Penguin Random House Archives

Retailers Report On Marvel Comics Damages From Penguin Random House
Penguin Random House is the exclusive distributor of Marvel Comics and IDW Publishing comic books to comic book stores, though they do allow sub-distribution through previous exclusive distributor Diamond Comic Distribution PRH has just issued the following message to comic book stores that next week's titles will be delayed. Hello Retailers, We wanted to let you know[...]
Penguin Random House Top 26 IDW
Penguin Random House has put together several charts for distributing comic books and graphic novels over the last three months, including IDW Publishing Unsurprisingly Turtles sales top the charts, with much expected for the upcoming Last Ronin, but it is followed in the charts by Canto and surprise hit Captain Action Transformers are way down[...]
Penguin Random House's 100 Best-Selling Dark Horse Comics
Go Berserk! Penguin Random House has put together a number of charts for distributing comic books and graphic novels over the last three months, including their entire manga selection, comic books translated from Japan or, for some, created in a Japanese style The chart also includes Japanese light novels, translated and published by manga publishers[...]
Penguin Random House Top 71 DC Books
Penguin Random House has put together a number of charts for distributing comic books and graphic novels over the last three months, including DC Comics And you can see why DC's commitment to Batman Uber Alles holds through the chart, but also notable that the 100 Bullets Omnibus tops the chart, followed by the 52[...]
Moon Knight Tops Penguin Random House's Top 100 Marvel Graphic Novels
Penguin Random House has put together several charts for distributing comic books and graphic novels over the last three months, including Marvel Comics Notably, Moon Knight volumes take five of the top ten spots Expect Ms Marvel to do the same next time The Marvel Multiverse RPB Rulebook gets in at number 5, and Thor[...]
Retailers Report On Marvel Comics Damages From Penguin Random House
Last week, Bleeding Cool followed up on a year ago when Marvel Comics signed an exclusive contract with Penguin Random House, for comic book sales to comic book stores in the direct market We added that Marvel was now to go all-in to the returnable bookstore market with Penguin Random House Marvel Publishing and Penguin[...]
Penguin Random House Extend Last Sunday's FOC To Wednesday Midnight
Earlier this week, Bleeding Cool reported on Penguin Random House having to apologise for their retailer ordering platform ".Biz" going down on Sunday, right when comic book store Final Order Cut-Off orders were due. We are aware that there was an outage on .Biz from 8:08pm EST January 17th to 7:00am EST January 18th that directly[...]
Hawkeye, X-Men, X-Force Delayed At Diamond But Not From PRH
Diamond Comic Distributors have let retailers know that "due to a systems issue affecting Penguin Random House", the following Marvel Comics titles — originally solicited with an on-sale date of November 24th  will now arrive one week late with comics intended to be sold on the 1st of December." This also means that stores that[...]
This Week's Marvel Delivery From Penguin Random House Looks Better
This is a look at Rodman Comics of Iowa, Ankeny's delivery of this week's Marvel Comics titles from Penguin Random House Not the damage replacements but the actual weekly Marvel Comics delivery Looking more and more like a Lunar Comics Distribution package and a sign that Penguin Random House have fixed the comic book distribution[...]
Penguin Random House Marvel Comics Deliveries - Getting Better?
Bleeding Cool has been showing you a shower of terrible comic book deliveries from Penguin Random House to comic book stores these past few weeks The shipped comics have often arrived in terrible, unsellable condition, leading Penguin Random House to issue an apology. Photo sent to Bleeding Cool by comic book store, permission granted. However, the damage[...]
Retailers Report On Marvel Comics Damages From Penguin Random House
Bleeding Cool has been covering a number of issues with the first week's shipment of Marvel Comics titles to comic book stores from their new exclusive distributor Penguin Random House, as well as an apology them made to comic stores for what went down One comic book store owner Mark Hajunga of Comics, Cards &[...]
Penguin Random House Apologises for Marvel Comics Distribution Issues
One overseas retailer writes to Bleeding Cool regarding Penguin Random House distribution of Marvel Comics, saying; During the summer I placed an order just to try them out and to get some backlist DC and Kodansha I received my shipment in August and as you can see by the attached images it was in a terrible[...]
Retailers Report On Marvel Comics Damages From Penguin Random House
Penguin Random House have issued the following statement to comic book retailers who have been ordering Marvel Comics from them "Thank you for reaching out and providing your feedback in regard to damaged product We appreciate your patience as our teams are working through the claims backlog Please be advised that replacement stock is limited[...]
Penguin Random House Lost Their First Marvel Comics Shipment To DCBS
Well, that's not a great start for Penguin Random House is it? DCBS is the biggest retailer of direct market comic books in the world, which is why it was picked by DC Comics to become their exclusive distributor of direct market comic books to other retailers, Lunar Distribution They are now also distributing Ahoy[...]
