, Max Allan Collins, Howard Chaykin, Fay Dalton, Sonny Day, Ryan DeMita, Charles Forsman, Alan Glynn, Henry Jones, Mad Dog Jones, Neil Krug, Jardine Libaire, Jim Mahfood, Benjamin Marra, Biddy Maroney, Chloe Maveal, Christopher McBride, Julian Oliver Meiojas, Nick Mennuti, Adam Roberts, Mike Sager, François Schuiten, Dash Shaw, Ian Simpson, Ashley and April[...]
A Graded And Cast Signed Copy Of Marvel Star Wars #1 Up For Auction
First, Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin, the creative team on the book, signed it Which is cool already, but then this one is also signed by some of the cast of the Star Wars films Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, Darth Vader himself David Prowse, and both men to play the Emperor, Clive Revill, and[...]
Howard Starl's Moment of Glory From Big Hero 6
Monark Starstalker by Howard Chaykin. The one person he knows is his creator, Howard Chaykin himself – who celebrated his birthday yesterday. Monark Starstalker appeared in Marvel Premiere #32 in 1976, written and drawn by Howard After a brief appearance in Nova, years later he would accompany Wolverine in the second half of the mini-series Wolverine: The[...]
Howard Chaykin By Luigi Novi
Cartoon Museum, Wells St, London. Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo sign Batman: Damned, Graham Crackers Comics – Chicago Loop, Chicago, IL, noon till 2pm. Men's Mental Health Comic Group, Mind Matters Project, Volunteering Matters (Gwent), 1 Portland Buildings, Commercial Street, Pontypool 11am. Comic Artist Teaching Sessions, ComiCoffeeuk, Newport, Isle of Wight, 5.30-6.30pm. Joe Hill on Adaptation and Storytelling, The[...]
The Sneakiest of Peeks Ahead at Marvel Comics #1001
The sequel to Marvel Comics #1000, it continues the same overarching idea of an ongoing story by Al Ewing threaded through a litany one one page stories by the good and the great from Marvel Comics' history. Currently that includes writers Al Ewing, Audrey Loeb, Jimmy Palmiotti, Declan Shalvey, Vita Ayala, Howard Chaykin, Kaare Andrews, Frank[...]
Mark Millar's Next Comic/TV Show is Spa
Netflix has announced the latest Millarworld comic book/film adaptation project, Space Bandits, by writer Mark Millar and artist Matteo Scalera, with a first issue variant cover by Howard Chaykin Millar describes the project as "a female Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid set in space with a massive and exciting cast of characters." Image Comics[...]
Howard Chaykin Lampoons the Sordid History of Comics in New Image Series This August
Fresh off 2017's controversial Divided States of Hysteria, Howard Chaykin is launching a new series at Image Comics in August called Hey Kids! Comics! The book, debuting on August 8, appears to be a dramatization of the history of the comic book industry itself, where as the solicit claims "everyone was guilty of something." The[...]
Captain America #702 cover by Michael Cho
This is partly due to the fact that, to us, that is exactly what Captain America is, so it's an innately relatable idea. Captain America #702 art by Rod Reis Leonardo Romero continues to helm the art in this comic, with Rod Reis and Howard Chaykin taking over for flashback sequences Romero is aided by color artist[...]
Luc Besson's EuropaCorp Buys Rights To Howard Chaykin's American Flagg For TV Show
EuropaCorp has picked up the rights to American Flagg, the satirical comic book by Howard Chaykin. Luc Besson's production company will develop the property for a TV show, according to Deadline Chaykin will executive produce the project. Originally published by First Comics in 1983, other creators to work on the series include Lynn Varney, Steven Grant, J.M[...]
howard chaykin
Whatever damage the reaction to the comic may have done to the reputation of Howard Chaykin, it has done wonders for its sales. The comic book continues to be a take on DC Comics' Suicide Squad, in which the Amanda Waller-figure getting a previous security threat wrong now has the death of three million New Yorkers,[...]
Howard Chaykin Responds To Controversy
We've been covering the controversy caused by Howard Chaykin's latest comic, The Divided States of Hysteria, extensively here at Bleeding Cool Not just the incredibly graphic cover to the comic's fourth issue, revealed recently as part of Image Comics' September solicits, and the intense backlash and upset that it caused, but also at the start[...]
Image Comics Staff To Attend Trans 101 Webinar And Take Cultural Competency Training
Grace Ellis, Shae Beagle and Laurenn McCubbin, creative team of the upcoming Moonstruck comic book for Image Comics have posted a critical response to their publisher's handling of two recent controversies regarding the Howard Chaykin comic book Divided States Of Hysteria. But it's not all words They make a number of pledges to try and make[...]
Image Comics, Howard Chaykin Issue Apology, Pull Cover For Divided States Of Hysteria #4
 The cover originally meant for Divided States Of Hysteria #6 will now be used on Divided States Of Hysteria #4. Image Comics and Howard Chaykin would like to apologize over the distress caused by the cover to THE DIVIDED STATES OF HYSTERIA #4 It's neither Howard's nor Image's intention to inflict pain on anyone already dealing with intolerance[...]
A Tale Of Two Covers: Black #3 And Divided States Of Hysteria #4
Bleeding Cool has written extensively about the controversy surrounding Howard Chaykin's Divided States Of Hysteria over the past few weeks The book first came under fire in early June for an interior scene depicting the violent beating of a trans sex worker Then, to close out the month, the book became embroiled in controversy again for[...]
Image Creators Speak Out About Howard Chaykin's Divided States Of Hysteria
Image Comics has yet to comment on the controversy ignited today over the cover to issue #4 of Howard Chaykin's The Divided States Of Hysteria The graphic cover (view here on Image's website), which shows a brown-skinned man with his genitals mutilated and a racial slur on his shirt hanging by a noose, has been[...]