indie Comics Archives

An Army Of Ghosts Takes Over London – Interviewing The Ghosts Collective
Regardless, you always hurt the one you love. NA: Its all mostly thanks to the amazing UK indie comics scene and the convention circuit, though I have known Owen and James from longer ago James through deviantArt and Owen as a friend from a while back I formed Big Punch with Jon after our successful crossover[...]
Day Two MoCCA Fest Gallery – So Much Smileyness
The second day of MoCCA Fest in New York this weekend was a little less breathlessly packed in terms of attendees than the first, but the exuberant atmosphere really did remain as well as some very serious indie comics hunting from all sides The thing about indie comics is that it has its own language[...]
Hang Dai Studios Announces MoCCA Fest Anthology Debut – Plus Preview
The Brooklyn-based Hang Dai Studios has announced a whopping 48-page anthology release for April's New York held MoCCA Fest, hub of indie comics and small press projects The comics included in the anthology, Hang Dai Studios Comix, have never been seen in print previously, with only a few appearing as web comics projects over the[...]
What Creators Really Get Out Of Cons – The Devastator Survey Numbers Are In
The Comedy Comics Magazine The Devastator ran a poll among indie comics creators to learn what their needs are when it comes to conventions and shows in an effort to help make those shows more welcoming for creator-owned projects The wide array of shows that the survey ended up reporting on is truly impressive, including[...]
2D Cloud Announces 2014 Releases – And A Christmas Contest
2D Cloud, an independent publisher handling some of the most notable darlings of the indie comics circuit, produces comic works in a wide array of formats and styles, but the guarantee is that they'll be weird and wonderful In the lead up to Christmas, they've announced five big books coming in 2014, and also a[...]