LGBTQ Archives

Andy Mangels Remember Howard Cruse
Cruse has curated art shows for LGBTQ cartoonists, and has been the subject of art exhibits of his work worldwide, including a recent summer 2019 show in Brussels He has spoken at colleges and high schools, at symposiums and comic cons, and at the biannual Queers and Comics educational conferences (in New York and San[...]
Marvel Comics Very First Superhero, Revealed
The presentation of deaths of LGBTQ+ characters where these characters are nominally able to be viewed as more expendable than their heteronormative counterparts But in this case, that may not be applicable… …because Vnn lives And they hadn't even invented fridges back then He takes the Star Brand from the dead Tyrannosaurus and bulks up just[...]
Archie Comics Creates Strips for National Coming Out Day
In this world, everyone is met with love and support when they choose to disclose their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The comic series, #ABetterUniverse, demonstrates five different "coming out" scenarios in Riverdale where young people do the right thing by fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for LGBTQ+ youth They hope this series inspires people[...]