As a result, Lunar Distribution, which was distributing between half and a third of UCS' number, will be taking on an exclusive distribution deal with DC, distributing comic books to North American comic book stories in the direct market.
However, as the switch is imminent, a number of books that will be distributed by Lunar to[...]
lunar Archives
After all, we were also able to discover that UCS had three-to-four times the volume of DC Comics than DCBS-formed Lunar had The remaining contract was until the end of the year, but I understand that DC Comics wanted to cut distribution margins further UCS couldn't see a way forward to pulled out And all[...]
After my last article, when I mentioned not ever having any damages, the next Lunar shipment we received had damage I was quite surprised We looked over the box, and one of the corners had been caved in It had been hit so hard the second box inside of the outside box was also damaged[...]
Some comic book stores that have signed up to Lunar Distribution (soon to be all of them) received yesterday's stack of comic books late last week But some received them yesterday, to go on sale the same day Consistency and reliability is not quite what it was But some stores who received their DC Comics[...]
Set up by Midtown Comics, it was recently revealed that this relationship was coming to an end at the end of the year, and all of DC Comics' North American comic shop distribution shifting to rival store DCBS's Lunar Distribution Bleeding Cool broke that news as well as also the news that it this was[...]
DC instead set up two new distributors, from their two biggest retail accounts, Midtown/UCS and DCBS/Lunar They also moved their on-sale date to Tuesdays And many retailers started getting those comic books the previous week When Diamond returned, the fee for the mystery shoppers was dropped and the service went away.
With these temptations coming to[...]
Bleeding Cool broke the news that UCS Comic Distributors would no longer be distributing DC Comics to comic book stores from January 2021 and that as a result, Lunar Distribution would be distributing all of the DC monthly titles in North America We also learned that this was UCS' decision rather than that of DC[...]
We reported "DC Comics Drops UCS Comic Distributors For Lunar" and we were totally, 100% wrong DC Comics did not drop UCS UCS dropped DC Comics.
DC Comics Didn't Drop UCS – UCS Dropped DC Comics
Basically, it seems that Midtown Comics, owners of UCS, had enough of dealing with DC Comics, at a distributor level at[...]
Lunar Distribution and UCS Comics Distributors, respectively, distributed DC Comics when Diamond were not and, when Diamond returned to distribution, DC Comics dropped Diamond completely Then, as Lunar and UCS struggled to distribute efficiently to Europe, DC went back to Diamond UK, first temporarily and then permanently It was the New Distributor Wars.
Now DC Comics[...]
Back the Wild West of comic book distribution this kind of thing saw rival distributors shipping comic books by air from one part of the country to another to gain an extra p[recious 24 hours for one store to beat its neighbours to the punch – so suddenly everyone had to do it, spending vast[...]
While those who want to a cash-on-delivery payment system will instead receive a flat rate charge of $7.75 per order, in addition to shipping, excise and freight fees.
Anyone know if Lunar Distribution are following up? AT least UCS have a nice new-looking logo.
UCS Comic Distributors, the comic book distributor set up by Midtown Comics[...]
While those who want to a cash-on-delivery payment system will instead receive a flat rate charge of $7.75 per order, in addition to shipping, excise and freight fees.
What the other direct market DC distributor Lunar Distribution will do, is yet unknown But since there are a number of shops that can use both Lunar or[...]
Turns out Lunar Distribution customers got one too – though there appears to have been some shipping delays this week – some retailers reported that their Diamond delivery yesterday arrived before their DC Comics delivery for once – even though the DC books are actually meant to go on sale yesterday But it was probably[...]
Since Diamond UK reopened they have been distributing new comics to comic stores every two weeks rather than every week. Bt as of July, that all changes.
That's right — it's double the MAD for just double the price (cheap!)
Since issue #13 was originally scheduled for an April 15 on sale date and #14 was originally scheduled for a June 10 on sale date, both of these issues will be made returnable at a later date.