Diamond Responds To IDW Distriubution Announcement I Haven't Seen
IDW Publishing and Penguin Random House Publisher Services  today announced an exclusive worldwide multi-year sales and distribution agreement for IDW's newly published and backlist comic book periodicals, trade collections, and graphic novels to the Direct Market comic shops beginning June 1, 2022 The new agreement complements and expands their current partnership, in which PRHPS sells[...]
Marvel Square Logo
As of next week and going forward, all Marvel Comics/Penguin Random House items will have Sunday Final Cut-Off Order dates, rather than Monday The first will be this Sunday, the 11th of July, with the cut-off being midnight ET, or 9 pm PT, or 5 am the next morning BST Diamond will continue Monday FOC for[...]
Marvel Cancels Diamond Orders Must Reorder On New Terms
Instead, they must be reordered from Diamond using the new less favourable terms, or through Penguin Random House's possibly less favourable terms These have been added to this month's Previews – which explains why the collection list is so long in the September solicitations The shoes have started to drop… Cancels Diamond Orders Must Reorder On[...]
Marvel Square Logo
After Diamond Comic Distributors lost 85% of DC Comics direct market distribution to its own biggest customer, DCBS, in the form of Lunar Distribution, it then appears to have lost the same amount of Marvel Comics direct market distribution to its Maryland neighbour, Penguin Random House However, Diamond had a get-out clause, those stores that[...]
First Reactions To Marvel Comics/Penguin Random House/Diamond News
Penguin Random House is starting to up the game as they get closer to becoming Marvel's exclusive direct market distributor to the direct market of North America It looks like that, as with DC Comics, Diamond UK's monopoly on the direct market of Marvel may be retained – I'm trying to get further confirmation on[...]
Retailer Exclusive Marvel Covers Only Through Penguin Random House
Bleeding Cool understands that Marvel Comics will only be offering retailer exclusive covers of comic books directly through their new exclusive direct market distributor Penguin Random House Retailers, shows, subscription boxes, or creator studios will not be allowed to order them through the wholesale distributor, Diamond. Bleeding Cool has been looking at the  Diamond/Penguin Random House/Marvel[...]
PRH Extends Comic Shop Marvel Registration Deadline to 21st Of May
Marvel Comics and Penguin Random House (PRH) have told comic book stores that they are extending the deadline to apply for comic book stores for an account with Penguin Random House until Friday, the 21st of May Otherwise, they will start missing out on Marvel titles shipping in October – or before They state; As a[...]
Hector Torres, The New PRH International Comics Senior Sales Manager
Because Penguin Random House (PRH), recently appointed the exclusive direct comic book distribution company for Marvel Comics, has its sights set on more than the USA More than Canada and the UK as well It appears to be taking the direct market truly global. Which is why, as part of PRH's ramping up of their International[...]
Matthew Klein Leaves Valiant For Penguin Random House & Marvel Comics
Next month, Matthew Klein joins the Penguin Random House Direct Comic Market Sales team, led by Tyne Hunter, exclusively distributing Marvel Comics to the direct market of comic book shops. Matthew Klein is currently Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Valiant Entertainment, and has been for three years, but will be leaving to join Penguin[...]
Tyne Hunter, The New Face of Marvel Comics At Penguin Random House
Who is Tyne Hunter? Two days ago, Bleeding Cool reported the news that Marvel Comics was moving its exclusive direct market business to Penguin Random House and away from Diamond Comic Distributors Although retailers could still order through Diamond, as a wholesale customer of Penguin Random House We also had 52 questions asked and answered[...]
Why Marvel Comics Didn't Go "All-In" With Penguin Random House
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported the news that Marvel Comics was moving its exclusive direct market business to Penguin Random House and away from Diamond Comic Distributors Although retailers could still order through Diamond, as a wholesale customer of PRH. Though, as Bleeding Cool emphasised, "You can order Marvel through Diamond and through PRH[...]
Ten Thoughts About Marvel Replacing Diamond With Penguin Random House
Yesterday, Bleeding Cool reported the news that Marvel Comics was moving its exclusive direct market business to Penguin Random House and away from Diamond Comic Distributors Although retailers could still order through Diamond, as a wholesale customer of PRH. Though, as Bleeding Cool emphasised, "You can order Marvel through Diamond and through PRH[...]
When Marvel Left Diamond For PRH – The Daily LITG, 26th March 2021
You can sign up to receive it as an e-mail here. Daily LITG: Marvel Leaves Diamond For Penguin Random House – the ten most-read stories yesterday… The world keeps turning, and America is beginning to heal from all the burns Even if a few scabs need pulling off first. Marvel Exclusively Distributed To Comic Shops By Penguin Random[...]
First Reactions To Marvel Comics/Penguin Random House/Diamond News
Bleeding Cool ran the news earlier today, that Marvel Comics was to be exclusively distributed to comic shops by Penguin Random House But that stores can still order through Diamond – just that Diamond will now be a customer of Penguin Random House, like every comic shop There may be some amortisation of shipping costs[...]