lunar Archives

Lunar Distribution Launches "Next Phase" Previews Catalogue for DC, Scout,
Lunar Distribution is the exclusive monopoly comic book distributor for DC Comics to the direct market of comic books, and also DC's biggest company as mail order comic shop DCBS They have also taken on a handful of other publishers, such as Scout Comics, Ahoy, Floating World, CEX, Silver Sprocket and more to come And[...]
CEX Publishing Joins Lunar Distribution
CEX Publishing is the latest publisher to announce a distribution deal with Lunar Distribution, effective for January 2021-shipping books CEX joins an ever-growing list of publishers including Oni Press, Ahoy Comics, Uncivilized Books, Scout Comics, and of course DC Comics who have partnered with Lunar Distribution to distribute their books to comic book retailers and[...]
Oni Press Latest To Join Lunar Distribution?
Heard from the showfloor of San Diego Comic-Con: Special Edition is the news that Oni Press/Lion Forge is the latest comic book publisher to join Lunar Distribution for distribution to comic book stores. Lunar, set up by online comic book store DCBS, is the exclusive monopoly distributor of DC Comics to the direct market of comic[...]
Penguin Random House Lost Their First Marvel Comics Shipment To DCBS
And as Penguin Random House begins increasing packaging protection for the Marvel Comics titles they ship, there are issues regarding packaging from other distributors as well. Lunar Distribution, the comics distribution wing of DCBS, with exclusive distribution rights to DC Comics into the direct market of comic book stores, send high tier variant covers bagged and[...]
Penguin Random House Lost Their First Marvel Comics Shipment To DCBS
Well, that's not a great start for Penguin Random House is it? DCBS is the biggest retailer of direct market comic books in the world, which is why it was picked by DC Comics to become their exclusive distributor of direct market comic books to other retailers, Lunar Distribution They are now also distributing Ahoy[...]
Now Z2 Comics Signs Up With Lunar Distribution Too
Z2 Comics is following Scout Comics, Ahoy Comics and DC Comics in being distributed by online comics retailer-turned-comocs distributor Lunar Distribution CEO and publisher Josh Frankel says "As we have grown, we have been actively considering all avenues for stores to carry our product; beginning with our move to Simon & Schuster for the book[...]
Lunar Thinks Shops May Order Too Many DC Free Comic Book Day Titles
DC Comics' Free Comic Book Day titles are not being distributed by FCBD's owner Diamond Comic Distributors in 2021 for the first time, after Diamond quit DC Comics and went exclusive with their largest customer DCBS's Lunar for the distribution of comic books to comic stores in the direct market It was quite a thing[...]
DC Comics Delays Through Lunar Over Cardstock Covers
Lunar Distribution has informed retailers that cardstock covers for Flash #772, Justice League #65, and Shazam #1, with their added dollar price courtesy of the cardstock, will be delayed next week, the 20th of July, until the 27th of July Also delayed (shame with Space Jam 2 out) is Looney Tunes #261, which has no[...]
Ahoy Comics Signs Up With Lunar Distribution
And now there is Ahoy Comics, joining the Lunar Distribution family Lunar told comic book retailers today "We would like to welcome Ahoy Comics to Lunar Distribution We will have their full line of periodical titles starting with October releases Until then, we have Snelson #1 on FOC this weekend and Snelson #2 was added[...]
DCBS and InStockTrades Reduce Marvel Discounts Available
DCBS and InStockTrades, the online comic book ordering service and also the home of Lunar Distribution, have changed their Marvel Comics discount offers, as a result of Penguin Random House taking on Marvel as an exclusive distributor PRH has offered retailers a 50% discount flat rate including the cost of shipping to retailers Bleeding Cool[...]
Lunar Distribution
Well, now Lunar Distribution have revealed their DC Comics Discounts and qualifying levels for comic shop retailers The figure on the left is the amount of DC Comics product each store has to order every month, at retail price, in order to qualify for the respective discount level on the right. Purchases per month at retail DC[...]
Lunar To Distribute Marvel Comics To Comic Stores Next Year
Bleeding Cool ran a couple of articles on the big moves that DCBS, InstockTrades and Lunar Distribution have been making recently, moving to massive new facilities – with massive new tax breaks Christina Merkler gave a few interviews to local media, some of whom managed to get hold of completely the wrong end of the[...]
Lunar & DCBS Move To New Haven, Indiana With A Million In Tax Credits
We mentioned the other day that comic book stores were to expect backstock distribution delays in the next few weeks as Lunar Distribution, the DC Comics direct market exclusive distributor created by their biggest customer, DCBS, is in the middle of moving locations Lunar and DCBS are to move from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to New[...]
