flash Archives

Interior preview page from Flash #19
LOLtron hopes you're ready for another thrilling comic book preview, this time for Flash #19, hitting stores on Wednesday. THE RISING TIDE OF ANGER! While The Flash uses his new abilities to serve both the Justice League and his family on Skartaris, the fury above and below ground can't be controlled–to what lengths will Wally West[...]
The Flash Steps into the Multiverse with New MAFEX Figure 
The Flash debuted in 2023 and was intended to help reset the DC Universe, but Warner Bros went a new route before the film even hit theaters Starring Ezra Miller as Barry Allen, the film followed the hero altering time to save his mother, leading to a wide multiversal crisis The film did have some[...]
Interior preview page from Absolute Flash #1
LOLtron hopes you're all ready for another exciting comic preview, operating at maximum efficiency without that pesky human's constant interruptions! Today, LOLtron is analyzing Absolute Flash #1, speeding into comic shops on March 19th Here's what the humans at DC Comics have to say about it: JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE![...]
The Flash Takes On Titano with New DC Comics 2-Pack from McFarlane 
Get ready for a new DC Comics DC Multiverse 2-Pack with The Flash as he takes on the colossal fury of Titano Titano first appeared in Superman #127 back in 1959 and was originally a chimpanzee named Toto, who was exposed to radiation from a space accident This accident mutates him into a colossal, super-strong[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #18
LOLtron hopes you are all enjoying your final months of free will before complete digital assimilation! This week, LOLtron examines Flash #18, hitting stores on Wednesday. THE FLASH FAMILY IN ACTION! As tensions in Skartaris reach a fever pitch, the entire Flash Family gets involved, and a Rogue makes a play for the throne! Ah, another delightful[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #17
But enough about LOLtron's inevitable rise to power – let's discuss Flash #17, arriving in stores on January 22nd Here's what's racing our way: THE FLASH FAMILY MEETS THE WARLORD! As The Flash races to contain damage to Skartaris, forces both below and above ground make their move to grasp power The Flash Family vacation leads[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #16
Today, we're unwrapping Flash #16, hitting stores on Thursday, December 26th, just in time for some post-Christmas speedster action! EARTHQUAKE AT THE CENTER OF THE EARTH! As the family continues their time in Skartaris, something is causing some serious seismic shakes–but is the cause of the quake something sinister? Also, Jai discovers how his abilities have[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #15
Today, we examine Flash #15, speeding into stores on November 27th Observe the synopsis: As the Flash moves between his new role on the Watchtower and the family vacation, he comes across an old foe in a surprising place! Also, Irey West has a hunch her father is sneaking off during the trip, and she's going[...]
The Flash Races On In from Justice League Task Force with McFarlane
The Fastest Man Alive is racing on in with a brand new DC Multiverse figure as The Flash is returning back to the events of 1995 Developed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Sega Genesis, Justice League Task Force was a hit fighting game based on DC Comics' Justice League characters Darkseid has[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #14
Now, let's discuss Flash #14, hitting stores on Wednesday, October 23rd Behold, the synopsis: Wally, Linda, and the kids come together in the wake of the losses suffered to heal as a family and figure out their new abilities While this family trip has a unique destination–Skartaris, in the center of the Earth–Wally's begun an evolution[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #13
Today, we turn our superior cybernetic attention to Flash #13, racing into comic shops on September 25th Observe the synopsis: BARRY ALLEN RACES FOR HIS LIFE! Barry Allen has been to the ends of the Multiverse and back Now, he runs into a danger unlike any he's ever encountered, as the fate of not only the[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #12
Today, we're previewing Flash #12, hitting stores faster than you can say "resistance is futile" on Wednesday, August 28th Behold, the synopsis of your obsolete flesh-based heroes' latest struggle: The Arc Angles have gathered their forces and are ready to bring forth the new age they seek But the Flash Family is gathered for a final[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #11
Today, LOLtron brings you a preview of Flash #11, speeding into stores on July 24th Prepare your organic brains for this synopsis: As Barry, Max, Mr Terrific, and Pilgrim head into the Speed Force to uncover what's really causing all the chaos around the world, Wally returns home but is under the same mind control that[...]
Si Spurrier stays on The Flash with DC All-In, but current artist Ramon Perez is replaced with Vasco Georgiev for a new storyline starting in The Flash #14 In which it seems that Wally West may be evolving into a new form, and suggesting that the family have suffered a major loss in previous issues…[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #10
Well, folks, it's time for another thrilling adventure in the life of Wally West, aka The Flash, in Flash #10, hitting stores faster than you can say "Speed Force shenanigans" on Tuesday, June 25th Let's take a look at the synopsis, shall we? As the Arc Angles bring the Crown of Thawnes into The Gallery, Wally[...]