However, those with Lunar and UCS accounts who made[...]
You can now choose from four different distributors for DC Direct products, including UCS and Lunar, but adding in Entertainment Earth and Sideshow Collectibles.
DC Direct Logo
Hello DC Direct Customer,
After careful consideration of the current distribution model, we have determined that we need to provide a more comprehensive global solution by transitioning the distribution of DC[...]
When DC Comics announced that they were dropping Diamond Comic Distribution entirely, in favour of two new US distributors Lunar and UCS, set up with comic stores DCBS and Midtown, Bleeding Cool instantly spotted a problem What about international distribution, especially to the UK which represents 10-15% of the sales of the direct market? Costs[...]
Bleeding Cool has confirmed the following was a letter sent by Eric Stephenson, Publisher & Chief Creative Officer at Image Comics, to Image Comics
At the end, they state that both two new distributors Lunar and UCS have "solutions and affordable options" for international customers such as the UK No sign of them yet though, we have been promised more this week The full letter runs below;
Dear DC Direct Market Retailer,
Following this past Friday's announcement that DC's long-standing relationship[...]
Diamond UK is estimated to represent 10-15% of the entire US direct market, but UK retailers have reported that shipping costs from Lunar or UCS are often more than the cost of the order itself, which would lead to a doubling or tripling of the cost of a DC comic book in the UK, compared[...]
UCS Comic Distributors is now distributing back issue stock from Midtown comics to other comic book stores as well as new DC Comics.
Today, Bleeding Cool ran the news that DC Comics is to quit Diamond Comic Distributors, in favour of their newly created distributors UCS Comic Distributors and Lunar Distribution In the Q&A, DC Comics blamed the existing direct market There was plenty of gossip all round.
In the latest of a series of statements that are totally[...]
Your local comic shop is having a day y'all. LCS owners are worried, and this DC Comics Diamond news has everyone scratching their heads.
There are now to be just two DC distributors of monthly serialised comic books, UCS (formed by Midtown Comics) and Lunar (formed by DCBS) handling all of DC Comics' monthly output It seems hard not to recall Marvel and Heroes World, but both those organisations were already solid online sellers, shippers and distributors Will either[...]
Oh look, IDW Publishing has noticed that DC Comics has pulled out of Diamond Comic Distributors, in favour of UCS and Lunar, everyone's pretty angry and there's plenty of gossip around IDW has decided to put out their own statement With an IDW (LOVES) DM image, they state;
Bleeding Cool has been reporting on DC Comics decision to quit Diamond Comic Distributors entirely, to go with their own formed distributors UCS and Lunar We also reported what DC Comics were saying about why they did what they did, which just posed more questions People had things to say, beginning with retailers.
Mike Wellman of[...]
Bleeding Cool just ran the news that DC Comics is to quit Diamond Comic Distributors, in favour of their newly created distributors UCS and Lunar This comes after twenty-five years of Diamond being the exclusive distributor of DC Comics – at least until the shutdown, DC Comics has provided retailers with a Q&A – but[...]
Bleeding Cool is being told by, well, everyone it seems right now, that DC Comics is completely quitting being distributed by Diamond Comic Distributors in favour of the two new distributors they set up with the biggest direct market retail accounts Midtown Comics (UCS Comic Distributors) and DCBS (Lunar Distribution).
The original change in distribution occurred[...]
We'd previously looked at the large amounts of packaging that comic book stores had been receiving from new DC Comics distributor Lunar Distribution created by DCBS, especially in comparison with their packages from Diamond Comic Distributors, with all-too-familiar damages Well, this week they appear to have received something additional in their package that they hadn't[...]
2: Lost in the Multiverse: Delayed to an on-sale date of June 9 for all retailers.
Two weeks ago, Lunar Distribution messaged retailers to tell them that the variant version of The Flash #754 now has an in-store date of 2nd June But that was it UCS haven't said a thing So wonder who will be[...]