Not only has Serperior been absent from the Pokémon TCG since the XY era but it also has NEVER gotten an Ultra Rare... until Silver Tempest.
Pokémon TCG Archives
Pokémon TCG Japan has released the new high-class set VSTAR Universe which features a new Regigigas V & VSTAR in the main numbered set.
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest Pull Rate Quest #4 notes yet another box that awarded all three Radiant Pokémon from the set.
Bleeding Cool's spotlight on the artwork of the Lugia and Alolan Vulpix-themed Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest begins.
This Bibarel Art Rare from Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe shows a group of Bidoof and Bibarel in their natural environment.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Champion’s Path in November 2022 notes that the two Charizard chase cards are close to matching in value.
If you were to name one Pokémon TCG illustrator as the definitive contributor to the hobby, it is iconic artist Mitsuhiro Arita.
Complete Set Review: Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Lost Origin makes its case for being one of the best expansions of the Galar era.
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest Pull Rate Quest #3 sees us pull the second biggest card of the set, which may come as a surprise.
Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe features an intimidating Lucario Special Art Rare by @click_burgundy. It will be the Crown Zenith ETB promo.
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest Pull Rate Quest #2 showcases the chaotic nature of opening booster boxes with these pulls.
The Top Five Cards of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Lost Origin: It's between Giratina V Alt Art and Pikachu VMAX CSR for the top slot!
We finish up our spotlight on Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Lost Origin with Black & Gold VMAX cards featuring Pikachu and Mew.
Glaceon VSTAR gets a wintry Special Art Rare in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe, the basis for the upcoming English set Crown Zenith.
The Trainer Gallery of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Lost Origin gives the Gym Leaders of Galar another chance to shine with new artwork.
Pokémon TCG Japan releases VSTAR Universe merch featuring Arceus, the Hisuian Starters, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, and more.
Pokémon TCG Japan will celebrate today's release of VSTAR Universe with new Jumbo Art Rare Collections coming later in December 2022.
Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield - Silver Tempest Pull Rate Quest #1 details a strong booster box that offered all three Radiants from the set.
Artist Taira Akitsu contributed Adventurer's Discovery, one of the best Full Art Trainer Supporters of the year, to Pokémon TCG: Lost Origin.
Jiro Sasumo, winner of the 2nd Pokémon TCG illustrators contest, delivers a gorgeous, floral Leafeon Special Art Rare in VSTAR Universe.
Pokémon TCG Japan releases High-Class Set VSTAR Universe with an enormous gallery of arguably the most beautiful art we've seen in the hobby.
If the Zeraora Alt Art from Chilling Reign wasn't enough, Zeraora gets a Special Art Rare VSTAR in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe.
Mitsuhiro Arita, artist of the famous Base Set Charizard, drew the Eternatus VMAX Character Super Rare in Pokémon TCG: Lost Origin.
Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe is coming and collectors will be able to get a Deoxys VMAX Special Art Rare promo with it.
New to the Pokémon TCG as of 2022's Brilliant Stars, artist GOSSAN contributes cards to Lost Origin including a Crobat Character Super Rare.
If you didn't find a peelable Ditto in Pokémon GO, you can find another one in Pokémon TCG Japan: VSTAR Universe, the basis for Crown Zenith.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Silver Tempest in November 2022 shows that the "waifu" craze might be back as the Serena Full Art raises in value.
Pokémon TCG Value Watch: Rebel Clash in November 2022 marks a major crash in the Boss's Orders Full Art. Now is the time to buy!
AKIRA EGAWA is becoming one of the top Pokémon TCG artists as evidenced by her painterly Enamorus V Character Super Rare from Lost Origin.
Toshinao Aoki has returned to the Pokémon TCG after a thirteen-year absence with Unown V Alt Art and a new Roxanne Special Art Rare.