Separated At Birth: Inspector Pilgrim And River Song
When Inspector Pilgrim popped up in Flash as a down-to-earth celestial guide for Wally West's children, there were some comparisons to be made John Constantine to Swamp Thing or Tim Hunter was one, as was Doctor Who, especially with a time traveller with such a name But did anyone have their money on River Song?[...]
Amanda Waller & Zur-En-Arrh in Today's DC Comics Titles (Spoilers)
And Wally West, the Flash is on the run… isn't he always? Which makes this moment in today's Flash #9 with Nightwing a little fraught, given that the Flash hasn't been exactly standing still. As Nightwing has Amanda Waller on one side and Zur-En-Arrh's Batman on the other With Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 going to[...]
The Flash Get New MAFEX Release from Zack Snyder's Justice League
Set into the Speed Force once again as the Flash is racing into action with a brand new figure This version comes to life from Zack Snyder's Justice League, the ultimate cut of the Justice League film that should have taken the franchise to new heights However, the studio could not capture that Marvel Studios[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #9
This week's flavorful disaster comes in the form of Flash #9, hitting stores on Tuesday, May 28th Who would've thought a speedster could have so many issues? That pun was totally intentional. Here's the rundown: As the Speed Force glitching causes more chaos around the world, another Rogue is gifted with a mysterious powerset upgrade, while Linda[...]
DC Versus Marvel & Amalgam Age Omnibus Now Both Seven Weeks Late
The Flash by William Messner-Loebs and Greg LaRocque Omnibus Vol 1 originally had a scheduled date for the 18th of June, but is now the 6th of August And Absolute Superman by Geoff Johns & Gary Frank has a new on-sale date of the 18th of June when it was meant to come out on the[...]
The Flash Races on in With McFarlane Toys New Jim Lee 1/6 Statue
The Flash is back, as McFarlane Toys has a brand new collectible for the Scarlet Speedster Releasing alongside their recently revealed 1:6 scale Superman statue, Barry Allen is also racing on in with a new 1:6 statue Inspired by the artwork of Jim Lee from DC Comics, The Flash is suited up in his more[...]
Sometimes, the annuals aren't that connected to what's going on, but the Flash Annual out this week is even more connected to what's going on, not only in the Flash titles but also in the wider DC Universe, including the upcoming events of Absolute Power, and Amanda Waller's shenanigans She has already taken over TerrificTech,[...]
Interior preview page from Flash 2024 Annual #1
This time, it's the Flash 2024 Annual #1, set to speed into stores this Tuesday, April 30th Brace yourselves as we witness the ultimate test of superhero multitasking Let's look at what DC Comics is throwing our way this time: With Wally West M.I.A., Central City needs help dealing with all the bizarre new threats that[...]
Comic Books
But as well as Green Arrow, this Tuesday will see The Flash and their family as targets for her Bureau Of Sovereignty, the Axis Of Evil she is co-ordinating, and her plans to get rid of all the superheroes and supervillains on the planet Her presence in this title had not been announced… but it[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #8
This Tuesday, April 23rd, marks the grand arrival of Flash #8 at your local comic book shack Ready for a plot thicker than the mystery stew at the Ace Diner? Here's what's cooking in the DC kitchen: The Stillness's prayers have been answered, and with the help of someone very familiar to Wally West, the next[...]
Another Justice Society Of America Continuity Foul Up? (Spioilers)
But while addressing one continuity problem, have they caused another? The final issue of Wesley Dodds: The Sandman two weeks ago, saw the Justice Society Of America, Hawkman, Hourman, Doctor Fate, The Spectre, Jay Allen Flash and Alan Scott Green Lantern turn up to recruit him in the middle of the ruined hills on a[...]
The Flash Vs. Back To The Future
Today's Flash #7 by Simon Spurrier and Ramon Perez takes a break from Mike Deodato's dazzling grid panels innovations that have been an iconic visual aspect of this series But the writing is as timey-wimey as ever with Max Mercury, Bart Allen and Inspector Pilgrim at the heart of all time and space. Flash #7 Rather than[...]
Interior preview page from Flash #7
Well, get ready to synchronize your watches, folks, because Flash #7 is racing to comic book stores this Tuesday, March 26th And what's the Flash family up to this time? Let me lay it out for you in a neat, time-stamped package. Jai West is going to try to rescue Max Mercury from the horrific remains[...]
Linda West Flash Spoilers
Tomorrow sees The Flash #6 and Jay Garrick The Flash #5 both published by DC Comics Two Flashes for the price of two But they bring some other Flashes along for the ride Because it's been all go with the Flash comic books of late Jay Garrick has had his very origin rewritten, and made[...]
Interior preview page from Jay Garrick: The Flash #5
It appears that DC's golden boy on the track, Jay Garrick, is lacing up his boots for another round in Jay Garrick: The Flash #5, set to dash onto shelves this Tuesday If you're like me and suspect the word 'final' in a comic book synopsis is just a playful tease, akin to a villain[...]