Mountain Dew Archives

Mountain Dew Purple Thunder Debuts as Circle K Exclusive Flavor
It is time to taste the open road as Mountain Dew is revving their engines with a new flavor of Dew There are so many Dew flavors out there, and I LOVE IT, Major Melon and Spark have stayed on the market longer than I expected, and their Zero Sugar flavors are perfect Flamin' Hot[...]
Hard Mountain Dew is Truly the Next Level of Hard Soda - Taste Test
It was not long ago that news broke that the first couple of states would finally be getting shipments of the new Hard Mountain Dew This long-rumored and teased product gives +21 members of Dew Nation a ride on the wild side with alcoholic versions of the iconic soda Three states are already supposed to[...]
Mountain Dew Gets Hard and Is Finally Starting to Hit Shelves
And yes, it's war, but a headline busting post about Mountain Dew makes it feel like we've become all of a sudden. LITG: Mountain Dew and the ten most-read stories, yesterday Credit: PepsiCo Mountain Dew Gets Hard and Is Finally Starting to Hit Shelves Law & Order: Vincent D'Onofrio Still Has Some "Criminal Intent" In Him Reacher: Alan Ritchson[...]
Mountain Dew Gets Hard and Is Finally Starting to Hit Shelves
At long last! Every Mountain Dew fan's dream is now a reality as PepsiCo, and The Boston Beer Company announced the arrival of Hard Mountain Dew This new alcoholic beverage takes the legendary soda back to its mixer spirits origins and turns it up a notch This is the first major soft drink to take[...]
always sunny
And this time around is no different, as we get to check out Day's new deal with Mountain Dew before he reveals one of his favorite Danny DeVito (Frank Reynolds) stories- and trust us when we say you'll want to check it out for his impersonation of DeVito and… well… we'll keep with the spoilers. Image:[...]
Mountain Dew Flamin’ Hot is a Tasty and Fiery Masterpiece
By this time, you have already known about the new and spicy Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot soda This limited-edition soda was released exclusively through The Dew Store and, oddly enough sold out Our friends over at Pepsi sent us over a can of the Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot to taste test, and boy were we[...]
MTN DEW Voo-Dew Is Coming Back For A Limited Time
PepsiCo announced today that they have brought back the popular Mountain Dew flavor MTN DEW Voo-Dew for a limited time Starting on August 30th and running all the way through Halloween (or until supplies last), the latest version of his seasonal flavor will be back to scare you with its appearance and flavor The drink[...]
Gremlins Gizo Toy Coming From...Mountain Dew and NTWRK App
Hot on the heels of their Super Bowl commercial from earlier this year, Mountain Dew Zero Sugar and UK designers I Love Dust will release a special edition Gizmo from Gremlins on the NTWRK app The DZS x Gremlins Gizmo doll will come in a vacuum-sealed bag and a Mountain Dew display case The doll[...]
Gremlins: Zach Galligan Revisits Franchise for Mountain Dew Ad
It was only a matter of time before we saw the nostalgia bug bite its next franchise and Mountain Dew chose the 80s classic in Gremlins (1983) with star Zach Galligan reprising his role as Billy Peltzer not learning from past experience from the creatures The commercial starts with the Gizmo reaching out of curiosity[...]
PUBG Mobile Announces New Partnership With Mountain Dew
The latest esports sponsorship for PUBG Mobile is a major one as Mountain Dew has dropped itself onto the island Aside from the fact that you're probably going to start seeing a bunch of soda machines scattered throughout the game moving forward (because why not?), the company is going to start appearing on all of[...]
MTN DEW Freeze Is Coming To Regal Theater Locations
Some cool news if you're obsessed with Mountain Dew, as PepsiCo and Regal Theaters announced MTN DEW Freeze is on the way to their locations The company revealed that moviegoers will have access to readily available frozen drinks in the famous Dew flavor, along with a few other theater-specific brands like Cheetos Popcorn and Doritos[...]
"Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare" Gets Two MNT DEW AMP Spots
To celebrate the release fo Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare, Activision partnered up with Mountain Dew to make two new commercials for MNT DEW AMP The two companies have been working hand-in-hand over the past couple of months as the game was preparing to be released Now they got two new spots for the GAME[...]
"Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare" Celebrity PRO-AM Announced
Here's a few quotes from today's announcement as the games will be livestreamed on Twitch. credit//Activision "We're thrilled to join forces with Activision just ahead of the hugely anticipated Call of Duty: Modern Warfare release," said Erin Chin, Senior Director, Marketing, Mountain Dew and MTN DEW AMP GAME FUEL "We put a stake in the ground when we launched Game[...]
Mountain Dew Releases New Gamer Soda MTN DEW AMP Game Fuel
Mountain Dew has decided to make a soda line aimed specifically at video gamers with their new set of drinks called MTN DEW AMP Game Fuel Just in time to be introduced during the Super Bowl, a pair of commercials were made this week and pushed online, which we're sure you'll see sometime during the game[...]
mountain dew ice
Mountain Dew's newest family member — Mountain Dew Ice — was created as an answer to Sprite But unlike Sprite, Ice contains caffeine My boyfriend brought a case home the other day for us to try, but admittedly I hesitated I'm not a fan of Mountain Dew; it tastes like every video game room at[...]
xbox one
Doritos and Mountain Dew have a contest running to allow you to collect points and bid on a group of Xbox One X consoles And Doritos trucked out a ton of snack bags to the New York Comic Con's press room, for some unholy reason And because Bleeding Cool isn't exactly the highest on Microsoft's[...]