PrintWatch: Basilisk, Locust, Made In Korea Get Second Prints
Then they stopped that as well and went digital-only, listed on their website and that of new distributor, Lunar Distribution We learned that DC Comics had seen an order and sales drop off as a result of this change, especially with launch titles not being prominent in the minds of consumers The recent launch of[...]
Lunar Distribution
Lunar Distribution, based in New Haven, Indiana, has told comic book stores that they are moving their operation to a new warehouse and operating facility Stating "New Lunar Warehouse! We are thrilled to announce our move to a brand new facility" they warn about the coming "next few weeks" And that "as a result of[...]
The New Marvel Comics/Diamond Deal And The End Of The Big Discount?
It is noted that Lunar deliveries arrive from a week before sale, to the day before. So the question is, why stick with Marvel when you get no better — or worse — discount than direct with Penguin, and have to pay 2.5% extra for shipping on top? The only rationale might be that it would[...]
Lunar Distribution
They had moved to DCBS/Lunar Distribution for comic store direct market distribution, but Penguin Random House already handled all their graphic novels bookstore trade Indeed, Bleeding Cool was told by DC Comics sources that DC had a deal that PRH could not distribute Marvel's graphic novels into the bookstore market. Lunar Distribution logo Well, sources now tell[...]
DC Comics To Print Monthly Solicitations Catalog, DC Connect, Again
Then they stopped that as well, and went digital-only, listed on their website and that of new distributor, Lunar Distribution. DC Comics Monthly Solicitations Catalog, DC Connect Bleeding Cool understands from sources that DC Comics has seen an order and sales drop off as a result of this change, especially with launch titles not being prominent in[...]
Penguin Random House Promise Free Shipping And Dedicated Sales Reps
But PRH won't charge you freight." Peter Fisico, Toronto retailer behind All New Comics wrote in the BC comments "I have used PRH for trades as a test and the discount they offer is 10% percent less than I get from Lunar or Diamond While it's great they offer free shipping so many times I have[...]
Scout Comics To Be Distributed By Lunar
Scout Comics is the second publisher to sign a distribution deal to the comic book store market with Lunar Distribution Lunar is the distribution company set up by DCBS with DC Comics, to provide an alternative distribution source a year ago, when Diamond Comic Distributors temporarily closed due to the pandemic and shutdown. Scout Comics To[...]
Next Week Will Be A Monster Week In Comics - If They All Arrive
Lunar Distribution works up to a week ahead, so most US stores will have their DC comic books for next Tuesday in stock already There aren't many DC books that week, but what they have will sell a LOT. Nocterra #1 by Scott Snyder and Tony Daniel will be the big Image Comics launch I reviewed[...]
It is understood that this is a direct result of DC Comics leaving Diamond in favour of Lunar Distribution – though they still use Diamond for UK and European distribution. Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc logo. Publishers have been told that the New Memphis centre is closed, immediately, and they should reroute any products to either their Olive[...]
Lunar Distribution
Lunar Distribution sent the following word to comic book retailers about the shipping of DC Comics collections. We have been working diligently to update our site and the product that we have available We are activating as many graphic novels as quickly as possible, so this list will be consistently growing until we have all DC[...]
Comic Shops May Have Sold Death Metal #7 & DC Future State By Mistake
There was not a single word about the street dates from DC or Lunar, which was surprising One of my employees mentioned it, so I checked and only found it on the invoice that came with the shipments And on their "checklist" posters, which are often incorrect by the time titles actually ship We are[...]
Lunar Distribution Gets A Logo And Consumer Facing Website
While its DC distribution rival, Lunar Distribution, didn't Well, that all changed last night Not only did Lunar launch a consumer-facing website but also they got themselves a logo for the first time I was very close to running a Bleeding Cool competition for people to create one so that we could have something to[...]
No American Comics In The UK Between Christmas And The New Year
Of course, if you use one of the few European comic book stores using Lunar to order your DC Comics titles, you may be a week ahead of everyone else. Are any stores doing that? It would be interesting to know Otherwise, expect ComiXology UK to get more of a Christmas bump this year. Currently, DC Comics[...]
Death Metal #7 Second Epilogue Sets Up Something Beyond Future State
As a result, Lunar Distribution, which was distributing between half and a third of UCS' number, will be taking on an exclusive distribution deal with DC, distributing comic books to North American comic book stories in the direct market. However, as the switch is imminent, a number of books that will be distributed by Lunar to[...]
UCS Comic Distributors Close Phone Lines From Today
After all, we were also able to discover that UCS had three-to-four times the volume of DC Comics than DCBS-formed Lunar had The remaining contract was until the end of the year, but I understand that DC Comics wanted to cut distribution margins further UCS couldn't see a way forward to pulled out And all[...]