Here's a snippet from the post, in which not only do they confirm code warning players not to turn off the Switch, but that they also found an eShop listing.
Credit: Capcom
In amongst a list of prompts and in-menu text for Resident Evil 3 Remake, there's a set of notifications that are specific to each version you're[...]
capcom Archives
As we make our way to the release of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Capcom has rolled out another trailer to check out centered around Jill Valentine The trailer itself gives us a good two minutes of Jill being amazing while also running for her life against the undead We also get the cool news that[...]
Capcom released a brand new developer diary today for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, going over the next update arriving Monday and showing a new monster The company will be releasing the 13.00 update into the game on March 23rd, which we have many of the details for you below But the video at the bottom[...]
Thankfully, that's been changed.
Credit: Capcom
"We kept the knife inexhaustible [in Resident Evil 3], so you can use it forever," says producer Peter Fabiano "We're dealing with survival horror and everything is exhaustible You run out of bullets You run out of herbs You run out of all the items you can use So if you[...]
Capcom announced today that Resident Evil: Resistance will be getting an open beta at the end of the month with a brand new mastermind to play as The open beta itself pen beta starts March 27 at 3am ET for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and 1pm ET for Steam The open beta will end when[...]
Need something to do while you're stuck at home this week? Capcom has announced that Resident Evil 3 is getting a demo this week Resident Evil 3: Raccoon City Demo will be available starting March 19th at 12am ET on Xbox One, and 1pm ET on PS4 and Steam The news comes the same week[...]
However, Capcom has confirmed through GamesRadar that this isn't the case.
Credit: Capcom
For those of you who haven't played the original Resident Evil 3, Nemesis is basically running around stalking you and ruining your day, kind of like Mr X does during Resident Evil 2, only with more cutscenes and actual boss encounters than just a[...]
Back in 2013, Capcom released DuckTales: Remastered, which was a modern version of the classic NES title we all know and love Last year, for reasons that were never explained, the game was pulled from digital stores so no one could download the game again (We assumed it was a rights issue because of Disney.)[...]
Credit: Capcom
Looking for a reason to jump back into Monster Hunter World: Iceborne? Capcom just made sure you have a reason to play, even though there's a huge crop of incoming games to get tangled up with as well.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 3 is now slated to appear on PlayStation 4 and Xbox[...]
The coronavirus strikes again on another set of events, as Capcom has decided to postpone a few Street Fighter V tournaments coming up Throughout the week we've seen organizers in other leagues either move tournaments around or pause them altogether Capcom has taken a different route by just canceling a few with no future dates[...]
Good news for all you Resident Evil 3: Nemesis fans who also own a record player, the soundtrack is getting published in vinyl this Spring.
The coronavirus has forced another Japan-based company to pull out of attending PAX East 2020, as Capcom is officially out of the event The company issued an official statement on Twitter, simply saying "An update on MH Festa: Boston 2020: Unfortunately, our guests from the MH dev team will no longer be able to attend[...]
This week, GungHo Entertainment Online released new details of changes they've made to the 2020 TEPPEN World Championship.
According to a voice actor for Devil May Cry 5, Capcom is already prepping the next Capcom Vs title, which includes familiar characters Ever since Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite didn't reach the heights the company wanted, they've been pretty quiet about fighting games in general Depending on the kind of fighting game player you are,[...]
They're cute little versions of the characters you know from the game made to help hype the release of the remastered title on April 3rd, 2020.
Credit: Capcom
You can download a PDF of the cards here, or if you don't like using a PDF, you can just go to on Capcom's Resident Evil social channel[...]
Capcom has revealed new details on Resident Evil: Resistance, as we now know two more masterminds as well as a couple more maps to play on Along with the fact that they've moved on from calling it a Project as it is now just a Resident Evil title Joining the guild of evil people behind[...]
UDON and Capcom have a lot of books on the way in 2020, the latest to be announced today being Breath Of Fire: Official Complete Works Much like other books they have announced, this is basically a tome of knowledge for the entire franchise, with 192 pages of content Since Capcom doesn't appear to be[...]
As we prepare for Street Fighter V: Champion Edition to be released this month, Capcom has released details on the upcoming content On their blog, the company revealed all of the additions coming to the characters, the stages, and a complete list of content that will be included in the game This looks about as[...]
To mark the impending release of the new Resident Evil 3, Capcom have partnered with Numskull to make a new line of RE3 merchandise The two have paired to bring you a series of items like hats, mugs, and pins for you to show off your support for S.T.A.R.S., or to join up with the[...]
Like many encyclopedias, this is going to be about as in-depth on the Capcom fighting game as you'll get Included in the book will be character bios on every character to ever be in the series, fighting styles, stage history, storylines, backstories, and more Everything you've ever wanted to know about the game from the[...]
Over the weekend, Capcom decided to release some new info on Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, showing what they have coming in 2020 The developers rolled out the roadmap you see below detailing what they have coming up immediately in the next couple of months, and what they intend to add down the road Immediately out[...]
Capcom has announced a new feature being added to the Nintendo Switch version of Devil May Cry 3, as players will get a Seamless Style feature The new feature will give players the ability to seamlessly switch combat styles on the fly That way you can take on multiple enemies in different tactics as you[...]
Credit: Capcom
Ready for another stroll through Raccoon City? We figured you might be Capcom just released a new Resident Evil 3 trailer, and it's all about getting to know the monster behind the carnage: Nemesis.
What can we say? If you're a Resident Evil fan, this new footage is about to make your day Check out[...]
Capcom announced this week that the PC version of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is finally live and available for players to download The company released some added details of the small differences between the PC and console versions But for the most part, the two are pretty much identical You can read more about the[...]
Credit: Capcom
Looking forward to Resident Evil 3's upcoming remake? You'll want to take a look at one of its most important character's new look.
Thanks to Capcom France's Instagram (spotted by Rely on Horror), there's a new render of Carlos Oliveira and his new render for the upcoming game.
Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service Corporal Carlos (long name,[...]
Credit: Capcom
If you've ever played Resident Evil 5 and wished it were a little less green, there's a mod out there for you.
YouTuber and Resident Evil fan Suzi (@TheSphereHunter) took to Twitter to show off what a much less washed-out and oppressive version of Kijuju in Resident Evil 5 may have looked like in an[...]
Credit: Capcom
What is there to say about Resident Evil 3 that hasn't already been said? It's going to be one hell of a remake.
We already saw exactly what Capcom was capable of with Resident Evil 2, and seeing the same treatment given to the next game in the series is what fans of all stripes[...]
A little bit of a shakeup when it comes to the Street Fighter V competition world as Victor “Punk” Woodley has been kicked from Team Reciprocity.
Credit: Capcom
When it comes to choosing the games that defined the decade for me, it's always difficult to look back on and remember exactly which titles ended up becoming the ones that would eventually change my perspective as a gamer But 'tis the season for gathering some of my absolute favorite titles, and gushing over[...]
Credit: Capcom
When it comes to choosing the games that defined the decade for me, it's always difficult to look back on and remember exactly which titles ended up becoming the ones that would eventually change my perspective as a gamer But 'tis the season for gathering some of my absolute favorite titles, and gushing over[...]